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Produce Eaters

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  • #31
    My EX was a nibbler when food shopping. It drove me nuts! You're going to be in the store for maybe 30 to 45 minutes. You can live off the fat of the land for that period of time! Going to Costco was a nightmare. He would stalk any and all food samplers, multiple times.
    It's not the years in you life that count, it's the life in your years! - Quote from the office coffee cup.


    • #32
      I think the only thing I have ever eaten in a store was Excedrin. I wouldn't have gotten through the rest of the shopping trip without it, and I did ask the guy in pharmacy if I could before I did it.


      • #33
        Sorry for bumping up my own thread

        Sorry for bumping up my own thread,but I just had to add. I saw on the news that people are getting sick with salmonella & E. coli infections eating unwashed produce. YUCK
        Here Mr Customer, let me pull that out of my arse for you!


        • #34
          Back at my old place there was a supermarket right across the street I would go to almost daily. They have a pick-your-own candy bin priced per the pound and it also has a locked coin box with "SAMPLES 5 CENTS" printed on it.

          I would usually drop a quarter in it and grab five pieces to eat while I shopped. Sometimes if I had no change I would drop in a dollar, take five pieces and they take five more the next three times I came in.

          I always wondered if some employee or busybody fellow customer would accuse me of stealing; especially on the days when I was using up the rest of my dollar!
          You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.


          • #35
            Quoth JustShootMe View Post
            I saw on the news that people are getting sick with salmonella & E. coli infections eating unwashed produce. YUCK
            THIS. This is the reason I don't eat produce like grapes or cherries in a store. To me, unless it's sealed and ready to eat then I wait until I get home and wash them. I will admit though, I'm guilty at opening a bag of dried banana chips or nuts that are usually in the same area and snacking on them while shopping. BUT I always pay for them at the register!


            • #36
              Our bags of cherries/grapes aren't actually sealed, just heavy ziplock-type closures. That doesn't stop people from ripping open the bag and grabbing X amount (which they then put in a clear plastic bag--yes I can see it's 'grapes', but we have about 4 different codes and I need the right one). I know we have grazers too, and call them out when I see them. Not that it does any good; while produce grazing is against the law, someone with power in the store needs to both see them doing it and realize that he needs to do something about it (possible liability issue for the store if someone else gets sick from something a grazer had on their hands). I know the managers know about these people, but good luck getting them to do anything about it (I'm sure they're seen as 'customers' somehow O_o )
              Last edited by Dreamstalker; 07-27-2013, 01:22 PM.
              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


              • #37
                As someone who is part of the "twenty something entitlement" club (or whatever stupid ass name they have for people my age), my mother would have kicked my ass if I did something like that. Needless to say, when I see kids doing it, I tell their parents (not the kids, because then I get in trouble for "disciplining" someone's kid), and they give me the same line I've heard for years "Well, we're GONNA pay for it!" Right. I don't know you from a goddamn hole in the ground. I take it as personally as someone would if a random guest at their house started rummaging through the fridge.

                It's offensive, gross, and unacceptable.


                • #38
                  Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                  Am I abnormal? I would never think of eating produce in the store. oR for that matter the candy bar before checking out or whatever...sheesh.
                  As a kid, I got away with eating one or two grapes in the store, simply because we were paying for it anyway. But trying to do anything else, like eating bananas and broccoli and other things right out of the produce bin would have made me won the DumbAss Child of The Year Aw-

                  Oh...wait, we don't have that anymore because there's simply too many candidates and runner-ups for the award.


                  • #39
                    Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                    Am I abnormal? I would never think of eating produce in the store. oR for that matter the candy bar before checking out or whatever...sheesh.
                    Me neither. One of the stores in my old hometown had drink holders in the shopping carts and actually encouraged customers to open up and enjoy a cold beverage while they shopped. I could never bring myself to do it.


                    • #40
                      On a truly toasty day, I've been known to open an orange soda or Gatorade before I've checked out, and drink it while I'm shopping, but always make a point of letting them know, hey, I drank this, please charge me for it.

                      Now, have I nibbled a bit here and there from the salad bar?

                      Guilty as charged. I love tomatoes!

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #41
                        Quoth JustShootMe View Post
                        The funniest thing I ever found was the underwire from someone's bra.
                        It was chafing me.


                        I mean it was probably done by someone who didn't like underwires because they were uncomfortable....

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."

