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"Where is my reimbursement...

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  • "Where is my reimbursement...

    ...for my order I admit to receiving?". An young idiot called yesterday concerning an order she had placed in February it had standard shipping to HI which would be 3-10 BUSINESS days. She begins the call by saying she hadn't received the reimbursement she'd been promised not wanting to put my foot in my mouth at all. I pull the order up before saying anything concerning her request. OK I soon see it was a potential never received order that the customer had not called about since March 9th. With order are not received we make a request to corporate to do ONE of two things, either refund the order OR refund/recharge/RESHIP the order. IF the order is made using a Gift Card and customer requests a refund rather than reshipment a new GC will be mailed out. All of this will become important in just a moment.

    She had called twice before talking to me, once on the 10th business day when she didn't receive the package. At that point she was told per our companies policy and USPS policy we MUST allow 4 more business days for a delay in shipping AND at the point she MUST follow up with her local PO 1rst (because they could have the pkg) and then she could call us if she needed the order refunded or reshipped (all of this explained correctly by the CSR in the notes). It if was noted the customer was adamant she would not contact USPS on her own so the CSR advised her to call back on the 14th business day if still not received (knowing that she would be told we CAN NOT and WILL NOT issue the refund until she contacts her local PO).

    Her second call on the 14th business day the CSR she spoke to put in a request to corporate for the order to be RESHIPPED with 2nd Day shipping. Corporate takes 24-72 business hours to process these requests, so by the time corporate processed the request the tracking information had changed. Dumb SC's order now tracked as delivered on the 15th business day (turns out she is on a minor outlying Island and her mail is boated to her several times a week). Corporate replied "now that we have delivery confirmation if customer did not receive order they must follow up with post office first for delivery information and then we can refund OR reship"

    ON TO ME :-), I explain to the customer that with the delivery confirmation we need you to contact your post office before a refund or a reship can be issued. I asked if she received the order. She says "YES!, of course I received my order, but I did not receive the 2nd day reshipment I was promised, and the new gift card I was told would be mailed to me". I explain that we were offering her the CHOICE of those two things as a way to make it right IF she did not receive her order. Since she received her order, she did not lose out on ANYTHING and we will not refund or reship. But she was adamant she was promised "If I called back on the 14th business day you would refund and reship the order". IF she didn't have free shipping I would have refunded shipping. She asked to be transferred to my supervisor. IDIOT heard same thing again, will write to corporate hope she remembers my name cause I did PERFECT.

    I also watch lots of "judge" shows in the morning. I don't get why people think making a situation right ALWAYS involves getting more than you originally were promised VS. being made whole of what you lost out on. In this case IF she didn't receive the order a refund or a reship would make her whole. How is receiving the order AND having the same item (jeans) reshipped 2nd day shipping at no charge, AND being refunded for the 1rst pair of jeans fair at all?

  • #2
    I can see where she should be entitled to a shipping refund (not all of it though) since it was promised in 3-10 days and didn't arrive. But she got the thing she shouldn't get her money back for buying it.


    • #3
      I forgot to mention she already had free shipping so there is no shipping to refund, if she gave us a moment to be nice we would have offered free std shipping OR 15% off her next order, but she was more adamant about getting a refund for the order she did receive and I hate to think how she would translate "15% off OR free STANDARD shipping on ONE future order". (she would have to call in place an order over the phone referencing the order number from this delayed order and we manually give a discount or free shipping).


      • #4
        It really all depends on the company you do business with or work for. I used to work for a major telephone company, internet division, and one day we were suddenly given the power to credit customer's, the benchmarks for doing so left entirely at our own discretion.

        Let me say this. If this phone company was a human, the first thing you'd want to do is to beat it to within an inch of its life, wait and let it recover some, then do it all over again. I must have given out hundreds of dollars of credits a day, mostly legit, and there was never any tracking done. All my friends did it. To this day I don't know why someone made such a stupid mistake as allowing this but bigger companies have bigger screwups. They eventually ended up selling the division due to falling profits, and I can only hope we had a large hand in that. hehe. Course the service sucked anyways so it would've happened eventually.

        But if you have a company that's bad enough not to care, then sometimes it's good to hurt them by giving the customer a refund. Only if the customer makes it personal to you should you go ahead and grow a spine.
        Last edited by allniter; 04-05-2007, 07:52 PM.
        Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


        • #5
          If her mail is boated to her once a week then I'd say she probably did receive it in plenty of time, considering. When you live in areas like that you make concessions. Our area for example, Fed Ex only comes up on Fridays so we have to take that into account for anything Fed Ex. (or talk them into ups)

          "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


          • #6
            Geez, talk about entitlement-whore.

            I once ordered several things from a store (similar to Antique Sea-based Military Unit) and received the order twice. I checked my credit card online to make sure they only charged me once, and took the extra bag back to the store. The employee was a bit confused at first, when I told him I wanted to return it but didn't want a refund. I was tempted to keep the second package; there were a few things I wouldn't mind having extra of, but the rest I didn't feel the need to have 2...

            Which reminds me...I need to dig out my card and go shopping tonight...
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

