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"You ruined my Easter!" -a scary SC phone call

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  • "You ruined my Easter!" -a scary SC phone call

    Note: I have to paraphrase a lot of what this woman said, mostly because she was rambling like a lunatic.

    So, last night, Easter Sunday, we had a few call outs and I ended up on register for most of the night. We got a call from a elderly women asking about Society Finches (SF). Since the girl covering birds was busy with a customer, the manager directed the call to me, since I wasn’t that busy ( not many customers in the store) at that moment. He told me she wanted to know how to determine the gender of a SF. Simple question, so I took the call, explaining that the only trustworthy way of telling, as far as I know, was a simple blood test.

    Elderly Sucky Customer (ESC) then gave me a lengthy lecture about how a SF’s colors could tell you it’s gender ( which isn’t true btw, a common misconception) and asked if we had any females. I did remember seeing female SF earlier that day and said that we did.

    “Well, I’m coming down with my son from blah blah, it’s very far away so you better have them.”

    A ominous statement, but I thought nothing of it, people tend to be nasty during holidays. And I knew it would be nastier when I found out that the rest of the SF were sold out.

    About a half hour later, I get a call from the ESC, who demanded to talk to a manager, claiming an employee lied to her and made her waste money on gas driving up to the store all the way from Far-Far Away . I direct her to the Manager on duty ( MOD) and apparently she yelled at him and demanded a apology from “the liar” a.k.a Me.

    I refused at first, saying it was a honest mistake. MOD told me to explain that to her and apologize, just get her off the phone and out of her hair. MOD took my place on register and I picked up the phone. This is where it gets nasty.

    Me: Hello?

    ESC: You sounded so cheery and knowledgeable the last time we spoke, but now you sound like the lying scum you are!

    Me: Miss, I can explain…..

    ESC: Do you know how much pain your lies caused me? Not only did you lie, you made me drive all the way Blah-blah for nothing! I wasted money on gas just to find you didn’t have what I wanted.

    Me: Miss, it was an honest mistake.

    ESC: Honest mistake? No ,you lied and made me waste valuable gas money. Do you know how much gas costs?”

    Me: Please let me explain… *at this point, I’m realizing that this SC didn’t want an apology THAT badly*

    ESC: What kind of store are you, lying to an old woman? You represent ( company name) and you shouldn’t treat paying customers like that.

    Me: Miss I’m trying to apologize here, if you would just…. *on my last nerve here, trying to be polite*

    ESC: What’s your name? I wanna know your name so I can talk to your supervisor tomorrow about you lying to customers. Tell me your name.

    Me: Jade *obviously, not my real name, but at this time I figured that this woman was taking this WAY to personally and might become a employee stalker. It’s happened before. I know it was wrong to lie, but I felt that it was for my own safety and don't regret it)

    ESC: Well, Jade, I’m coming to your store tomorrow! You got my hopes up, thinking I was getting a new finch today! How could you?! You ruined my Easter! When I’m at your store, I’m going to find out you’re full name and then you’ll get whats coming to you!

    *Click!* That was the most frightening phone call I ever got. I told MOD what happened, namely how she didn’t seem that interested in a apology. He told the General Manager, who is on vacation, about it and he told me to just forget about it. I made a honest mistake and the customer blew it out of proportion and gave a empty threat.

    To be honest, I kinda frightened, I was up all night last night remembering that last part. I think, tonight when I work late, I’m taking my pepper with me or having my mom met me after work.

    To say the least, I didn’t have a good Easter, actually didn’t have one at all. While ESC spent the day with her family and had a Easter feast with her loved ones, I worked all day and came home to reheat the ham in the microwave while my family slept.

  • #2
    This is precisely the reason I do not give out my last name or the last names of my employees out.

    She's full of hot air. I wouldn't be worried. She won't get your last name in any way.
    "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


    • #3
      People really cannot fathom that mistakes happen. She assumes that you're some horrible person with a diabolical scheme to make elderly people waste gas.


