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  • Comparisons

    So I was thinking (surprise suprise!). What are some great comparisons of good/normal customers vs sucky customers? To give a real idea of just how big and bad the difference can be.
    Here's mine

    Bad customer(s): I have people like this every other shift it seems. Let's say, $12 owing on their account.
    Me: You've got $12 owing on your account, would you like to pay that now?
    BC: WHAT?! That's riDICulous! <With most customers, insert initial objections that they never hired that out/they brought it back on time/etc>
    Me: Well, it was hired out on your account, and you are responsible for what goes on there. If it was returned after we'd shut down the computers you would have been told that it couldn't be returned til the morning and you'd be charged a late fee.
    BC: <Look of remembering dawning on face, quickly reverting back to indignant anger> Well that fee is too much! It's riDICulous!
    Me: Well <checking screen> you brought back 3 overnight movies a day late. That's $4 for each of them for one day late.
    BC: Well I'm not paying it.
    Me: Well, I'm afraid you will have to get it down to $10 to hire on the account. If you just pay $2...
    BC: No! I'm not paying it!
    Encounter usually ends with my coworker coming over and telling them they will have to pay it, then the customer either pays $2 and gets movies (grumbling the whole time of course) and leaves saying they'll never come back, or they refuse to pay any, dump the movies and leave, saying (you guessed it!) they'll never come back.

    Good customer: Had a guy come in one day, got several movies to rent out, and when I scanned his member card, there was about $180 owing on his account Expecting a HUGE kerfuffle, I timidly tell him "Er, you have $xxx.xx owing on your account... um, do you want to pay all of that now? *hides*"
    He looks at me, goes, "Ohhh yeah. Yeah, I'll just pay all of that now."
    He pays, he leaves, he even says 'have a good day'!

    So what are some comparisons like this that you guys have experienced?
    Re: Quiche.
    Pie is manly.
    Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
    Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
    So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!

  • #2
    I work in a tech dispatch call center, so my examples are pretty darn specific. Bear with me.

    Good customer: Calls in with their Site ID (the little bugger that links all their contract and support info) at the ready, knows their Severity level, is patient and knows what the problem is.

    Bad customer: Calls in, in a huge hurry because their minute problem is an emergency, refuses to give me their name, and does not know their Site ID. Often has a site name that is either very common or terribly difficult to spell, making the search for their Site ID take forever.

    Another example.

    Good tech: Calls in with their case number at the ready, and is aware that I can type damn fast, but not as fast as they can talk.

    Bad tech: Calls in with no case number, no site ID, while driving on the highway with the windows down. Is in a huge rush, and can't believe I don't know their case number off the top of my head.

    And one last one.

    Good Customer Support Manager (CSM): Has their CSP's (Customer support plans) updated and all contracts in the system.

    Bad CSM: Hasn't updated their CSP's in several months, and is upset when their customers are denied service, or made to wait while us poor CSR's try to figure out what they're under contract for.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

