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Why are you closed Easter Sunday?

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  • Why are you closed Easter Sunday?

    I had this question put to me today, among other examples of suckiness. Why do the morons always visit my till, why why?

    1. The lady who asked the question in the title. Sh asked it in a seriously pissy voice. She also tacked on a demand to see the manager and discuss this with him. I told her to go to Customer Services and ask for the duty manager; she replied, "I don't want to be fobbed off with the duty manager, I want the real manager! *sigh* The manager only ever appears instore in the case of death or destruction; this woman has more chance of seeing the Easter Bunny instore than the manager. None the less, I sent her off to Customer Services to try her luck.

    2. 3 teenage girls. They appeared just before closing time, then proceeded to wander up and down the store, occasionally going up to a till to ask an asinine question, but never even looking like they were buying anything. In the end, they had to be asked to leave; they stood there bitching for a few minutes before they finally left at about 15 minutes past.

    3. The "That's not mine" woman. She picked out 2 items and said "That's not mine" right after I'd scanned them thru the till; yeah, tell me after and not before. Plus, if they're not yours then what are they doing amongst your shopping? She also told me in a patronising way to void them off; funny, that's what I was doing. Grr, I really hate people who feel they have to tell me how to do my job.

    4. Orange bag woman the second. This woman marched up to my till shouting, "Get rid of those disgusting orange bags! I demand that you tell your boss right away!" Again, I dispatched her to Customer Services to try her luck there; I really don't need this on a Sunday.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    I know that someone is changing words because they did last last year. So when I see "duty power crazed person" is that actually the word for man*ger?
    Happy April Fools!
    "I am the me I choose to be"
    -Sydney Poitier
    I (love) "The Office"
    "This month we're having a special on cardstock."
    -Jim Halpert


    • #3
      Why are we closed Easter Sunday? Because the employees deserve to have that day off to spend time with their families, instead of waiting on cows such as that SC?

      I don't think my store should be open on any of the major holidays. There's no reason why you need to buy toilet paper on Thanksgiving Day, or some crappy shirt on Easter. But we are open on those days, and often have big sales running on those days, because the big bosses want to generate more sales and nab bigger bonuses.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        I asked someone in HR why the factory isn't shut down on Easter. They said because it's a religious holiday, and we can't close........

        So then I asked, "Why did we shut down for 2 days on Christmas? Is Christmas not a religious holiday?"

        The deer in the headlights look on a big wig is absolutely priceless. I s-t-i-l-l never got the answer I was seeking.

        I fail to understand why people don't spend holidays with friends and family, and insist on shopping on holidays. Yes, Columbus Day and Memorial Day, fine.....but Easter and Christmas? Good God should have went shopping the day before.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          I think my store is open on Easter. I SWEAR we weren't last year! I had plans and everything, and didn't even think about the schedule until I wrote it down and put it on my calendar! We're a freaking bookstore!! Everything else IS closed and we're going to be packed with all the worst people! ARG!
          First Lesson I learned from working in a bookstore:
          People who can read are made of the same rudeness as those who cannot.


          • #6
            Whiskeyclone has a Cheez-Whiz game on Easter Sunday. I happen to be working on Sunday for these reasons: The game starts at 1 PM. I get paid time and a half and I need the cash. I don't know what it is but whenever I get paid time and a half my SC count increases.
            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


            • #7
              I notice that every Sunday; I get time and a half on Sundays too and it's an SC wonderland. -_-
              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
              My DeviantArt.


              • #8
                Why are we closed Easter Sunday?

                Because in the UK, it's the LAW!! Woohoo!
                Disclaimer - for shops over 3000 sq. ft.


                • #9
                  Quoth blas87 View Post
                  I asked someone in HR why the factory isn't shut down on Easter. They said because it's a religious holiday, and we can't close........

                  So then I asked, "Why did we shut down for 2 days on Christmas? Is Christmas not a religious holiday?"
                  No, Christmas was made into a federal, secular holiday by an Act of Congress signed into law in 1870 by President Grant (that's the guy on your $50 bill). Thank you Bill O'Reilly.


                  • #10
                    Estil.....I work at a factory. I don't know who is on any bill higher than a $20, lol.

                    But thanks for clearing that one up!

                    I still think it's odd we get Memorial Day off and not Easter, though.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Our store is supposed to be closed on Easter, but nobody believes it cuz the bigwigs like to lie throught their teeth. I mean throught their memoes.
                      Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                      "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                        4. Orange bag woman the second. This woman marched up to my torture rack shouting, "Get rid of those disgusting orange bags! I demand that you tell your Capo right away!" Again, I dispatched her to Customer Services to try her luck there; I really don't need this on a Sunday.

                        Who the Hell is she to demand anything. Maybe we can tell her we demand that she leave or we'll file a lawsuit for trespassing. Always one up them and they'll quit. People who're nice the whole way through are panzies (during those times when the person's being an entitlement whore) Better to be logical and rational than cowtow to an SC.

                        When I used to be in retail, I lost 2 jobs for standing up to a customer either for them being (a) unreasonable and (b) berating either myself or a fellow employee in ways way beyond acceptable. Gee I lost a retail job, my life is over

                        Just move on, it ain't worth it. It's freakin Retail!!!!

                        - the exception to this is of course if you really like your job. In which case, hand the loser over to your manager. If the manager's good, things will turn out ok cause they're getting paid more. If it's a bad manager, let them get yelled at -
                        Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                        • #13
                          Okay, maybe I missed the memo or the committee meeting where it was discussed, but I am thoroughly lost: what in the name of Zeus's butthole is this whole "storture rack" thing? I feel like I am trying to read a foreign language, like Greek, or Russian, or Canadian. Can someone help this poor clueless village idiot out please? Thanks.

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jester View Post
                            Okay, maybe I missed the memo or the committee meeting where it was discussed, but I am thoroughly lost: what in the name of Zeus's butthole is this whole "storture rack" thing? I feel like I am trying to read a foreign language, like Greek, or Russian, or Canadian. Can someone help this poor clueless village idiot out please? Thanks.
                            Jester dear, may I refer you to the following thread? XD
                            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                            My DeviantArt.


                            • #15
                              We only have to work on major holidays if we volunteer which I have on occasion and every single time I get several Einsteins that call and say, "Oh it's terrible that you have to work on [insert holiday here]. Why would they make you do that?!?"

                              Um. Because people like you call on holidays?

