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Customers that curse at McDonald's

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  • Customers that curse at McDonald's

    On Friday night, I stopped in at the local McDonald's to get the kids their chicken McNuggets and fries. There was no problem until this group of black teenaged girls came in, running their mouths louder than what was necessary. It was Spring Break, so I and the rest of the patrons inside got to hear all about what they did all day. Mainly, all they did was sleep or sit around the house. One of these girls saw a friend of hers working there, and said, "Hey n*****! What's going on?!", and of course, this friend answered back with, "Not much n*****! I'm just having to fuckin' work today!" The girl answered back with, "Fuck yeah! What the fuck is this place thinkin'?" Now, because I was not sure how this girl and her friends would react, I said nothing. However, the manager heard all of this and told her to cease with the language. This girl just glared at the cashier, looking offended, and said, out loud, "She thinks I should not be allowed to say what words I wanna!" Thankfully, my food came and I left, and thirty seconds or so after, all of the girls left as well, without anything in their hands. Obviously they had been asked to leave. What got me is the employee in the back was allowed to keep his job after cursing in front of customers and other patrons, unless he was fired after I left.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 04-09-2007, 02:22 PM.

  • #2
    As much as I hate to mimic my parents...........what the DEVIL is wrong with these kids today???

    I guess "basic respect" is just out the window nowadays when it comes to raising children these days.
    Who is this rectal-cranial inverted twit....and where is my sledgehammer??


    • #3
      It's indicative of our society today: the decay of basic manners. Everyone on this site can vouch for this.


      • #4
        Now, that's just stupid. I admit, I let ly some curse words at work, but only in the back, very quietly, while our noisy dishwasher is running. Unfortunetly, I know some kids that do that whenever they go any where in public. Yea, I'll say a few here and there, but if someone even looks slightly offened, I'll stop dead. I know when and where to do it. I wish parents would teach their kids better these days, Jeez!
        Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

        "I put the laughter in slaughter."


        • #5
          That would require parents to take responsibility for their kids rather than resent the kids for daring to be born.


          • #6
            Was the manager speaking to the girl or the employee? Cuz they have every right to tell an employee what words to use (or, more specifically, not use) while they are on the clock and in uniform. I don't understand why anyone would think it's appropriate to go visit a friend who is working and talk like that, anyway.... Stop in, say hi, have little chat if it's not busy, but seriously...
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              This whole holiday week was nothing but rude inconsiderate people. Not just the kids. But yeah, kids just aren't respectful anymore. Sad, really.

              "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


              • #8
                I understand. On Easter Sunday (my favorite holiday, for Christian reasons rather than candy reasons), I had to travel back to school and go get groceries. I was already ticked that I had to do this stuff on such a special day, but then I heard this very tomboyish Hispanic girl on the phone: "What the f*ck was he thinkin', n*gger?! He f*ckin' messed us the f*ck up! F*ckin' b*stard! He's supposed to f*ckin' be at f*ckin' work, b*tch!" She wasn't yelling, but she was loud. And incredibly offensive. Especially to me, and I was trying to reflect on the meaning of my favorite holiday. She was certainly making it difficult.
                ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


                • #9
                  How wude.

                  Apparently, the "N" word is no longer considered racist or derogatory. My black friends call ME that and I'm as white as they come.
                  "several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."


                  • #10
                    Quoth ContraCorriente View Post
                    Apparently, the "N" word is no longer considered racist or derogatory.

                    PLEASE EDIT QUOTES.
                    Wanna bet? *You* try saying n<cough> to *them* and see what happens. Sadly my step son was at a school for a year where he was one of the only 16 white students there.

                    Our son was raised to ignore skin color and has friends of a pretty wide and diverse ethnicity. He was also raised in the upper class areas of New Jersey and New Hampshire. He was not used to the ghetto mentality that a growing number of children (of all races these days) and when he heard the n-bomb used in much the same way I grew up using "Dude" ("Wassup Dude", Dude! No Way!", "Dude that sucks!", etc) he fired one back in greeting to some of his friends.

                    His 'friends' beat the shit out of him.

                    Some friends eh?

                    Last edited by Ree; 04-10-2007, 09:10 PM.
                    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                    • #11
                      Quoth ContraCorriente View Post
                      PLEASE EDIT QUOTES

                      My black friends call ME that and I'm as white as they come.
                      They don't call you white chocolate like some of my co-workers do with me?

                      I'm sure Martin Luther King Jr is rolling over in his grave at the ignorance *and* arrogance of today's younger generation.

                      Maybe if people took a few minutes to see where these words originated they would think twice about using them?

                      Nah, I don't think they would.
                      Last edited by Ree; 04-10-2007, 09:10 PM.
                      Quote Dalesys:
                      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth SuperB View Post
                        This whole holiday week was nothing but rude inconsiderate people. Not just the kids. But yeah, kids just aren't respectful anymore. Sad, really.

                        I agree. Spring Break brought out the most rude and foul mouthed teenagers I ever saw. Granted, there are adults out there, too doing this, but teenagers like this are still children and should be taught to be respectful and courteous when out in public.

                        Speaking of rude people, particularly the kids, I had an awful lot of kids last week calling to hook up internet service without their parents' permission. Whenever you asked many of them if they were authorized, you were read the riot act by these kids. I don't mean adults being offended that you are questioning their identity or intelligence. I'm talking kids who call in and get upset that they were caught pulling a fast one on their parents.


                        • #13
                          Basic Training was the first time I had ever been exposed to any group of people greeting each other with the word "n***er", even I find it offensive, and the dirtiest of words. (And would you believe that it was Harry Potter that taught me about not being scared of any kind of word, because in the end they are just a word and only have the power you allow them to have, which is why I type it out. If the mods think it needs to be edited, then feel free). *MOD EDIT - Of course we feel free to edit. We do not need anyone's permission to do so. Nobody else has used the whole word, so, whether one feels it is "just a word" and words can't hurt unless we let them, it is being edited, since we reserve that right, and the site rules state that offensive terms against a particular race are not allowed on the board unless it is a direct quote. You were not directly quoting, and the member who was quoting, had the courtesy to edit the word. ~Ree

                          I asked my Drill Sergeant, who was black (and yes, I feel his color is relevant to this) WHY they did that. WHY was this dirtiest and most offensive of words being used as a casual greeting amongst kids of color?

                          DS: Stupidity and ignorance know no color barriers.
                          Me: Um.....Drill Sergeant, why can't the white kids or hispanic kids use it?
                          DS: Because they're racist.
                          Me: I'm not racist Drill Sergeant! I'm just trying to figure this out!
                          DS: No, no nono no, soldier, the black kids are racist.

                          And then we had to break it off. I'm still trying to wrap my mind completely around that. I blame my whiteness.
                          Last edited by Ree; 04-10-2007, 09:15 PM.
                 do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                          Chickens are Asexual!


                          • #14
                            Quoth zzapp the witch View Post

                            DS: Stupidity and ignorance know no color barriers.
                            How true! Your Ds was right.


                            • #15

                              I think they do it because they "know" you really want to call them n(cough). They "know" how it hurts you beacuse you can't say the same thing even though you really want to without getting in trouble. Infact you still wish slavery exsisted.

                              Incredibly stupid isn't it?
                              ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                              Quoth Gravekeeper

