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Why The First Window Sucks

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  • Why The First Window Sucks

    I work at an actually descent fast food place, that i actaually like..... i know werid huh. Im ok with doing anything need to do (except the grill because I AINT TRAINED ON IT!!!!!!) but I HATE!!! taking orders in drive thru fromt he first window. Big reason being one head set cuts out back there, and heres another

    One monday about a week ago when we had a new menu item (OMG A NEW DEEP FRIED OR GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICH.... you know its got to be good for you, its chicken) and my boss, who doesnt understand that drive thru freaks me out a bit set me up at the back window.... alone...... and with out so much as a glass of water for 6 hours....... any ways we are having a fairly steady day not too busy but busy enough when these two ladys come through

    "HI! welcome to JIB!!!!! how can i help you today?!?" I'm overly perky.... i wont appologize for it.
    "Um yeah.... we want two of those new chicken sandwiches"
    "Alright, would like those Crispy or Grilled"
    "What? I cant hear you speak up"
    in a louder voice "Would you like those CRISPY or GRILLED"
    "Well you don't have to yell at us!!!!"
    "Ma'am i was just-"
    "Ok... that will be 7.98, Please pull up to the first window"
    They pull forward.
    "Where you the girl taking our order and who yelled at us?"
    "Yes ma'am but i wasn't yelling, I was raising myu voice so you could hear me better."
    "You better give me my reciete, i want the number."
    "Ma'am im sorry if I-"
    "Stupid bitch"
    At which point she takes the reciete and her change and speeds up to the second window.

    ................. I HATE WOMEN!!!!
    which is sad..... because im gay!!!
    Last edited by Rapscallion; 04-10-2007, 08:22 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
    ................. I HATE WOMEN!!!!
    which is sad..... because im gay!!!
    Yeah, I think we've figured that out since this is the second thread where you've kind of beaten us over the head with it.

    I will say to you what I would say to any member who comes in with an axe to grind against any particular group, race or gender. Generalizations are very bad.

    Not everyone in any particular group is all bad. Suckiness knows no limits, just as niceness knows no limits.
    There are going to be good and bad people everywhere.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


    • #3
      Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
      ................. I HATE WOMEN!!!!
      which is sad..... because im gay!!!

      Women are insane and men are crazy.

      I never got the reason behind TWO windows, I have to stop my car twice, talk to two different people and wait for everyone in front of me twice.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        God, they sound like my grandma without her hearing aid in.
        "Hey Grandma, how are you?"
        "Hey Grandma, how ARE you?"
        "HI! HOW ARE YOU!"
        "*sounds like she's gonna start crying* Don't yell at meeeee! <Is then pissed at you the rest of the visit>"
        Mind you, she's lovely when she has the hearing aid's in!
        Re: Quiche.
        Pie is manly.
        Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
        Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
        So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!


        • #5
          Quoth BusyBee View Post
          God, they sound like my grandma without her hearing aid in.
          Reminds me of my mother...

          "Hi Mom, how are you feeling today?"


          (a bit louder) "I said, how are you feeling today?"

          "What? Speak up. I can't hear you."

          (even louder) "You know really need a hearing aid."


          (nearly at the top of my lungs) "You really need a hearing aid."

          "No I don't. I can hear just fine."



          Retail Haiku:
          Depression sets in.
          The hellhole is calling me ~
          I don't want to go.


          • #6
            Women are insane and men are crazy.
            hey! i take offense to that, i'm a woman and i'm crazy!

            all joking aside, if they can't hear you and ask you to speak up, then they can't complain (realistically) when the volume is louder than they expected, but these are sc's, and we all know what that means.

            sorry she was such a harpy; we're not all bad, just not right!
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              I had a similar incident when I worked at the movie theatre. One day I am working (box office cashier of course) and for some reason, my headset just quits working on me. Therefore, I am forced to yell through the glass.

              Group of 3 walks up:

              Me: *with headset on* May I help you?
              (Of course they can't hear through the speaker because the headset just died)

              Customer 1: What?

              Me: *a little louder without headset* Sorry, I said may I help you?

              Customer 1: I can't hear you!

              Me: *realizing how thick the glass was* SORRY THE SPEAKER IS BROKEN, I ASKED IF I CAN HELP YOU

              Customer 1: Relax man! Damn! No need to yell!

              Customer 2: Yeah, that is very rude

              Customer 3: I want to see a manager

              Of course even after apologizing and advising them I was only yelling because I had a broken speaker and it is the only way they can hear through the glass, they were still "offended and upset" that I would yell at them and got some free movie passes from for their "hardship" courtesy of Mr I Give Customers Whatever They Want manager.


              • #8
                At least your customers make it to the box.... when I worked at a coffee place w/ a drive-thru we had soooo many customers come up to the window where you pick up your drink and start ordering.... um.... did you miss the drive-thru box?
                SC: The what? Oh I totally missed it - where is it
                Me: Um by the GIANT menu????
                SC: Oh can I get my order anyway?
                Me: (yeah sure let's hold up everyone inside and everyone outside so we can make YOUR order b/c YOU'RE an idiot who doesn't know how to use a drive-thru)

                The worst was one where I think the driver was deaf and the girl in the passenger seat had a speech impediment...... I'll never figure that one out. I finally told them to drive up to the window and then I still couldn't understand them... finally I figured out they wanted to know if we had crushed ice..... um no.... SC: Can you crush it? Me: um with what??

                Or I also loved the ones where they had their window up b/c it was raining, would proceed to try to order THROUGH their closed window (or opened it a crack) and then drive-away.... um I didn't get that order.......

                Oh oh or the ones that would pull up, not wait for you to say anything, bark out their order, and drive-away. Yep I wasn't ready to take your order, I didn't repeat it to you, and I have no idea what it was - so when you get up to the window don't be surprised that your order isn't ready.....