      • #4
        I'm trying to see the corralation between her ruined Easter and a bird? Perhaps, she wanted the Finch to lay eggs for her to dye? Sounds to me like the Easter Bunny needs to bring that crazy lady need some perspective and possibly some Xanex.
        "If all else fails...blame the dog"


        • #5
          Old people have too much damn time on their hands.

          Don't worry about it too much. I'm sure when she says you'll get "what's coming to you" she means getting fired. And it sounds like management knows the score, so that ain't gonna happen. You'll be fine.

          You'd best keep us voyeuristic SOBs up to date if she comes back, though. I sense a good story a-brewin'.

          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


          • #6
            I would have immediately told her that I am considering that a threat to my life, and if she steps foot into the store she will be arrested for threatening to commit murder (that's actually a crime)


            • #7
              Quoth Jade Pheonix View Post
              ESC: Well, Jade, I’m coming to your store tomorrow! You got my hopes up, thinking I was getting a new finch today! How could you?! You ruined my Easter! When I’m at your store, I’m going to find out you’re full name and then you’ll get whats coming to you!

              So she's bitching that she drove *all* that way and wasted the gas but yet will drive back there the next day to complain about you wasting her money and time? WTF?
              Besides, even if there was one in stock at that moment, there is *no* guarantee there would be on once she got there and she should have lived long enough to know that!
              Last edited by NightAngel; 04-10-2007, 04:45 PM. Reason: witch and bitch aren't pseudonyms


              • #8
                So she wasted all that gas driving there and there were no girl-birds left, and now she's gonna drive all the way back just to yell at you some more? O...K...

                When you said it ruined her Easter, I was thinking maybe it was supposed to be her dinner

                Sorry, that's terrible

                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Quoth Jade Pheonix View Post
                  ESC: Well, Jade, I’m coming to your store tomorrow! You got my hopes up, thinking I was getting a new finch today! How could you?! You ruined my Easter! When I’m at your store, I’m going to find out you’re full name and then you’ll get whats coming to you!
                  You know who the woman is, she bought something from your store so you might have her information.

                  Where am I going? That sounds like a threat, I'd call the police.
                  Quote Dalesys:
                  ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                  • #10
                    Come on, every evil old rotten bitch deserves a bird to keep her company when her cats get sick of her.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas87 View Post
                      Come on, every evil old rotten bitch deserves a bird to keep her company when her cats get sick of her.
                      If I were her cat I'd eat the bird out of spite.
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        Why don't you really ruin her Easter (and every easter) and teach her where Easter came from.

                        Look up Ostara.

                        Quote Dalesys:
                        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                        • #13

                          Nothing happened at all today. GM visited us and heard the whole story from me, and said something simular happened at his other store early this morning.

                          His theory: the woman knew we were out of SF and just wanted to start a fight, possibly reaping some sort of reward. Policy states that if a customer complains about rude employee behavior, they get a free giftcard. Most likely, according to him, she was probably hoping I would lose my cool and cuss her out, so she could complain and get free stuff.

                          Sounds plausible to me, I've seen how some people can be when it comes to free things ,but I think she was just a lonely old woman with too much time on her hands and out of medicine. This is why I hate working on holidays, it's when all the worst possible customers come crawling out of the woodwork.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jade Pheonix View Post
                            ESC: What’s your name? I wanna know your name so I can talk to your supervisor tomorrow about you lying to customers. Tell me your name.

                            Me: Jade *obviously, not my real name, but at this time I figured that this woman was taking this WAY to personally and might become a employee stalker. It’s happened before. I know it was wrong to lie, but I felt that it was for my own safety and don't regret it)
                            Very wise. You don't need this harridan looking up your phone number and calling you at all hours to scold you over silly little birds.

                            I'm glad your managers were okay with this, too. Things like this happen, stock runs out, and if your managers were stupid enough to fire every employee who told a customer that something was in stock only to have it run out half an hour later, there'd be nobody left working at the store.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              Yeah I got very sick of the name thing at work. So on my name tag I changed my name. My manager was like "We really don't want to do that.." and I was like "And they know how?"

                              It was also a very subtle change, unless you're trying to be nasty. I'm clever that way!


