*MOD EDIT - Post split from original posting in "New Members" forum. http://www.customerssuck.com/board/s...ead.php?t=8318
I was directed here after I posted the following vent on another forum:
As a general rule, most of my clients don't drive me crazy - I actually like the qwirky ones, but when enough people in a row call me that are just unprepared to actually have a functional conversation then my patience wears thin.
Ok, when you call a travel agent please have the following with in reach:
1) a current calendar turned to the correct month
2) your passport / driver license
3) paper and a functioning pen
4) please know the name of the city you want to get to and a map if necessary
1) don't give me hassle when I tell you that you need to get a visa (and no, I don't mean the credit card)
2) know that I'm not a mind reader - if you ask to fly into Paris I don't know that you are trying to get to Zagreb and you are flying into Paris because it is cheaper.
3) give me a dollar amount - I'm Scottish so "cheap" has a different translation for me than it may for you.
4) It never fails to amaze me that people will have always wanted to visit a particular place, yet know nothing practical about it. Heck, I've wanted to visit Bonaire since I was 10yrs old and I could point it out on the map at that age and then picked up a guide book or two along the way.
Thanks for letting me vent.
I was directed here after I posted the following vent on another forum:
As a general rule, most of my clients don't drive me crazy - I actually like the qwirky ones, but when enough people in a row call me that are just unprepared to actually have a functional conversation then my patience wears thin.
Ok, when you call a travel agent please have the following with in reach:
1) a current calendar turned to the correct month
2) your passport / driver license
3) paper and a functioning pen
4) please know the name of the city you want to get to and a map if necessary
1) don't give me hassle when I tell you that you need to get a visa (and no, I don't mean the credit card)
2) know that I'm not a mind reader - if you ask to fly into Paris I don't know that you are trying to get to Zagreb and you are flying into Paris because it is cheaper.
3) give me a dollar amount - I'm Scottish so "cheap" has a different translation for me than it may for you.
4) It never fails to amaze me that people will have always wanted to visit a particular place, yet know nothing practical about it. Heck, I've wanted to visit Bonaire since I was 10yrs old and I could point it out on the map at that age and then picked up a guide book or two along the way.
Thanks for letting me vent.