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couple winners from this week

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  • couple winners from this week

    i work in a campground. i jokingly tell people it's like working in a hotel, except the guests bring their own rooms... over the years i've had some real winners, like the guy who was screaming at ME... just the desk clerk, threatening to call the EPA on us for being an "ecological disaster"... because our old worn out septic tank on our dump station decided to finally give out... while he was trying to dump his tanks. (we had it fixed within a few days)... to the family that was smoking pot in their cabin right next door to a couple of off-duty police the guy who came to the office to report that some drunk woman had broken into his camper thinking it was hers... while he was inside... naked... (we never found her.. i assume her family found her and took her back to her CORRECT camper)

    so anyway... on to this week's crazy

    no means no

    so we rent these little bikes by the hour. they're fun. but we stop renting them out at 7:30 pm. because it'll be 8:30 when we get them back, and it's just starting to get dark by then. these fun bikes don't have all the reflectors regular bikes have on them, and they are low to the ground, so it's a safety issue, we don't want some kid to get run over because someone didn't see it in the gathering dusk. note: i'll bend the rule for a few minutes... i'm not super strict on that 7:30 thing.

    so anyway... friday night. office is open till 10. i've already bent the rule by about 5 minutes for the last bike of the day... parents are super grateful. things are going well for a friday... last bike comes in, and about 5 minutes later (note, this makes it 8:40 at night) guy strolls in with his kid and wants to rent a bike. i tell him we don't rent after 7:30. he tries to pull the same line on me that the LAST guest used.. (it works, when you're only 5 minutes over the time)

    bike guy: "but my kid really wants to go... he's been waiting alllll daayyyy."
    me: *thinking*"then ya shoulda been here an hour ago." but i say "Sorry sir. we just don't want your kid to get run over by a motorhome or something. it's getting dark out there."
    bike guy: can i just rent it for 15 minutes?
    me: we only have a price by the hour, so i have no way of doing that, but even if i could, bike rentals have been closed for over an hour. (i say as i glance significantly at the clock, which now reads 8:45)
    bike guy gives me catbutt face and walks out with his kid in tow. i look at my co-worker and go "seriously? "

    we catch your kid stealing, so you're gonna scream at US?
    we also have a small arcade... about 7-8 games... a claw machine... etc. on friday someone's kids managed to figure out how to open the cash door on one of the games.... took the cash out of it (stealing), and hit the button inside to rack up lots of credits (also stealing).. then stood there playing away. the OTHER kids in the arcade come and tell the office (at least someone had honest kids. yay.) someone goes to the arcade... kids playing the game bolt, and we didn't catch where they went.

    we shut the game off, unplug it, put a sign on it and leave for the time being. little while later we get a report the game is plugged back in and the same kids are there again, hitting the button inside to rack up free credits and playing. again, they run when an employee arrives. again, game is shut off, sign placed on it, etc... but we're super busy, we can't station a guard in the freaking game room.

    little while later... AGAIN... game is on. $20 worth of "free" credits, same kids. this time the OWNER manages to catch them in the act... and the other kids in the arcade tell us what site they're on, so no point in running this time. Owner tells kids they're stealing from us, yadda yadda, and tells them he could have them and their family removed from the park for stealing from us, but he's only going to ban them from the game room.

    this is where it turns weird. random dude playing another game in the arcade while all this is going on... turns out to be their responsible adult (dad maybe. dunno. didn't ask) he starts giving the owner crap saying he can't talk to his kids like that and he can't throw his kids out of the arcade. owner is like "i can and i did" guest pitches a wall-eyed fit replete with cursing and threatening to give bad reviews and saying "we'll never get such-and-such prestigious award (that we've gotten for the last 6 or 7 years straight) EVER AGAIN" and we finally had to call the police to have him removed from the park. i mean... wow.

    and that is the story of the first time in 6 years of working in campgrounds that i've seen the police come to remove a guest.

  • #2
    Wow, Father of the Year there, huh?
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      Quoth katzklaw View Post
      bike guy: "but my kid really wants to go... he's been waiting alllll daayyyy."
      Translation: I promised my kid that we'd do it, but did a bunch of crap I wanted to do first and now I'm trying to deflect the bad to you for the screw-up.

      Thief boy dad? "Methinks he doth protest too much." Probably knew what was going on and thought "Hey - less for me to shell out."


      • #4
        Quoth sms001 View Post
        Translation: I promised my kid that we'd do it, but did a bunch of crap I wanted to do first and now I'm trying to deflect the bad to you for the screw-up.

        Thief boy dad? "Methinks he doth protest too much." Probably knew what was going on and thought "Hey - less for me to shell out."
        I'd bet dad is the one that figured out/showed him how to open the coin box.
        Life: Reality TV for deities. - dalesys


        • #5
          Quoth mhkohne View Post
          I'd bet dad is the one that figured out/showed him how to open the coin box.
          That was my thought too.
          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


          • #6
            And see, I figure that since you called the cops anyway and the thieves were RIGHT THERE, this would be a good opportunity to let the officers have a conversation with the little thieves.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              Quoth katzklaw View Post
              our old worn out septic tank on our dump station decided to finally give out... while he was trying to dump his tanks.
              Just curious, but how can a septic tank work when it's hooked up to a dump station? As the name implies, a septic tank relies on microorganisms to break down the sewage. The tanks on RV toilets usually contain some sort of biocide (any VGAP fans out there - that DOESN'T mean the Cyborg's carrier) to keep the "wee beasties" from making too much of a stink before the tanks are dumped. Putting biocide in a septic tank will kill off the microorganisms that the septic tank relies on, resulting in raw sewage getting into the discharge field and ruining it.
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #8
                Quoth wolfie View Post
                Just curious, but how can a septic tank work when it's hooked up to a dump station? As the name implies, a septic tank relies on microorganisms to break down the sewage. The tanks on RV toilets usually contain some sort of biocide (any VGAP fans out there - that DOESN'T mean the Cyborg's carrier) to keep the "wee beasties" from making too much of a stink before the tanks are dumped. Putting biocide in a septic tank will kill off the microorganisms that the septic tank relies on, resulting in raw sewage getting into the discharge field and ruining it.
                phhht. i dunno. i just drive the front desk.

                in this case, tho, the septic tank was quite old, and well overworked. and it decided to overflow just when HE was dumping his tanks. ah well. the people who spent big bucks to rent the cabins nearby were a little annoyed at the giant hole in the ground for a few days as they were digging the old tank out and replacing it with a new one, but all in all, it got done very quickly, all things considered


                • #9
                  well now... prepare to have your mind boggled. i had a day off yesterday, so i didn't get this tidbit till today, but apparently the guy who got thrown out of the park wasn't even the father of the kids who were stealing. he was just some random dude who didn't like how the owner was talking to the little thieves, and shot his mouth off. and then wouldn't shut up when told, nicely, to mind his own business

                  srsly? O.o


                  • #10
                    Quoth katzklaw View Post
                    well now... prepare to have your mind boggled. i had a day off yesterday, so i didn't get this tidbit till today, but apparently the guy who got thrown out of the park wasn't even the father of the kids who were stealing. he was just some random dude who didn't like how the owner was talking to the little thieves, and shot his mouth off. and then wouldn't shut up when told, nicely, to mind his own business

                    srsly? O.o
                    Wow. I bet he decided that he could have a bit of "fun" with the park employees and then be "Oh, these aren't my kids, so you can't kick me off site"

                    so did the kid's actual parents get told what had happened and given a warning?
                    Tell a man there are 300 Billion stars in the universe and he’ll believe you.
                    Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he’ll have to touch to be sure.
                    -Unknown Author

