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"But I'm in the National Guard, Federal law shouldn't apply to me."

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  • #16
    Mmm... powder firing... much fun!

    I used to be in a faire guild, and along with live steel improv fighting, we did guns as well. One of our sister guilds had themselves a good cannon. Our favorite show pack, however, was biodegradeable packaging material. It would allow a good muzzle flash and the bits of it that made it out of the end of a rifle would just mingle with the smoke.

    My dad was a machinist and he was so accurate, he accrued enough on one job to machine himself a full scale replica civil war cannon barrel. He never got around to the chassis. But the little 10 inch cannon was fully built. It could put a bit of packed newspaper through a 50-gallon steel drum & 1.5 antique volvo bodies.

    Back on topic, that guy was an idiot. I have an aunt that was just retired (against her will) from the NG. She always bitched about his type.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #17
      Quoth repsac View Post

      Oddly enough, I've found that it's easier to buy a pound of black powder, than it is to buy one case of bullets for a .32 pistol.
      We have had 25 pounds of black powder drop shipped to the house. We do live out in the boonies, but still.... I don't think we even had to provide a signature for it, but I don't remember for sure. Usually, we get our powder at re-enacting events as part of the bounty for showing up with our cannon, and participating.

      If anybody is in the Austin area, we will be at Camp Mabry April 14 and 15 as part of Muster Days, and the cannon will be in use (blanks only)!
      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

