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Don't recruit here!

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  • #31
    I remember when I worked at my Mall Radio Shack, two recruiters for the navy came in and started talking to me and my friend about joining. I'm sitting there, trying to keep a straight face while they go on and on. I mention I'm way too fat and they go

    "Oh no you're not..."

    Psh, the guy musta been nearsighted.

    Anyway so they give us their cards, I procede to shred it and LAUGH my ass off that they would try to recruit us.

    The laughter stopped when they called three times that day. These people were calling out JOB, this wasn't just idle chit chat in front of the counter when we weren't busy. This was them calling us up at work.

    They got YELLED at by the Third Key, and they didn't call again.
    "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
    ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~


    • #32
      Here in Canada, we don't have too many pushy recruiters. The military routinely did the "table in the cafeteria" thing at my college when I was there.

      I've thought about serving in a non-combatant role (I'm too small for active duty) but the military has never really been my thing.

