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New Neighbor

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  • New Neighbor

    Note** I only have driving stories (and a lot of them) because I had to pick up hours here and there to make ends meet since being laid off. I spend hours a day driving.

    We had a new neighbor move in a few houses down from me. This asshat is determined to cause an accident. He seems to think that he ALWAYS has the right of way and that traffic laws do not apply to him.

    Three days ago: Hubby was returning home. He approached the intersection near our house. This intersection has stop signs at three corners and people coming up the hill have right of way. Hubby was coming up the hill. Neighbor pulls a rolling stop and almost gets t-boned by hubby. Neighbor gives hubby dirty looks.

    Two days ago: I was coming up the same hill. It is in a residential neighborhood with speed limits of 25 mph. Neighbor approaches the same stop sign going well over the speed limit and does not even attempt to slow down. I came about a foot from t-boning him. The idiot glares at me with the dirty looks.

    Dude, you are not some special snowflake that is exempt from traffic laws. I will laugh at you when you cause an accident and have to take responsibility for the damage to both vehicles.

    I feel bad for the neighbor who lives on that corner because she is constantly treated to the sounds of horns now that this idiot is driving around.

  • #2
    Don't you love people like that? With any luck, he's going to get his soon. Although I'll bet he'll blame the other party.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      Many people don't understand that stop signs are used on both all-way-stop intersections, where everyone has to stop and take turns, and on intersections where cross-traffic has the right of way. IMO it's actually a failure in the sign system; there really ought to be two different types of signs used on the different intersections. (Some areas put a small "4-way" or "all-way" label below the sign, which is also inadequate IMO.)

      Several years ago I had someone pull out from a stop sign in front of me on a highway; I T-boned them in my Ford Bronco doing 55 MPH. It was quite a mess.


      • #4
        Yes, his attitude suggests that he will try to blame any other drivers for an accident. His insurance company will see it differently if he fails to obey traffic laws


        • #5
          I have a similar situation with the exit I take to go to work each morning. I'll provide the following graphic to (hopefully) explain it best:

          Point A: People coming from the east towards town turn and stop here to get onto I-79.
          Point B: People getting off I-79 northbound stop here.
          Point C: This is where people getting onto I-79 northbound go if they are coming from the east and turning across.
          Point D: People turning left from the exit ramp cross this point to go westbound. Note the lack of a stop sign here.

          I always get off I-79 here and stop at point B. Point A also has a stop sign. People coming from the west have the right of way. It never fails that this happens: I have pulled to a complete stop at point B. Someone afterwards pulls up to Point A, but there is someone heading eastbound. So I wait until that person passes, and start to pull out, and the person at point A floors it to go first. Or, someone will pull up to Point A as I'm about to go, not even stop as they blow through the sign, and nearly hit me. Even better, someone will be behind a person stopped at point A, and when the stopped person goes, they blow the sign and go right on through after them.

          Worse yet, I'll point out that people who pull from Point B across to Point D are in a lane that starts there, and there's a solid white line for about 20 feet after that point. The other morning someone coming from the east gets right to where that lane starts just as I'm pulling across into my lane, starts crossing the solid line to get into my lane, and nearly hits me. Then has the balls to honk at me. He got himself a nice one finger salute.

          Seriously, though, I hate this intersection with a passion. This stuff happens nearly every day.
          A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


          • #6
            I have a nasty intersection by me, and I'm just waiting for someone to hit me as I make my turn.

            We have jughandles in NJ, so you can't just turn right or left off many roads. Oh no. You have to exit right, and either continue right, or go left, and up to the road you just turned off of, and turn left, to go back the other way.

            So the intersection in question has a jughandle. I take it, and continue right onto a road that runs perpendicular to the one I just got off of. At the end of the "ramp" there's a stop sign. Just beyond that, is a three way stop, with both stop signs, and blinking lights. So when I hit MY stop sign, I then have to make a quick, sharp left. And as I've already stopped, and the intersection is a THREE way stop, All cars coming from my direction have the right of way.

            So the way it goes is I exit off, stop, turn right, then a quick left, and darned if I don't have to dodge traffic from three different directions, none of whom can wait for me and the cars behind me to go.


            • #7
              You think this clod has insurance? I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
              Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

