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Damn you, Nintendo

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  • #31
    Quoth greensinestro View Post
    I have also seen this happen in local bookstores and music stores. ... "Don't give me that crap! I know you all have 50 copies of it in the back, but you just won't put it out until the adveritised release date. I demand you go back there and get me one now!"
    If employees could just sell them whenever to whomever they want to - what would be the point of an official release date? Sorry, buddy - you have to wait like everyone else. *sheesh*


    • #32
      I was visiting my boyfriend when the Wii made it's debut. We got up early that morning, went to the Circuit City, sat outside for opening, and bought four consoles, Zelda games, various accessories, and then stored them away for the Christmas rush. The money he made with them on eBay ensured he came to see me on my birthday. :-D


      • #33
        I don't see why people cannot wait until they are readily available.

        I got a Super Nintendo in 2002, and it was the first console I ever had. Got a PS1 later that year, and didn't get my PS2 till last year. And I only buy used games.

        What exactly is the big deal in playing with something or the new game when it first comes out? Other than bragging rights? (And seriously who's impressed by that).


        • #34
          As a matter of fact, I decided I wasnn't going to get one for at least a year or two (I only just got my Gamecube a couple of years ago). But then I was at walmart a couple of nights ago after work and overheard someone else asking the guy in Electronics about when the Wii's were coming in. He said they got a shipment that day, but the 12 units that came in were gone within a couple of hours. So I tried my walmart when I got home (I live in a smaller city than were I work so I thought maybe there'd be a chance), but they were sold out too. So then yesterday I called out to Gamestop just in the off-chance they had one, and I wasn't going to cry if they didn't or anything because I knew what to expect, and they said they were expecting a shipment in the next couple days and that their truck usually comes in between 12 and 2. I was going clothes shopping anyway and one of the stores I like to go to is next door to Gamestop. I went out there and asked the kid if they had come in, and he said not yet. By this point, I had full-fledged Wii fever, so I thought I'd stick around a bit. 10 minutes later the truck came in and I walked out with a new Wii. If it hadn't been for my awesome tax return this year, I wouldn't even had considered buying one until much later, but I got a lot more than I was expecting and I've been little Ms Shopaholic the last few days!

          And the Wii is fun as heck, too, in case you're wondering. I bought Warioware: Smooth Moves, but spent most of the day playing Wii Sports that comes with it. There's even an exercise game on there (but doing almost anything is a workout), so I'm not being bad by playing

          The only thing I regret is that I went on ebay last night and it suddenly hit me that I could have afforded to buy a second Wii and made a couple hundred bucks. But I guess that wouldn't have been fair to someone who could have come into the store to buy one.
          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


          • #35
            I'm not a gamer at all and have only played games a few times with my nephews. But I've been hearing about how great the Wii is, and I just found out the other day that said nephews are pooling their allowances and all extra money they make to buy a Wii. They should have enough in a couple more months and now I find I'm actually looking forward to trying it out! I hope I'm not an addict-in-waiting!
            "Full price for gum?! That dog won't hunt, monsignor." - Philip J. Fry


            • #36
              JetFireRules...........don't worry about that statement at all. I'm sure a lot of people have already gotten very "lucky" multiple times with their video game systems. You are most definetly not alone.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #37
                Funny thing: Just had a co-worker ask me about Wii pricing and availability.

                Turns out his daughter (she's 12) has been asking him about getting one.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #38
                  I used to stake out my local Wal-mart electronics department in the mornings on the hopes a shipment came in. I was able to find out they didn't come in the same day each week, but I WAS able to figure out WHEN they would be put on the floor if they came in that day so whenever I could I'd drop into the store about 20 or so mintues before they might be coming to the floor and wait. Scored three of em that way, one for me, one for a friend and one for Ebay.

                  Also the games store I used to work at is in the same area as the wal-mart and evidently the same delivery guy handles both stores. I was walking over there one day and he was just leaving. He caught sight of me and called me over to his truck. "Hey CC, I just dropped off some Wiis at Walmart" *wink*

                  It's great to have connections.


                  • #39
                    This thread has given me flash backs. I worked KB Toys during the Christmas of Tickle-Me-Elmo. 1996. I shudder. That was also when the N64 was a big gift with a shortage. I know gamers, it's hard to believe.

                    It got to where I answered the phone: "Thank you for calling KB Toys. We have no TickleMeElmos and no N64. How can I help - " *click*

                    It definitely shortened the phone calls and lessened the abuse.
                    Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                    • #40
                      I'm so glad I have the next couple of days off. That oh, about 300 less Wii questions that I'll get. YAY !!

                      On a side note-

                      Hey Fashion Lad !- What, no Mr. Herriman and Eduardo ? I do like Bloo, too.

                      Remember, Adopt A Thought Day is Saturday !!
                      Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


                      • #41
                        personally, I think it was good of you Kara, not to buy one for eBay. It drives me crazy that there are extra systems floating around that people are buying up to scalp. THAT'S a big part of why the demand is so high and there is no supply to meet it. I'm not after a Wii personally, but there are other limited edition collectibles and things that I have wanted that I was unable to purchase because someone bought out every last one sell on eBay.
                        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                        • #42
                          Quoth Foxglove8778 View Post
                          It got to where I answered the phone: "Thank you for calling KB Toys. We have no TickleMeElmos and no N64. How can I help - " *click*

                          It definitely shortened the phone calls and lessened the abuse.
                          I did the same for a LONG time at my store in regards to the Wii. Sadly it didn't stop them from asking me "when are you getting more" like I was supposed to know of course.

                          On a happier note... I've had my Wii for almost two months now thanks to being lucky on eBay one night. I managed to find someone who literaly just listed it on eBay a few minutes prior for $300 buy it now with Zelda and Red Steel included. The system was "slightly used" but damn if I could tell - other than a few light scuffs on the system it looks new to me. And works brand new. Add in the $20 for shipping and I got a very nice deal indeed. What was even more awesome is that it was shipped the next day (Thursday) and was right in my hands two days later (on Saturday).

                          That Saturday was the most awesome day in a long time for me. Made me nearly forget the nightmares I'd dealt with in regards to being asked 1,000 times a day why we have no Wiis.
                          New England Patirots... FIVE TIME SUPER BOWL CHAMPS!
                          New England Revolution... Will win MLS Cup one day.


                          • #43
                            Quoth bignorm96 View Post
                            From the commercials, it doesn't look impressive enough for me to make an ass of myself in any electronics store. Maybe someone could enlighten me?
                            Everything you need to know about the wii vs the ps3 has been summed up in to a nice little commercial.

                            I don't know about you, but I'm getting me a wii. Rawr!
                            Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


                            • #44
                              .... You're right. That spot does indeed pretty much sum up the differences....

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                              • #45
                                Nobody is stopping these SC's from waiting in line in front of Ye Olde Gaming Source for 12 hours overnight in 15 degree weather, huddled in a tent with six other Wii nuts to get one. Yes, my kids and their friends actually did this. Yes, according to them it was worth every frostbitten fingertip and toe, and, no, you're not going to walk into a store and just pick one up off the shelf. Not for awhile, anyway. But going through hell to get a Wii makes the gaming that much sweeter!
                                It's so nice to be insane; no one asks you to explain...
                                -Helen Reddy

