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Fruitcake with extra nuts

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  • Fruitcake with extra nuts

    Another story broguht to you by one of our (ir)regulars, a rather disturbed young lady we call "Code Pink" I have mentioned her before--she's the one who comes into the store with her mom (who's also nuts) and the two of them engage in epic shouting matches.

    Yesterday (Easter Sunday), Code Pink came into the store and got a rain check on a pair of jeans. She then proceeded to call the store 4 times that day, demanding to know if her jeans had come in.

    Hello? We only get deliveries in once or twice a week!

    Another time, she called the store asking for a "comforter quilt". Now there is such a thing as a comforter, and such a thing as a quilt, but no such thing as a "comforter quilt". When the lady taking the call informed her of this, she immediately flew off the handle, berating the poor lady in domestics and repeatedly calling her "stupid" and "retarded". She was just about in tears when that call was finished.

    Code Pink is also fond of removing items from their packages and leaving them lie around for somebody else to pick up. She also likes to buy clothes, remove the tags, wash them, and return them to the store. When we refuse the return she throws a screaming shitfit. Why can't she figure out if she likes something before she makes the purchase?

    The ladies working in softlines are ready to strangle her, and I can't say I blame them.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2

    That's all I got to say about Code Pink.
    I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


    • #3
      I love customers that invent their own words for things.

      I will allways remember the Hydranium lady.

      I've got Hydrageas and Geraniums, but so far they have reproduced and I am running ot of Barry White music.
      "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


      • #4
        The bit with the washed-and-returned clothing? That's not crazy/stupid, that's a scam in progress, and an old one at that. Some folks will take it so far as to wear the clothing with the tag tucked in someplace, so as to make it easier to return. It's most often used on high-end clothing for a party.


        • #5

          Curses,I should have known this was not a post about food.
          ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
          Quoth Gravekeeper

