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<Insert witticism about reversal of attitude>

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  • <Insert witticism about reversal of attitude>

    I like when they start out sucky and turn nice.

    For the last few days an older woman who is a patient at the hospital my shop is stuck in has been frequenting the shop. She is a very large woman, in a motorized wheelchair, and she has a very close resemblance to the Witch of the Waste towards the end of Howl's Moving Castle (I'm working on finding a picture).

    The first time she came in, she did nothing but loudly and rudely remark how outrageously high our prices are (actually, since we get our clothes directly from street vendors in Beijing, our prices are ridiculously low, but I digress).

    The second time she came in, she just wheeled around, looking at everything, and paying no regard to other customers or their toes. Nor mine for that matter.

    Today when she came in (for the third time today), she asked for help on our bamboo plants. We have them arranged on shelves in what used to be a dressing room, so it's a bit of a tight fit. So I went in, picked out a few plants and brought them out for her. She was still bitchy, but at least being civil. When I was ringing her up, she was snarking about things dragging beneath her wheel chair (part of her seat belt which when I pulled it out from beneath the wheel I saw down the back of her sans gown YECK! and a towel from the storage rack beneath her seat) and just being very short and unpleasant.

    She asked where she could get a newspaper and the woman in line behind her (a nurse) told her that there is a paper machine out front, but that it's likely empty at this time of day. Lady swore under her breath, whined about how she can't get a newspaper and she doesn't like the puzzle books we have. The nurse was merciful enough to run down, get her a newspaper (thank gord they had one left!) and suddenly this woman was all sunshine! She even said thank you to me as she was wheeling away! I was stunned and pleased!

  • #2
    There you go, the Witch of the Waste is the one being fed.

    That lead me off to who knows how many odd side-missions. However, I do now own an airship. And the best weapon I can use in the game.
    "I call murder on that!"

