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I demand to know who opened the cage door to the insane asylum!!

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  • I demand to know who opened the cage door to the insane asylum!!

    Dear (NOT) Asshole Who Cussed Out My Very Sweet Coworker:

    YOU SUCK. You are a pathetic moron who obviously gets his jacks off telling people much smaller than you "Fuck you!" repeatedly, LOUDLY, in public, because they accidentally overcharged you (so you claim; personally I think you're the one who fucked up and got pissy when she tried to explain something). You also obviously enjoy the potential threat of getting a well-deserved ass-beatdown by telling other patrons of my store, one of whom is a fireman AT LEAST as large as yourself, to similarly "fuck off and mind your own business" when they tell you to knock off your bullshit. And yes, you ARE an asshole, so stop whining about how everybody is making you out to be the Bad Guy in this situation.

    You reduced my coworker, a very sweet woman, to tears and no doubt racked up more stress points on her health meter, to the point where she had to leave the store and I honestly worry about her coming back (partly because our manager is a spineless 'tard who instead of kicking your worthless ass out the door, rushed over to placate your cocktardery). I hope you're very happy with yourself, and may fire ants nest in your anus for the rest of your days. DIAF.

    Absolutely NO love whatsoever, Me


    Dear (NOT) Stupid Old Bitch,

    The longer I remain trapped in the hell that is SW Florida, the more amazed and stunned I am by the sheer RUDENESS constantly exhibited by so many people down here. You are a classic example of that, having butted your way ahead of another customer (who was loudly and quite rightly making his displeasure with you known) while my back was turned, then having the brass to tell said customer off, just so you can buy your OMGPRECIOUS!! 24-pack of BEER. Which is the ONLY thing you were buying. You can also DIAF, thankyouverymuch, as you are just one of many crapstomers instrumental in reducing whatever faith in humanity I have remaining to charred ashes.



    And one for the management...

    Dear (NOT) Management,

    An 8-hour shift that gives me a very late 15-minute break and an even later lunch half-hour (one hour BEFORE my shift is to end)????? Oh no no no no no no. I don't give a fuck if you are short-staffed, if I don't do the eating thing, I stop doing the standing-and-talking thing. This shit WILL NOT happen again. Because the next time it does? There is going to be much

    I will not at all be surprised to learn, if in the near future I am able to arrange for a blood test, that I am pre-diabetic or fully diabetic, thanks to your fucknuttery. I'm already experiencing small shakes and lightheadedness when I go too long without food, thanks to your shitty shift-scheduling, and I've lost count of the numerous pain-pills I've been popping for the last several months from having been continuously on my feet that long with no goddamned food (and the candy aisle ain't an option except in cases of extreme emergency, seeing as that just makes my problems worse).

    Oh, and the new schedule for the customer service desk you stuck me on for TWO DAYS DESPITE MY ALREADY HAVING TOLD YOU I CANNOT DO THAT SHIT ANYMORE after the hellacious day I had Monday?? NOT HAPPENING. EVER.

    Happily shopping at your leading competitor next time, Me
    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

  • #2
    Don't ya just love Florida? I'm trying to escape!


    • #3
      Awww sounds like you need a big or more importantly a few of these

      Send some to that nice coworker of yours too, i hope that arsehole didn't make her leave for good


      • #4
        Avoid the lime jello


        Dear(dearest) Amethyst Hunter,

        I have looked at you closely and have come to the professional conclusion that you are suffering from an extreme case of customersuckitis.

        The symptoms include
        1)creating new words
        Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post



        2)Loosing temper

        3)Putting evil smilies in post such as

        This condition has been aggravated and allowed to spread by a severe infestation of BadSpinelessWorthlessManageritis.

        I recommend
        1)a dose of hugs

        2)Some cookies

        3)And a big stick t o beat the manager over the head with.

        With love Dr Cesii
        Last edited by Ackee; 04-05-2007, 01:58 PM.
        ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
        Quoth Gravekeeper


        • #5
          Quoth Syndrn View Post
          Don't ya just love Florida? I'm trying to escape!
          Florida's got a hold on us!!!!!

          I moved north but couldn't quite cross the state line for schooling purposes - damned expensive out-of-state tuition!!!
          Teach a SC to fish... and they will whine about you not catching, filleting, frying, and serving it up on a silver platter for them. - EvilEmpryss


          • #6
            AH, many hugs for you and your sweet coworker.

            Many s and s for SCs and craptacular managerial types.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              "I'm already experiencing small shakes and lightheadedness when I go too long without food, thanks to your shitty shift-scheduling, and I've lost count of the numerous pain-pills I've been popping for the last several months from having been continuously on my feet that long with no goddamned food (and the candy aisle ain't an option except in cases of extreme emergency, seeing as that just makes my problems worse)."

              You sound like you have chonic hypoglycemia, which I suffered from before changing my diet.

              I'm not a doctor, but I know how to control that problem, if it is the same problem I have/had.

