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Ignorant, horrid BIATCH!

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  • Ignorant, horrid BIATCH!

    This was not my customer, but I witnessed it yesterday.

    Background: We have a coupon that we gave out last week for customers to use this week. It entitles the customer to £5 off any book priced £9 or more.
    Also. we are running a Harry Potter promotion in which, when you pre-order the new book you get a £5 off voucher good for any book over £10 and a free book. We have posters everywhere promoting this and here is how the poster is layed out:

    £5 book voucher
    Free Mister Monday book
    When you pre-order HARRY POTTER for only £3 deposit!
    Pre-order HARRY POTTER today!

    I was serving my own customer at the till next to my coworker, Allison. I didn't hear the whole start of her conversation, but I got involved in the middle. Our Assistant Manager, Rosemary, was downstairs within earshot. This is what happened:

    R= Assistant Manager, Rosemary

    A- (to me) "Th lady wants this book, it is priced £10.99, but it is coming up on the till as £12.99. She wants to use her £5 voucher...can she"?
    M- "yep, just price override it though and give her her £5 off"

    *Allison does this and keep in mind the woman heard the whole conversation...which lasted a bit longer, but no need for mw to type everything that I it was till function stuff. I continue serving my customer*

    B-"What voucher? You give me the £5 voucher!"
    B-"It says that I get a free £5 voucher today when I spend £10 or more on books!"
    A-"No.......?....Oh, you mean if you pre-order Harry Potter?"
    B-"No! I mean I get a free £5 voucher today...nothing to do witH Harry Potter!" It says it on all the signs!"
    A-"Can you show me where it says that please?"

    *At this point, Allison is being very nice and the customer is getting pissy...they go to the "magical sign" and I watch it unfold*

    B-"See, it says HERE.....FREE £5 voucher today!"
    A-"Yes, but it also says "when you pre-order Harry says it twice"
    B-"Oh, well I didn't read that part. YOU need to make it more clear!"
    A-"Well, I am sorry, but it is head office that makes the signs not us, but I am sorry"
    B-"And besides, when I asked you if I got a £5 voucher, you said yes!"
    A-"I am very sorry, but I thought you asked me if you could use your voucher on the book...see last week we gave out £5 vouchers to spend on books over £ this week, sorry for the mistake"
    B(getting very nasty now)"Well, you need to make sure the signs are clearer"!
    M-"It does say in bold lettering about Harry Potter"
    B- glares at me and says to Allison "Well, I don't want it then" and procedes to slam the book in the bag on the counter.

    *Allison is upset now as she is getting yelled at and treated like crap over a misunderstanding......she goes to give the customer a refund. Now remember when I said the book was ringing up as £12.99, but the customer paid £10.99? Well...because of her being upset, Allison went to give back £12.99 to the customer*

    B-"Ok, now you are going to waste EVEN MORE or my time by giving me the wrong money!" "This is ridiculous!"
    A-"I'm sorry?"
    B-"I only paid £10.99 and now you give me £12.99 back!" "You would have given me the £12.99, I would have left and then had you chasing me to come back because you gave me the wrong money"! "Waste of time!" "I don't believe this"!

    *At this point, Rosemary has heard the whole thing, but let Allison deal with she walks over and asks Allison if she is ok*

    A-"Yeah, I'm fine"
    A-"I am very sorry, here is the £10.99 and your reciept...have a noce day"
    B-"Ugh! Give me my original reciept too!"

    *Allison actually throws the reciept at the customer (hahahahahahahahahahahaha) and says nothing more. Customer has a look of pure shock on her face! She goes straight to Rosemary.....*

    B-"Excuse me, but are you going to stand here letting your worker treat me like this?"
    R-"Treat you like what madam?"
    B-"She just threw the reciept at my threw it at me!"
    R-"I didn't see her throw it at you"
    B-"Oh, so you believe your worker over me...the customer?"
    R-"No, I am just saying that I didn't see it"
    B-"All this over a £5 voucher which I think I am still entitled to"
    R-"You are not entitled to it." "It is only for people who pre-order Harry Potter." It says so on the signs"
    B-"Well, I only reaf the top part, it isn't my problem"

    *Ok, she is admitting that she did not bother to read the whole thing, she didn't even go for the "deceiving text" gag. She actually thought that we still owed her the voucher because she was to lazy to read the rest of the BOLD's not even in small print!*

    R-"I am sorry madam, but you have been nasty to my worker and she really did nothing wrong."
    B-"NOTHING WORNG! She has been rude to me from the time I came up to her till...I have not been tude at all to her..I have been very nice the whole time!" "And I see that you care about your staff before your that true?"
    R-"I do care about customers, and the staff"
    B"You don't care about asked HER if she was ok...what about me?" "You should have asked me if I was ok.....I am the CUSTOMER"!
    R-"Well, I really see nowhere that she has done anything wrong and I am sorry that you feel the way you do" "Have a nice day"

    The customer walked out fuming! It was hilarious! During her conversation with Rosemary Allison to me "Some people just can't let things go". I said "Yeah, it was only a misunderstanding". She glared at us like her life depended on it.
    I mean, come on! Any normal person would have just said that they didn't want the book afterall, got the refund and went on their way. And with the mood she was in, why did she get mad when Allison gave her £2 extra? It was all said as if all this was done on urpose to "get" her......loser! I said that I felt bad for her kids and husband...if she has any!
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    What? You mean it wasn't all done because you're out to get her?
    Did you not get the memo about the TPS reports?
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      Quoth Juwl View Post
      What? You mean it wasn't all done because you're out to get her?
      Did you not get the memo about the TPS reports?
      I'll see that you get a copy of that memo.


      • #4
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        Did you not get the memo about the TPS reports?
        What's this I hear about you having problems with your TPS reports?


        • #5
          Yeaaaah..... about those TPS reports there...


          • #6
            Awful cow. I hope a tornado drops a library on her head.


            • #7
              See, we're putting cover sheets on ALL the tps reports now...

              P.S. She was an idiotic b***h, and I'm glad she got nothing!
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



              • #8
                Disclaimer: The fact that you have a sign only means that an image of the words was projected onto the customer's retinas. It does not imply that the customer's brain processed the meaning of that image.
                The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                The stupid is strong with this one.


                • #9
                  Quoth WHShit View Post
                  R-"I am sorry madam, but you have been nasty to my worker and she really did nothing wrong."
                  B-"NOTHING WORNG! She has been rude to me from the time I came up to her till...I have not been tude at all to her..I have been very nice the whole time!" "And I see that you care about your staff before your that true?"
                  This makes me think of a magazine cover I saw several years ago (1994-1997, during the years I worked at the bookstore). It was one of the big news magazines, Time or Newsweek or the like, and it was about a study done concerning rudeness. An overwhelming majority of poll respondents, something like 90%, believed themselves to have good manners, but believed that everyone else was rude and had poor manners.

                  I remember thinking at the time that someone had to be wrong....
                  He loves the world...except for all the people.
                  --Men at Work


                  • #10
                    Quoth TwoScoopsSciath View Post
                    Awful cow. I hope a tornado drops a library on her head.
                    I substituted tomato for tornado when reading that.
                    ludo ergo sum


                    • #11
                      I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                      "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                      • #12
                        Hell, if I didn't already own it I'd have gone just to get a £3 copy of Mister Monday

                        Garth Nix rocks
                        Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs

