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Tales from the Hotel/Lounge: "I'm/We're Getting Sued" edition

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  • Tales from the Hotel/Lounge: "I'm/We're Getting Sued" edition

    Had a woman come up to the desk demanding to speak to the manager at 10:30PM. It just so happens that our GM is also currently our bartender, and she knew this, and demanded that he come speak to her right now.

    Seems she wanted a refund on her Hotel Room, because she had gotten cut off in the Bar. When she threatened to call the police, my GM told me to go ahead and do it for her.

    So I did.

    I told the police that I had a guest who wanted a refund because she was cut off in the bar. When they asked if she was intoxicated, I said she appears to be. She then said "Don't be telling them I'm intoxicated." I then made a point of saying that she was slurring her words (it was slight, but it was there), which she took exception to.

    She then asked me if she was intoxicated, and I told her that I wouldn't serve her. I the reiterated that she was slurring her words, which she, again, got upset about. She then asked a friend/BF/Hubby if she was slurring her words, and at first he said she wasn't drunk, and then agreed that she wasn't slurring her words.

    She then turned on me and said that my stating that she was slurring her words was "defamation of character" and that I could be sued. I informed her that she was slurring her words, and that it was not defamation of character. She then asked for a book of matches, and I was NOT providing any further assistance, so she waited around while the guy from earlier went and got his lighter. Then she went outside to wait for the police.

    At this time, I checked with my manager to see if he wanted me to put an additional authorization on her CC, as we knew the cops were not going to get her a refund, and seeing as she was already angry/belligerent, I figured she might do something to the room, so he OK'd an additional $100 authorization.

    After waiting about an 45 min., she was at the desk asking where the cops were. I informed her that "they will get here when the get here, this is obviously not an emergency." She then informed me that she wanted her refund, which I informed her was NOT going to happen.

    SC: You're sure of that, huh?
    ME: Yep.
    SC We'll see.
    ME: OK.
    SC: I'll sue you if I have to.

    She then went back out front to wait a few more minutes for the cops. I asked my GM if I could tell her that if she vacated the property in the next 20 minutes (I figured we get rid of the problem, instead of having everyone have to deal with it), we would give her a refund. He said absolutely no refund.

    A little later she went to her room, and about 10 minutes after that, the Troopers showed up, and had a word with her.

    That's all for now, may have updates in the morning, or when I come in Sun. night,

    "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

    Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!

  • #2
    Ah, the infamous "defamation of character" threat, ie, "the truth."

    You should know better than to throw the truth at SCs, they're always insulted by your audacity.

    I especially liked the part where the cops took a nice, long time to show up...just to make sure she knew exactly how important they thought she was.
    "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
    "What IS fun to fight through?"
    "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


    • #3
      Looking forward to the update


      • #4
        truth is an 100% defense to libel/slander/defamation, so you should be OK.


        • #5
          Pretty sure they let her know that her choices were (1) stay in her room and sleep it off, leave in the morning, with or without refund which is not under the cops' control; or (2) leave now, sans refund, knowing they will be right behind her and if they see the slightest evidence of drunk driving, her ass would be pulled over, she'd be given a Breathalyzer, and possibly a night in the local lock-up.

          Maybe her husband (aka enabler) persuaded her to see reason at that point.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            Hm. I hope it goes peacefully for your sake, but I won't lie and say there isn't a tiny part of me that's hoping it'll be entertaining.
            Tell a man there are 300 Billion stars in the universe and he’ll believe you.
            Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he’ll have to touch to be sure.
            -Unknown Author

