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"But it's my birthday!"

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  • "But it's my birthday!"

    My newest regular returned today. See this thread for other story about her. Ultimately, it seems I spoke too soon about her reversal of attitude.

    She came back today, picked out a "leather" bound journal for herself and then told me today is her birthday. I said "Happy Birthday!" in my usual cheerful manner. She then said "I want a pair of those slippers over there." So I go around the counter to get them down for her (the larger sizes were up higher). I hand them to her and she says "I can't pay for them." So I offer to hold them for her until she can.

    Repeat until another customer gets tired of it and offers to buy them for her.

    So now she's probably going to come in every day and whine about something she can't pay for until someone else buys it for her! Oh, by the way, she paid for her $12 journal with a $50.

  • #2
    Wait a minute ... she paid with a $50 and she couldn't afford the slippers? GRRRRR ... I think you should warn your manager about her and see if she can be banned or something. The nerve of the woman! If I had been behind her, I'd be like: "Let me buy those slippers! I need a new pair anyways!"


    • #3
      I can't stand when customers order, then can't pay. Fair enough if you really didn't know you have no money on your card, but you can pay in cash. Or if you tell me you don't have cash, but want to try the card, and then it doesn't work. If I get your order and you can't pay for it, no, you can't still have it!

      And don't waste my time looking through your pockets for change unless you know you have enough in there, and it's not just $10 in 5-cent coins. You're holding up my line! I'm annoyed! The people behind you are annoyed!

      Like the OP, I really can't stand when other customers give these people cash for their purchase. The customers gets all high-and-mighty about it, like it's my fault they have no cash, and they really can get their food for free like they thought.

      On a side note, one customer who did this had only betting slips from the place down the road, no cash. I already had his order ready, but wouldn't give it to him for free, so I went and put it back (took like 5 seconds). I went back to my register and he insisted he'd just paid a guy for the order. Asked the guy (manager), he denied it, I told them they didn't. Another customer proceeds to pay for their food. Argh!
      Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
      Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
      <3 Arrested Development


      • #4
        Maybe the other customers aren't paying so much for the food or the item but they're paying them to shut up. I guess it's better to pay for it and get that customer out of your way and not have to listen to them whine then wait 20 minutes for them to whine a ton and waste your time...... just a thought. I probably wouldn't pay for someone else's stuff though - unless maybe they were a few cents shy.


        • #5
          A few cents shy is no problem. We have a heavily stocked penny basket. These were $18 slippers. The woman who paid for them wasn't even at the register yet. She was still looking at greeting cards. The whole situation just left me completely gobsmacked.


          • #6
            She did it again! I'm both appalled at this woman's audacity, and very proud of the generosity of some of the staff at this hospital!

            Today she came in and asked if I had peanuts that had no salt on them. I shook my head and apologized.

            "But that's what I wanted!" she proclaims in the whiniest voice I've heard all week. And I've been doing costume fittings for a show. Actors.

            I offered the Unblanched Almonds instead since it's the closest thing I had at the moment.

            "How much are they?" she asks tentatively in that whiney voice. $4.59 she is told.
            "WHAT?! Why are they so expensive?!" I told her that because of the odd winter the entire country had, nut prices have gone up.

            So the nurse exploring my drink cooler offers to buy them for her.

            I'm just... I'm flat out stunned. This happened at 2:30 PM and here it is almost 6 and I can only just now wrap my mind around this.


            • #7
              What a whiny bitch man... and am I mistaken at the idea that she's a nurse? Nurses are far from broke these days... what with signing bonuses and 55k+ per year salaries and all.
              I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
              "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


              • #8
                Quoth FenigDurak View Post
                So the nurse exploring my drink cooler offers to buy them for her.
                Damn, where do you live, Mannersville? Two people offered to buy things for her? Nice people.
                "several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."


                • #9
                  Quoth ShortTemperHatesStupidity View Post
                  What a whiny bitch man... and am I mistaken at the idea that she's a nurse? Nurses are far from broke these days... what with signing bonuses and 55k+ per year salaries and all.
                  The woman who has had two consecutive days of freebies is a long term patient here. I've been fighting to leave out details of her appearance because there are just no words. Plus, it's the norm here since it is a hospital and all. -=shrug=-


                  • #10
                    Quoth FenigDurak View Post
                    The woman who has had two consecutive days of freebies is a long term patient here. I've been fighting to leave out details of her appearance because there are just no words. Plus, it's the norm here since it is a hospital and all. -=shrug=-
                    Since this info has come to light, I quasi-retract my last statement. Still a bit on the whiny side, but perhaps it's due to the fact that she's a long term care patient. They usually pity themselves and feel they deserve something for the cruddy hand they've been dealt in the game of life. Perhaps that's also why she's gotten two days of freebies. It wouldn't surprise me if the nurses know who she was...
                    I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                    "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                    • #11
                      -=BIG Heavy Sigh!=- I came in this afternoon to find there had been drama this morning regarding this woman. Seems there was a note with the charge nurse on her floor not to let her come down to the gift shop. The charge nurse called someone (not us) to find out why and was told that she had come in on Friday afternoon and relieved herself (#2 for those interested) on our floor and that because of this, we banned her. The only thing even close to this was that my morning coworker told the Admitting Desk that this woman seemed to need assistance in the ladie's room (big mess, janitorial services had to be called in, etc).

                      So this woman and her sister were ranting and raving about how we were so awful and how dare we spread lies about her like that! The funny part is, midway through this post, this woman came in and bought nail clippers. So obviously we haven't banned her.

