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DMV Follies

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  • DMV Follies

    <putting this in Roadkill because it's vehicle-related>

    Well, time to get my license renewed. I have a phobia about going to
    DMV, as it always seems to go wrong. Either they're closed, or I don't
    have the right documents, or didn't check the right box on the form,
    or the clerk decides I've forged the documents and says she will have
    to refer them "to the audit division" so I can be "subject to
    imprisonment up to 3 years and /or a $10,000 fine". Admittedly, a 20
    year old Toyota Camry with 100K+ miles is a prize that a man might
    play a desperate game for, but it was legit. Swear to God.

    So, I spent all night gathering documents proving I am a
    citizen, that I was born here, that I live here, that I pay bills
    here, and a certificate from the local cell of Al-Qaeda that I am not
    a dues-paying member. The next afternoon, I get my hair cut and head
    down to DMV. Now, I forgot they close at 3:45, but I got there at
    3:30, and get in line behind some kid who really needed to be stamped
    on the forehead, "Cannot Follow Simple Verbal Instructions". After
    several eternities had elapsed, they dispensed him elsewhere, and it
    was my turn.

    So, I submitted my papers, signed inside the white box (on the
    first try, unlike some other people!), got my mug shot taken, and
    gathered my documents and forms together while I waited for the clerk
    to call my assigned number. Just as I was leaving, the supervisor
    realized that they forgot to give me my birth certificate and Social
    Security card back from the flatbed scanner....would have been nice to
    lose those.

    Just before I had completed filling out the required form, they
    called my number. I grabbed the bag of papers and rushed over. I
    pushed to documents through the window as I checked the last few boxes
    and signed in eight or nine places of the DMV form. The clerk started
    typing everything into the system. I pull out my check, so I can start
    filling it out. That's when the clerk uttered the words that chilled
    my blood:
    "The system's gone down".

    Yep. 30 seconds before I would have been done, the whole system,
    statewide, allegedly crashed.
    "I'm sorry", the clerk smirked. " I can't finish the transaction,
    because the system is down. You'll have to come back tomorrow."
    Um, yeah. I have to *work* tomorrow. I took a vacation day, partly to
    get this out of the way. Yes, I want to wake up *extra early*
    tomorrow, so I can come back tomorrow and start the whole process
    over. Yes, I'm back to square one, apparently. Line, photo, eye test,
    the whole enchilada.

    Odd how they close at 3:45, and the system crashed at exactly
    3:45. Wish the registers at work would do that.


  • #2
    I considered myself lucky a couple of weeks ago then when I went to get a learner's permit (still don't have license and let the previous one lapse several years ago . . .long story in itself.)

    Only waited about an hour and all I had to take with me was my expired permit - even though I had my social security card and a copy of my birth certificate (just in case b/c my state's DMV website wasn't very clear on what was needed) they weren't needed.

    I was done in less than an hour after my number was called . . .only missed one question out of 20 on the test, passed the eye and sign tests and had the mug shot.

    Sucky part of it was the fact that I was given a 20 day temporary certificate and they had to mail my actual permit to me in the mail from Raleigh (they don't print them in house now like they used to.) But even so, it only took me a week.

    I guess some states are different than others when it comes to licenses and such.
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


    • #3
      They make you do so much work just to get renewed

      We only need the notice we got in the mail saying that it should be renewed (which I've lost before and had no issues without it) and ID. Nothing to fill out at all. Take a number, get called, ask for renewal, they type stuff on computer, get told to sit down, get called, take photo & sign and wave buh bye. I get my card in the mail (tho some places can print it, I think).

      Really sorry that the system shut down on you. I hate wasting time, especially when I've made sure to set aside a specific time for it.


      • #4
        I got my license renewed on Tuesday. I was in there a grand total of 30 minutes I think. It was simple and fast and they printed it out for me there.
        It's crazy how different my two pix look. I've changed so much.
        So you've had such bad luck with the DMV.
        Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
        Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


        • #5
          Update: I made it in Friday AM before work, and everything went fairly smoothly, although the first lady rushed me (there was nobody behind me).

