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Let's start off easy...

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  • Let's start off easy...

    I'm a new member here, and thought I'd just say hello. =^_^=

    I've worked at several different mini-mart-style gas stations over the year (as well as being a blackjack dealer), and now work as customer service for a truck company's parts department.

    So, you know I've got some stories...

    I'll start off with a few quickies for now. I swear to god, these really happened.

    1.) Working cashier at a gas station. Our PIN pads were heavily-abused, and didn't work very well, so I had to instruct most people to press firmly.

    Me: Enter your code, and press hard.
    Customer presses a few buttons, then starts searching the keypad. After a minute, he looks up at me, and asks, "Where's the HARD key?"

    2.) Selling restricted items is a terrific source of stupid-customer stories. I've dealt with cigarettes, alcohol, and nudie magazines. Of those three, I've never had problems with customers of the nudie magazines...

    I've had customers try to buy cigarettes with temporary licenses a few times, but the one that really took the cake was the guy who tried to get me to sell him cigarettes with a photocopy of his driver's license. He insisted - long and loud - that it was legal, that any cop could prove who he was with it (probably true, they have access to resources I don't), and that I was a moron for not accepting it.

    The kicker: The reason he only had a photocopy? His actual license had been taken by a police officer when he was caught driving drunk.

    3.) More fun with restricted items. I once had a guy rush into our store at 1:55 AM (Yes, I worked the graveyard shift. Sure, it's more dangerous, but it's also more peaceful. Most of the time.), looking for beer. This particular mini-market was too small to bother with alcohol or a liquor license, so I told him no, and told him where the nearest store that sold alcohol was - a mile away. He made it very clear that he thought we had done him a grave disservice by not having the beer he wanted, and broke several traffic laws leaving the station. I didn't tell him that the store I referred him to routinely locked their beer cooler 5 minutes early...

    Why do people need last-second alcohol? Isn't that something you should stock up on at a reasonable hour, and get blitzed in the privacy of your own home?

  • #2
    Quoth Nekojin View Post
    Why do people need last-second alcohol? Isn't that something you should stock up on at a reasonable hour, and get blitzed in the privacy of your own home?
    According to my cousin Mike who workd the graveyard shift in a gas station/store, no.
    Some people even tried to bribe him with 20$ so he could pull out sum beer for them.

    He figured he wouldn't lose his job over a twenty, so no.
    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


    • #3

      Yes, restricted items are always fun, arent' they?

      I used to work at a supermarket, and for part of my time there I worked the "smoke shop" (interestingly, I started that while i was 17, and the legal age for smokes is 18......). I never had too much trouble with people trying to buy cigarettes who shouldn't, but there were a couple noteworthy incidents.

      Like the guy who didn't bother to bring his ID. State law required me to card anyone who looked younger than 30. This particular guy looked like he could be easily in his 20s, but since he had no ID, I can't be sure of that. Therefore, NO SMOKES FOR YOU!

      "I'm in here all the time!"

      Perhaps that is so, but I have never seen you.

      "I know Melissa!" (Melissa was a service counter clerk)

      Good for you. Too bad that Melissa can't overrule me, nor is she my boss, nor is she even a manager. She has no authority whatsoever. So that is hardly a threat, sir. Goodbye
      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        Quoth Nekojin View Post
        Me: Enter your code, and press hard.
        Customer presses a few buttons, then starts searching the keypad. After a minute, he looks up at me, and asks, "Where's the HARD key?"
        Uh... right before the "TIME" key perhaps?
        Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


        • #5
          People seem to forget that it doesn't matter if you're old enough or have shown your id on previous visits, it is the law to have it with you and to be asked to show it! Am I wrong?