              If you want some tips on getting a handle on that, feel free to contact me privately.

              BTW, "Cocktardery" is a brilliant put down. Awesome.


              • #8
                Vote for cocktardery seconded.

                Also, yeah, shakes is from low blood sugar, aka hypoglycemia, which can be cured by eating. I have found regular bread products coupled with juice to be particularly effective when I get to that point.

                Also, the right kind of meal before you start can make a world of difference as well.

                I don't know how things run in Florida, but here in California, companies are legally required to make us (yes, they have to make us) take at least a 20-minute lunch and 2 10-minute breaks for an 8-hour work day. (1 break for 4 hours, +lunch for 6 hours, +2nd break for 8 hours) If we don't take our lunches and breaks, the company becomes liable for violating the law.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  I get head aches and shakes if I don't eat soon enough (as in every 3 1/2 hours) but only if I'm working. I don't eat a whole lot in one sitting. Thankfully I can take my break whenever I want. The few times I tried to wait for my boss so I could log out I would get so shaky and sick that it would be hours before I felt better. (In management in our store, if there isn't another manager to cover your break, you don't clock out but instead take a "working break.")
                  I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

                  This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.


                  • #10
                    If working a 9 hour shift you get a 1 hour lunch break and 2 15 min break, they can't give you a break earlier that 2 hours after you start shift and you have to have your last break at least 2 hours before you finish your shift.

                    I've had them give me my hour break an hour before i finished shift, so i'd eat lunch and then clock off which i don't mind too much bu if i finish my shift at 5pm and don't get a lunch break till 4pm i'm usually feeling a little sick by then.


                    • #11
                      Awww! CthC, sounds like you need a big HUG.

                      Cocktardery is probably the funniest damn word I've ever heard. I like it! *giggles*

                      I also get shaky when I don't eat. I never used to be like that - it just started in the past year and a half or so. I used to be able to go a whole shift and a half without anything. Now halfway in, I start to feel slightly dizzy and when it gets real bad, shaky. Luckily - I work for a kick ass boss and an awesome company now. If I say, hey can I go get a soda and a pretzel, no one yells at me - they say go.
                      If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Syndrn View Post
                        Don't ya just love Florida? I'm trying to escape!
                        Me too. This September, God willing (if not sooner!!). I'm getting my ass back to Illinois where it belongs, one way or another.
                        ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                        • #13
                          Quoth Cesii View Post

                          Dear(dearest) Amethyst Hunter,

                          I have looked at you closely and have come to the professional conclusion that you are suffering from an extreme case of customersuckitis.
                          Aha! I thought something was a little off-kilter when I woke up several days ago...!

                          Fortunately, said prescription was also aided by the liberal application of a little therapy.
                          ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                          • #14
                            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                            I don't know how things run in Florida, but here in California, companies are legally required to make us (yes, they have to make us) take at least a 20-minute lunch and 2 10-minute breaks for an 8-hour work day. (1 break for 4 hours, +lunch for 6 hours, +2nd break for 8 hours) If we don't take our lunches and breaks, the company becomes liable for violating the law.
                            I'm not sure how it is in Florida myself. For my particular store, if you work 4 hours (as some of the baggers do, particularly the teenaged ones that come in on weekends), you get no breaks and no lunches. 6 hours, you get no breaks but you do get a half-hour lunch. 8+ hours, you get one (paid) 15-minute break and one (unpaid) half-hour lunch. All breaks/lunches depend on when your shift starts, and you *must* clock out/in every time you take one.

                            Unfortunately, the MODs are notorious for sending you on your breaks late, or even forgetting them altogether. This isn't the first time something like this has happened to me and I doubt it'll be the last till I leave (hopefully!!) in September, but this is to date the worst it's ever been.
                            ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                            • #15
                              When I was treated at a hospital for a blood clot in 2005, they said I wasn't diabetic--something of a miracle considering all the soda I consumed working at convenience stores from 1994 to 2004. The two-liter Jolt Colas from my youth didn't help either, heh heh. In those jobs, the free soda they give us is probably to prevent us from helping ourselves to the wine coolers to deal with the stress.

                              Amethyst, I feel your pain. Maybe this is why my plane ticket to visit you last year was cheap--Florida was trying to suck me in! After my years of living in Texas and North Dakota, I'm happily staying in the pacific northwest where men are sometimes vegetarians, and like to burn effigies of George Bush. (His daddy called us "Little Beirut!")

                              It pisses me off to see some a-swipe picking on a clerk just because they're female and smaller than they are. They won't do it when I'm around and it's one of my coworkers, but I hear about it. I work with some of the sweetest ladies on the planet, and just once I want to catch one of these clods, stand uncomfortably close, take off my glasses, and ask what the problem is.

                              I'm looking forward to the news of your escape.
                              "They say that ignorance is bliss. But making fun of ignorant people is also pretty blissful." --Steve of

