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Assorted SC quotes from my time

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  • Assorted SC quotes from my time

    It's amazing how people can express their stupidity with just a couple of sentences... Btw, I work in a handbag store.

    1) We have stands out the front, which have signs of the pricing that the handbags are from (eg $30.00 and under etc.) This stand in particular was a 'From $24.95' tree (keep this in mind). We always highlight the word 'from', so that it's obvious. Apparently that doesn't even matter.

    A lady walks in with a bag that she had picked up from the said tree. "I got this at the 'from $25' stand, so is it $25?" Umm... No... I think you just answered your own question.

    2) Because I live in Australia, going overseas is a big deal. According to the SC, it's a huge deal... Something to brag about (?!?). Our city's international airport has a new rule where (like Heathrow), you have to have all liquids you intend to take as cabin luggage under 100mL and in a clear plastic bag (20cm x 20cm). SC comes in, asking if we sell the plastic bags.

    Me: I know that at Heathrow, they have the same rules, and security gives the bags out for free there.
    SC: Either you are just scoffing or you have just seen it on tv.

    Uhh... Yeah. Would you like me to now tell you that I have travelled for 20 years of my 20 year life? Jealous much?

    3) Our store doesn't have security sensors. None. What-so-ever. They have never had them, and I doubt they ever will have them in the future. Clear enough? Apparently not.

    C- Female customer, who was really nice in this (hence no S in the front of the C)
    SC- C's boyfriend.
    Me- Self explanitory I guess
    *I know the C doesn't really say anything, but it's still necessary to highlight she was there, probably just to show how controlling SC was*

    SC (puts gf's handbag on our counter)- We bought this from you guys here last week, and you have left the sensor in there.
    Me- Sorry, but we don't have sensors in our store.
    SC (cuts in), saying to C rather abruptly- Come on, they aren't listening to us, let's go! (and then he storms out).

  • #2
    SC (puts gf's handbag on our counter)- We bought this from you guys here last week, and you have left the sensor in there.
    Me- Sorry, but we don't have sensors in our store.
    SC (cuts in), saying to C rather abruptly- Come on, they aren't listening to us, let's go! (and then he storms out).
    Well, patience isn't his strong suit, is it?

    Perhaps if the sign said "$25 and up" it would be less confusing...

    Then again, perhaps not.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      Perhaps if the sign said "$25 and up" it would be less confusing...
      People would probably then see "$25" and stop reading

      I went to the airport (Brisbane, Australia) just last week to pick up my grandma who was coming back from a trip... Had to go through the security point to get near the gates of course, keys, watch, etc etc on the conveyor belt. I had a big Boost drink with me (in case anyone doesn't know, Boost Juice is a chain of little stores here that do just drinks, delicious yummy shakes and things with juice and ice and milk and mmmmmmmmmmm *drool*), happily sucking away at it like an IV, and when I went through the big beepy thing a big scary-stern looking security lady comes up to me and goes "I need to see your drink." I had to be the one to open it up and held it out to her... No problems, of course. The whole thing was just so surreal, I was working so hard to not burst out laughing while I was still in earshot!

      Oh and that boyfriend's definitely a keeper
      Re: Quiche.
      Pie is manly.
      Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
      Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
      So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!


      • #4
        I find it surreal that you are allowed to go through a security checkpoint if you are not on a departing flight!


        • #5
          lol, well, I don't know why, but at the domestic Brisbane terminal the arrival and departures areas are the same place... A plane will pull up and connect to the big connector thingy and people will come out of there, and then however long later people for the next flight will get onto the plane the same way the others got off. ... Does that make sense?
          I know at the Brisbane International airport the arrivals go to a different floor to the departures, so that is a better system there... Maybe they don't have enough space/money to do it differently at the domestic one?

          In any case, I wasn't so much "allowed" to go through it as *required* to The only places you can get to without going through there are the luggage pick-up and the check-in counters.
          Re: Quiche.
          Pie is manly.
          Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
          Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
          So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!

