Quoth angelicafire
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More Musings From A Gas Station Monkey
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Quoth ladylabyrinth View PostWeeeellll...
When you think about it, all of the previously mentioned items could just as easily be used to subdue and punish rampant SC's, so I think we can view it both ways, yes?
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
Quoth Andara Bledin View PostGo both ways, you say? ô.0
^-.-^Can I take the 5th on that?
Quoth Juwl View PostI like having stuff done custom?
... No, no! Bad Lady!
I will behave myself on the forums.
I will behave myself on the forums.
I will behave myself... I'm not fooling anyone, am I.
*ahem* let's get back to the crazy gas station/convenience store customers!
Seriously, back on topic (let's see how long that lasts) the one that bugs me the most is the guy walking through the freshly mopped part of the floor. Deliberate malice just boggles mah widdle mind. I mean, really, are you that full of self-loathing that you get your jollies by screwing up someone else's work? If you're that unhappy with yourself, you should really consider professional help. Please, if you don't get help at Charter, get help somewhere.There is a slight flaw in my character.
Okay, I admit it, I've had to do the whole 'buy a stick of gum with a twenty' thing before. Usually, it'll mean the person will later on be dealing with some form of vending machine, and needs smaller bills/spare change. Since most ATMs deal only in twenties (aka, "Yuppie Food Stamps"), you end up needing to break the bill someplace--but since you only took out as much as you actually needed, you don't want to spend 5 bucks while getting change.
OTOH, a lot of stores DO ban 50s and 100s, and that's a lot more fair. When I worked at a gas station, we could only take a hundred if the bill was going to be over $80.
Quoth ladylabyrinth View Postreal-ly.
... No, no! Bad Lady!
I will behave myself on the forums.
I will behave myself on the forums.
I will behave myself... I'm not fooling anyone, am I.
Why bother behaving? You know no one else does. Take a look at Mike (I think it's Mike who does it)... his mind's constantly in the gutter. Nobody cares. We comment on it, but we don't care.
Why? What'd you have in mind?"I call murder on that!"
Quoth Freemage View PostSince most ATMs deal only in twenties (aka, "Yuppie Food Stamps"),
Reminds me of an incident it a store I worked that sold Hallmark cards, ceramics, magazines & newspapers. A man came in as soon as I unlocked the front door and tried to buy a $0.50 newspaper with a $100.00 bill.
me: "Sir, I don't even have that much in the register."
SC: "It's legal tender. You have to honor it."
me: "Sir, It's not that we're not honoring it, we just don't have that much money first thing in the morning on a Sunday. There's a Giant grocery store next door, maybe they can break $100.00, we can't. "
That went on for a while. Had to get the supervisor out of the back [where she was enjoying her coffee, donuts and romance novel... 'nother story].Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.
Yes, but if we use handcuffs and crops and lassos on the SCs, then what will that leave for the people we like??? Oh, right- violet wands and fire... (You all have touched on a hidden area of expertise that I usually subdue in polite company. As opposed to subduing the polite company. Eh heh. Right. Moving on.)Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense