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How much more vague can you get? (very short)

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  • #31
    Know what I found weird about the movie Clerks? Every customer said "a pack of cigarettes", but never said what brand. I know the movie is 13 years old, but there have been many brands of ciggs for many years. One of those things I don't get....

    When customers used to walk up to the counter and say "Gimme a pack of smokes", I'd stand there and stare at them until they said what brand.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #32
      It is sad that I immediately thought of Turistas when I read the original post. I guess it was the endless commercials and the big display of that movie right near the entrance of my work. Right next to the display of Happy Feet...what a weird combo to have displayed near each other.


      • #33
        I got that ALL THE FREAKING TIME in the craft store....

        Hi, Im looking for this thing, that does you know... beading stuff and its grey?

        then they had the nerve to get pissy when I would dare to ask more details.... in most cases I directed them to the asile and left it at that. That store was WAY to busy to spend 10 minutes figuring out what every nub at crafting wanted or needed.

        You dont go to wal mart for a personal shopper, and you dont go to a discount craft store for lessons or advice. Its a self service store.
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #34
          I'm just now recalling a time when I hit a bookstore and couldn't remember carp about the book I was looking for.

          All I could come up with was that it was romance (yeah, that's narrows it down lots [/sarcasm]), the author was female (yeah, as useful as the first part), it was humorous (now we have some actually useful information, though still only marginally), and that it had a horror movie sort of theme. I didn't really expect any help from the clerk, and the clerk just shook her head helplessly.

          If anyone cares, the book in question was The Remarkable Miss Frankentstein by Minda Webber. I'd read the sequel, The Reluctant Miss Van Helsing. The spelling and grammar are brain-numbingly bad, and the editing is pretty much non-existant. However, it has a delightfully absurd premise and the story itself is actually rather delightful. That is, if you can resist the urge to break out an editing pencil and wear it down to a nub while you read....

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #35
            Quoth chainedbarista View Post
            hey, at least she didn't say 'i'm looking for a movie...' and leave it at that.

            looking for a movie, in a movie rental place...*head explodes*
            I did that the other day. I walked into one of the testing centers on campus and approached the desk. The girl behind it asked, "How can I help you?"

            I worked in another testing center for a few months about two years ago. I know the stupid questions that students ask at that counter. I said, "Wel... heh heh... you're not going to believe this, but... I'm here to take a test."

            The girl laughed hysterically. She was laughing so hard that the other students taking tests in the next room (I could see them through the windows the employees there use to watch for cheaters) even looked up to see what was going on.

            When she regained her composure, she asked me what test I needed. Knowing full well there were about 25 Psychology tests available at any given week in the semester, I said, "The Psychology one," and she set to laughing again.

            Then, of course, I told her the real test I needed like any intelligent person would.

            I think I'm funny like that.
            I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
            - Bill Watterson

            My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
            - IPF


            • #36
              I've gotten countless request for that mysterious book with the blue cover over the years. It's always boggled my mind, even beyond trying to figure out what book they want. Long after the customer left I would still be wondering why it's almost always blue-covered books that people can't remember anything about. Most of all though, if you don't know the title of the book, you don't know who the author is and you don't even know what it's about, why do you want it??


              • #37
                My ex-husband and I, back when we were married, were at a party with some friends.... he's in a conversation across the room from me..... he calls over, "I can't think of the name of this movie! It had that guy.... you know, he was in that movie with the other guy!"...

                Now I have no clue how I guessed this, but I did. I called back "You mean
                The Mexican, with Brad Pitt who was in The Devil's Own with Harrison Ford?" and he goes "Yeah, that's the one!"

                All conversation in the room stopped DEAD and everybody just kind of stared at us.... it was really freakin embarassing The worst part was, neither of us had even *SEEN* The Mexican... edited to add: I still get teased about this, both by my ex-husband, and by everyone in that particular group of friends.
                Last edited by tollbaby; 04-05-2007, 07:12 PM. Reason: adding...
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #38
                  This is a little different, but we used to call understanding vague comments and questions "getting hetal-speak". Cause my friend Hetal would say things like "Let's go to that place we went that time. You know with the food and the chairs and stuff?"

                  And the said part is, we'd understand her.
                  "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

                  I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


                  • #39
                    Quoth BusyBee View Post
                    "Hey, I'm looking for that movie? Y'know, it has that guy in it? Y'know, the guy! With the face?! And he has the hair... and oh! He was in that other movie with that woman... Y'know the woman from that action movie. Anyway he was in that movie with her. Not the one I'm looking for, the other one. Anyway the one I want, it has that other chick in it too, I'm sure you'd know her, she's from that comedy?"
                    The movie you're looking for is Lake House. It's located on the New Release wall.

                    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                    ~TechSmith 314
                    HellGate: London


                    • #40
                      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                      Reminds me of the woman who was looking for a book, it started with the word "The." She seriously thought I could do a search with that. (And for you BNers out there, this was before Bookmaster, when you couldn't even do a keyword search without crashing the computer. We used to have to be really careful about logging off the computers on the floor, lest some hapless SC decide they couldn't be bothered to find an employee and just try to use the computer themselves.)

                      Arrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh...the whole damn thing would freeze up - even ON Bookmaster. You'd have to hard boot the damn computer. Never failed that someone would always leave the children's computer on and people would be searching for "The". That's as bad as the ba-zillion people who have asked me for a song that has "love" in it. You know - the new one!

                      Quoth Hraesvelg7 View Post
                      I've gotten countless request for that mysterious book with the blue cover over the years. It's always boggled my mind, even beyond trying to figure out what book they want. Long after the customer left I would still be wondering why it's almost always blue-covered books that people can't remember anything about. Most of all though, if you don't know the title of the book, you don't know who the author is and you don't even know what it's about, why do you want it??
                      At Borders, we decided to make the Blue Book table. This was back before every area in the whole store was planogrammed and co-oped out. We made a huge sign that said "I don't know what it's called - but it's blue!" and hung it above one of the huge pine tables. There was no theme or genre, except every book on there was blue. The SM was really pissed but she laughed anyway. Wouldn't you know it - that table sold like CRAZY! We put the most random never sold in the store before books on there and it SOLD. I'll never forget that. Those were fun times.
                      Last edited by Luna; 04-06-2007, 06:35 AM.
                      If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.

