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You work here, so i'll take my anger out on you.

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  • You work here, so i'll take my anger out on you.

    The management of our hotel sucks. Sorry, but i need to rant about this...

    Our wireless internet hasn't worked in months. Certain floors have hardly any connection. And the reason it isn't fixed is that it will cost the owners thousands of dollars. So the people in charge would rather give our customers excuses than a service they pay for and expect.

    To be exact, they give us the excuses to pass along and leave us to deal with the aftermath.

    One regular customer gave me 15 minutes of solid abuse about the shitty internet. After i tried the usual tricks, "i'll restart the system sir" and "here is a technical support number you can call," and my favorite "You're more than welcome to use the internet in the lobby," he calmed down a bit.

    C: "Fella, you lie to me every time i stay here."
    Me: "Well what am i supposed to do? I've told the manager about the internet many times."
    C: "Give me his home number, i'll make sure he knows."
    Me: "No way, if you want to tell him, he'll be here tomorrow at 8 in the morning."
    C: "I'll be gone by then, give me his number, i want to tell him now, since you are incapable of doing anything."
    Me: "You know, if i knew i wouldn't lose my job, you'd have it already, hell i'd even drive you to his house. But i can't do that."

    After that, the conversation degraded to some good old SC'isms:

    C: "This isn't the way to run a hotel."
    C: "I bring thousands of dollars in business to this place."
    C: "You better hope i get compensated."

    What sucks is that he's right. I mean if we advertise something we should have it.

    Hopefully, the management will soon see that this is costing them way more than they're saving. I think our manager is so proud of the cheap way he runs the place, he is afraid to tell the owners that they will have to cough up a pile of cash to fix the problem. But the longer he waits, the worse it gets.

    Greed is a powerful motivator isn't it?

  • #2
    So it is False Advertising somewhat. Your company is lucky, no has tried to sue over that. I mean, what if a business owner is staying there, and they need to use the internet for something?
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      It is rubbish

      I also think this is a crap way to run a business. Its amazing that no-one ever goes into the the amazing suckiness as seen in the vinegar boy saga over stuff like this.
      ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
      Quoth Gravekeeper


      • #4
        Do these people pay extra for the wireless internet?
        This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


        • #5
          Quoth bigjimaz View Post
          Do these people pay extra for the wireless internet?
          It's included in the price. Probably advertised, since people are expecting it.

          That being said... if you're part of a corporation, start handing out the corporate complaint number, or if you don't have one, the corporate phone number.


          • #6
            The owner should really stop advertising wireless internet if they don't have it. I'm not sure if you're part of a corporate chain or anything. If you are, then one of the higher-ups should know what's going on. But hey, I'm not a greedy owner, I don't really know if I understand that "logic."

            Kinda reminds me of the owner of the restaurant I worked at in high school. We were always running out of supplies and the menus were falling apart, but oddly enough, the owner had the money for a new Mercedes convertible...
            "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


            • #7
              Wow that's tough. At least I have the recourse that it often is nobody's fault but the SC when I'm getting yelled at - them having a legitimate complaint would be WAY worse.
              "Sir, I'm afraid that our warranty does not cover hauntings"


              • #8
                Sounds like someone needs to make an anonymous complaint to the Better Business Bureau.
                I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                • #9
                  I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a listing.

                  Unfortunately that really won't do a whole lot of good. This is the sort of matter that needs to either be brought to the attention of higher management, repeatedly, by irate customers, or needs to be the subject of something such as one of those hidden-camera exposes you see on the news every so often, or (lastly) as the basis for a class action suit.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    Ah, they'll eventually do somehting about it. Once the owner sees how much we're losing by pissing off a third of all our customers, that should spur them into action.

                    Our hotel doesn't specifically advertise the wireless internet, its just a brand standard. We're a franchise too so the responsibility lies with the owner.

                    And our owner just bought a Land Rover...


                    • #11
                      Gawd... have I ever been in your shoes. Our brand requires high-speed wireless also. We had it installed, mainly only because we were forced to, and we chose the absolute cheapest option possible. We had a regular guest set it up, actually. It hasn't worked properly since the day it was installed and that was at least a year or two ago. Our brand is cracking down on stragglers in standards though, so things might improve this year or next, but I can guarantee you that it wouldn't at all unless our brand forced it on us.
                      Drive it like it's a county car.