          Clarification: I was moving from a regular to an "enhanced" license; this lets you cross into Canada, Mexico, and other places via land or water. Figured it might be a good thing to have in this post-911 world. I also wanted a new picture, since the present one is from about '90, when I had long metalhead hair. I got a military type cut for the picture- big difference!

          Now, the only thing I have to do is put my name on the mail box. When I got my first license, I was showered, shaved and lookin' good for the picture. After waiting for about a month for the license to show up, I finally went to DMV to inquire. Turns out my license was returned to the state capitol, because I didn't have my name on the mailbox. When I asked them to re-send it, they said it had been destroyed, but they would make a new one for me. So, for 8 years I had a photo of me, unshowered, unshaven, and looking rather dazed.

          Now, my name wasn't on my mailbox, but not three inches from it there is a bakelite nameplate with my name on it. I have a single family house in a decent area; I can't believe they didn't deliver my license. "Rules is rules" I guess.



          • #6
            Is the enhanced one the one that replaces the passport for trips like that?

            And very strange about the name issue! Never heard that before lol


            • #7
              Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
              Sucky part of it was the fact that I was given a 20 day temporary certificate and they had to mail my actual permit to me in the mail from Raleigh (they don't print them in house now like they used to.) But even so, it only took me a week.
              That's how NY does theirs, at least ever since I've been driving. When I got my permit they gave me the paper temporary copy and the actual permit came in the mail two weeks later. Same for when Hubby and I both recently updated our stuff at the DMV. Paper copy now, official copy in the mail two weeks later.

              I'm still happy with how easy it was to renew in NY last year, though. I even got to do it by mail. The biggest hassle was getting the eye test paperwork filled out.

              My biggest "folly" with the DMV was a little tamer, thankfully. I was getting my name changed on my license post-marriage. Went into the NY DMV with the marriage certificate among other things, only to find out that they wanted the certificate "with the official seal on it." Our certificate, from the temple we were married in in Boston, has no official seal. We were confused, and had to explain to the woman at the desk that this was all we were given, nothing else from the state of Massachusetts. She finally took it to ask her supervisor, who said we could use it. I'm still not sure what she was looking for, either.
              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


              • #8
                Quoth Plague*Star View Post
                Clarification: I was moving from a regular to an "enhanced" license; this lets you cross into Canada, Mexico, and other places via land or water. Figured it might be a good thing to have in this post-911 world.
                Actually, you can cross into Canada without either a passport or an "enhanced" license - crossing back into the U.S. is another story.
                Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                • #9
                  Quoth Slayer View Post
                  Is the enhanced one the one that replaces the passport for trips like that?

                  And very strange about the name issue! Never heard that before lol
                  Yes, I can now go to Canada, Mexico, and places in the Caribbean. Of course, I don't usually go more than 25 miles from home,'s now an option.

                  I printed a name tag and stuck it on the mailbox tonight. I have my name and my house number right on the front door.....when I worked for the USPS I was amazed how many houses had no name, no number...not a clue.
                  "Our pizza's cold!!! What took you so loooong! Eleventy!"



                  • #10
                    Hate when that happens, only got that situation once, where a system crashed however they gave me a priority return number for the next day so I could be seen first..
                    Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
                    pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


                    • #11
                      Admittedly, a 20 year old Toyota Camry with 100K+ miles is a prize that a man might play a desperate game for, but it was legit. Swear to God.
                      quite a find you made. Mine is only about 11 years old but I'm the second owner so it's still under 100K I think. Getting close though. The original owner didn't drive it much I think.

                      and i understand the hell you speak of.
                      i went to get the enhanced NY license a couple of years ago - the kind you can use to go across the border to Canada with. So I had to have all sorts of proof that I was really me and a citizen.

                      over the phone the dmv told me that my receipt for a new SSN card is valid for license. In person however they said "NO".

                      Thankfully I turned out to have a w2 stuffed in my glovebox and used that.

                      Good thing too cos my SSN card didn't get to me for MONTHS.

