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HHHZ Trivia Rant Session

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  • HHHZ Trivia Rant Session

    Content may not be appropriate for anyone

    Situation #1: It's a busy day and your store ran out of large bags but shipment is coming in on Tuesday. You get a customer who buys Paper towels and Some Mats. The customer asks for large bags for the Mats and Paper Towels. You tell her that you don't have any large bags. After you tell her that you are out of bags she demands them anyways because she is catching the bus and she needs to carry her stuff

    WHAT.........THE........HELL.......DO.......YOU... ..DO?
    What the hell do you do? Do you

    A. Tell her "What do you expect me to do, get a large bag out of my ass?"
    B. Get the Bag provider for the store to hurry up with the large bags because there's a customer waiting for one.
    C. Give her a Garbage bag.

    Situation#2: You are a CSM or a Courtesy Clerk. You have line-ups of like 30 people in each till, you page for more till trained associates but no-body's coming, you get a bitchy, angry customer come up to you and asks for more cashiers.

    WHAT.........THE........F*CK.......DO.......YOU... ..DO?
    What the f*ck do you do? do you

    A. Tell her to shop somewhere less busy if you don't want to wait in line
    B. Page for more till trained associates even though nobody will come
    C. Tell her "What do you expect me to do? grab a Cashier out of my ass?"

    Situation#3: It's a very busy day. You are scanning this elderly lady's crapload of groceries and chemicals. After taking about 10 minutes to finish ringing everything through and bagged the Elderly Lady thinks you remember every single item in detail and gives you a S#itload of Coupons AFTER you put her stuff through.

    WHAT.........THE........F*CKINGHELL.......DO...... .YOU.....DO?

    What the f*cking hell do you do? do you

    A. Tell her it's too busy and you can't accept her coupons because she gave them to you after you rang her stuff through.
    B. Take more time again to go through every single item and see if the coupon is valid for that. Meanwhile the guy behind her says C'MON and you THINK but NOT say "Well go to another line if you don't want to wait.
    C. Ring every single coupon through anyway. See if you can risk the people working in Accounting BICHING at you for using THE WRONG COUPONS!! GRRRRR!!

    Situation #4: You are working the express tills and your line-up is like 15 people long and the other tills have 30 people. You are supposed to enforce the 10 items or less rule on your till. Some asshat who can't count, read or doesn't give a shit about what he's doing comes with a shitload of cans, clothes and duo-tangs.

    WHAT.........THE........HELL.......DO.......YOU... ..DO?

    What the hell do you do? do you

    A: Tell the SC to go to another lineup since the sign clearly says "10 items or less" and maybe the Jerk will know next time to read and pay attention.
    B: Serve him anyways
    C: Ring 10 of his items and tell him in wait in line again because that how much you are allowed to scan per customer, or another option is to tell him to go to a NON-EXPRESS till.

    Situation#5: It's a busy day and you are just ringing up some people through real fast to get the highest IPH in the store and you want to achieve that goal. Some cheapskate tells you the chips are $1.85 and they are scanning at $1.75

    WHAT.........THE........CRAP.......DO.......YOU... ..DO?

    What the crap do you do? do you
    A: Give the customer 10 cents because it's nonsense that she stops you on a busy day for a stupid 10 cent price check.
    B: Call for a price check anyways
    C: Tell her 'Im serious, that's the right priced I checked it before (EVEN though you didn't).

    Situation#6: You are just starting your shift. You're counting your float with your close sign up. Someone bothers you and asks if you are openING (EMPHASIS ON THE ING!!)

    WHAT.........THE........HOLY.......CRAP.......DO.. .....YOU.....DO?
    What the holy crap do you do? do you

    A: Assume that she also means "are you open?" and tell her "I'm closed, my signs up".
    B: Ignore her
    C: Say for security purposes I can't tell you when I am opening my till. Please wait a moment and I will tell everyone when I am open.. Show some consideration for others waiting.
    Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.

  • #2
    Man, it sounds like you've had a rough day!

    *passes the plate of cookies*
    -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
    -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


    • #3
      Some cheapskate tells you the chips are $1.85 and they are scanning at $1.75
      My response. "And...? You're getting them cheaper if you don't bother me... they rang up at $1.75!"
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        My response. "And...? You're getting them cheaper if you don't bother me... they rang up at $1.75!"
        Whoops. It's supposed to say it's scanning at 1.85 and the customer wants it for 1.75. Though I've heard of a situation like that before!!
        Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


        • #5
          You do the same thing for all six SCs.

          You furtively push the secrt button under the counter that activates the trap door and sends the SC tumbling down into the

          I can dream, can't I? Mua ha ha ha ha ha.....
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            I'm assuming I want to keep my job after these?
            I AM the evil bastard!
            A+ Certified IT Technician


            • #7
              Quoth HALFHUMANHALFZOMBIE View Post
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              C: Say for security purposes I can't tell you when I am opening my torture rack. Please wait a moment and I will tell everyone when I am open.. Show some consideration for others waiting.

              Lol who put Torture Rack there?
              Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


              • #8
                Oh yeah, it's 4/1 isn't it...

                Or as the Yurpeans would say, 1/4...

                Anyhow, I believe that cash register got wordfiltered...
                Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


                • #9
                  Yep, folks..check the date of the posts.

                  April 1 means Raps always has a few surprises in store.
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #10
                    was this just a case of things snowballing? Cause most of these seriously don't sound all that sucky. Yeah, the guy going through the express with a full cart did, and Miss "pull a bag out of your ass" was a bit much, but the rest? just normal customers, in my experience....
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #11
                      Quoth tollbaby View Post
                      was this just a case of things snowballing? Cause most of these seriously don't sound all that sucky. Yeah, the guy going through the express with a full cart did, and Miss "pull a bag out of your ass" was a bit much, but the rest? just normal customers, in my experience....
                      That's kind of the sad part of it, isn't it, that these are things we now consider "normal" customers? If I ever lost control of myself enough to demand more cashiers when obviously the ones who are there are doing all they can, I would be ashamed of my behavior. And if I didn't state "coupons" right at the beginning of the transaction, I wouldn't expect the store cashier to be able to just do them all straight away because I know they have to attach to certain things at certain times...I knew that from the time I was nine years old!

                      Not knocking on you at all, just saying it's sort of pathetic that this is the sort of thing that passes for normal anymore.
                      "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

