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More Of The Gas Monkey Saga (The Why Me? Edition)

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  • #16
    I remember working at the garden centre, where I had just £50 worth of float, and people paying for their 1 tin of catfood with a twenty. -_-

    And don't forget Ms Fifty, who tried to pay for her 99p purchase with a fifty pound note, which we didn't accept there in any case. She eventually dug out the fiver which was glaringly obvious all the time she was bitching at me for not accepting her fifty. X_x
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.


    • #17
      If they don't change our registers often enough, I end up with so many $20's, $10's & $5's that I have to put some under the drawer, where usually only the $50's go. It's only when I have an over-full drawer that people apologize about needing to break a big note. When I have one $5 note and other $95 of my fresh register in coins (we have $1 and $2 coins), that's when people get b*tchy about me going to get change from the office. Maybe I should just start not accepting them, like other posters do. Either get a $10 note or no cheeseburgers for you!

      On a side note, why can't people just pay by card? Much easier, and no annoying change to carry around until you get enough to just dump it on the counter and buy another 5 cheeseburgers.
      Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
      Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
      <3 Arrested Development


      • #18
        Quoth sarahj View Post
        On a side note, why can't people just pay by card? Much easier, and no annoying change to carry around until you get enough to just dump it on the counter and buy another 5 cheeseburgers.
        Despite what conspiracy nuts think about them, I could very happily live in a world where cards were used to pay for pretty much everything. No more bills either so new they stick together like super glue or so nasty you have to wonder if someone wiped their ass with it. No more coins of suspicious origins. No more $50's and $100's!


        • #19
          ugh... I hate when people pay for small orders with 100's and 50's, too! I had this one idiot buy about $8 in groceries and hand me a $100 bill, and when my cash drawer opened I only had 5's and 1's. Maybe $20 total (it was late at night, and money was running low by then). So he got all snappy with me, and whined and complained the whole time that the manager was bringing over the loan for my register. It's like, dude... STFU, at least you're getting your money.

          Oh, did I mention he also had some $10's and $20's in his wallet, too? What did he expect?


          • #20
            Quoth mrtauntaun View Post
            those GBWs who toss it on the counter and give you 'that look' because they think they are cool, man those ticked me off.
            That would have ticked me off too.
            What's so cool about having a $100 bill? My grandmother is the only person I know who carries that kind of cash these days. Everyone seems to use debit and credit. My grandmother is a ray of sunshine in our family's lives, but she could never be called "cool".
            Even in my dirt poor days, I usually could have scrounged together enough cash to get a hundred. Doesn't mean much if your credit cards are maxed out and rent's due.

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #21
              Quoth Hobgoblin View Post
              Do you guys ever tell them you can't break the bill?
              Heck, we're not even a store, and we get people that expect us to make change for them.

              I work in a law firm, and part of our business is collections. We'll have people come in to pay their $762.36 charge with a fistful of hundreds, and then get mad when we tell them exact change only. If they would listen when I instruct them on paying their bill, they would know that they are actually supposed to bring a certified check or money order, but we all know they don't listen. There's a bank at the end of the block anyhow, so it isn't like I'm asking them to go to the ends of the earth or anything.
              Last edited by norrina; 04-11-2007, 02:23 PM. Reason: to add a missing word
              Zee website has been *UPDATED*


              • #22
                I work at a thrift store we start off with 75.00 and have a sign on the register right there where it tells your total..TO PLEASE INFORM US BEFORE YOU ARE RUNG UP IF YOU ARE PAYING WITH A 50.00 or 100.00 bill so that we can better serve you menaing if we don't have it DO NOT START THAT ..that's all I have..that's all the bank gave me...I don't care READ THE DAMN SIGHN and why oh why is it alway with a purchase of 1.25 or YES .75 cents..that's right we are a fucking bank..we have change for your 100.00 bill because you decideto purchase a .75 picture frame...


                • #23
                  Quoth georgiab View Post
                  that's all I have..that's all the bank gave me...I don't care
                  The bank only had hundreds and fifties? Anyone ever had the bank refuse to give you your cash in the denominations that you wanted it?

                  Yeah, me neither. All people need to do is to not be retarded. But that's asking a lot, I know.


                  • #24
                    My bank asks me what sort of bills I want. They won't just give me the money, they confirm that it's in the form I want it to be.

                    Unless I'm going to be spending them almost immediately for a large purchase, I try to never carry anything larger than a $20 and try to never have more than $40 on me at any time unless I have to pay cash for something. I love my bank card.

                    As for the cell phones and gas stations: It's never happened. Cell phones have never caused an explosion at the pumps. People getting in and out of their cars is far more often a cause for fires, and even the pump nozzle hitting the side of the gas tank opening poses a far greater risk. Static electricity is by far the greatest danger and most common cause.

                    At this time, there is still no proof that a cell phone is even capable of starting any sort of fire at the pump. [link to Snopes] It would make more sense to ban cloth seats than cell phones.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #25
                      I prefer to never have cash on me, except $1 bills for work for the vending machines.

                      I figure if someone takes my purse or tries to steal from me, I can freeze my debit and credit accounts before anyone can try to purchase anything.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

