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Its not a threat

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  • Its not a threat

    I work at the help desk of a mail order company. Like all call centers we occasionally get busy. I work in the customer service department which was very busy last week with stupid customers. As a result our order department left us a list of customers that need to be called back for various reasons when I came across this little gem. The memo read:

    Customer upset that she received catalog that states it may be her final. Feels we are threatening her wants callback immediately.

    Ok, maybe the rep was in a hurry and wasn't paying attention to his vocabulary and its not like it sounds. So I figure what the heck and call

    Me: This is David calling for * customer service.
    Cust: Hello
    Me: We received a message stating that you requested a callback and I'm returning the call I understand that you had a problem with a catalog you received?
    (I let her tell her side of the story)
    Cust: Yes I just received a catalog that says this may be the last catalog if I don't order again.

    (I check her file and it shows that she's placed one order back in Febuary, borderline for the final catalog)
    Me: I'm sorry about that. I do show that you have placed an order with us recently it was just a system glitch that the catalog was sent to you. I can make sure it doesn't happen again.

    (And the shit hits the fan)
    Cust: (Starting to get irate) Well I don't like that you are threating me and you are demeaning me.
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am it wasn't intended to be threating just (now she cuts me off)
    Cust: (Irate)Well it is, my daughter orders from you alot (well you're not you're daughter) and I've told several people people about your catalog. I want to know why I received this.
    Me: Again I apologize it wasn't intended as a threat. If a customer hasn't ordered in a while we do send out a catalog that indicates it may be the last (Cuts me off again)

    Cust: Well I want to know who sent this out to me.
    Me: The decision is made by our marketing department.

    Cust: All my credit cards are in good standing, I have good credit, all my family has good credit.
    Me: Again we only send it if a customer hasn't ordered in a while, the catalog was not a threat.

    (Now I have to put myself on mute because I can't hold in the laugh anymore)
    Cust: Well I want to know how came up with this asinine policy I want there phone number.
    Me: I don't have their phone number but a can give an address to our corporate office.
    (Actually I do have a phone number for corporate but they don't like for us to give it out, on retrospect they would have gotten a good laugh out of it)

    Cust: Well you sent this through my post office and in big black letters it says my name *** This will be your last if you don't order from us. Embarrassing me and my family. I am degreed (exactly like she said it), all of my siblings are degreed, my daughters and son are degreed and we're intelligent, and you threaten and embarass us with this. No other company would treat a paying customer this way
    Me: Again ** it isn't intended as a threat. We have the same policy as most other mail order companies. I will submit a complaint on your behalf.

    Now imagine another 20 minutes of this

    Cust: (Now she's all high and mighty) Well I want a written apology on company letter head from the idiot who came up with this policy, or I'm showing this catalog to all my friends an relatives and I'm telling them that you threaten and harass your customers, I'll go to the BBB and I'll go to the news. (Go right ahead and tell them I'll send a list of psychiatric institutions in the Dallas area)

    Me: Well again I apologize, it wasn't intended to be a threat but I will submit a complaint on your behalf.

    Further proof that higher education isn't, Old age doesn't make you smarter, and the ability to speak doesn't indicate a form of intelligent life.

  • #2
    Quoth Slamer View Post
    Cust: Well you sent this through my post office and in big black letters it says my name *** This will be your last if you don't order from us. Embarrassing me and my family. delightfully scandalous!
    Whenever I see a catalogue sticking out of my neighbour's mailbox, I always rush over and see if there's a note on it. And if there is - well! You can bet I get on the horn pronto and start calling up the neighbourhood, spreading vicious gossip along the lines of "Mrs. Jones hasn't placed an order with Sears in SIX MONTHS! How dare she show her face in public!"

    This lady takes the stupid cake.
    (Apparently, there's some rogue college out there "degree-ing" people with the IQs of dust mites.)
    Last edited by Boozy; 04-10-2007, 06:46 PM. Reason: typo

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      I get catalogs in the mail with that very same thing PRINTED ON THE COVER. Never ordered from them, ever, but yet, here comes the first and all subsequent catalogs printed RIGHT on the cover with this heinous threat.

      I would call this harrassment of the worst kind. I'm calling a lawyer and going to the media!



      • #4
        Sheesh, we get catalogs that say that all the time. Most of the time it's so they don'r waste the money sending it to someone who doesn't order anything.

        If that offends her she's going to have a hard time in life.


        • #5
          Quoth Slamer View Post
          Cust: (Now she's all high and mighty) Well I want a written apology on company letter head from the idiot who came up with this policy, or I'm showing this catalog to all my friends an relatives and I'm telling them that you threaten and harass your customers, I'll go to the BBB and I'll go to the news. (Go right ahead and tell them I'll send a list of psychiatric institutions in the Dallas area)
          OMG, I would love to see the looks on the faces of the people she shows that catalog to. I'm guessing they'll look something like this...


          • #6
            Thanks a million for the laugh!

            Can you imagine her watching one of the shopping networks?

            "Okay, you've only got 5 more minutes to take advantage of this great offer! Call now or miss out forever!"

            "Oh, no, they didn't! I'll sue!!"

            "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


            • #7
              Quoth draftermatt View Post
              Sheesh, we get catalogs that say that all the time. Most of the time it's so they don'r waste the money sending it to someone who doesn't order anything.

              If that offends her she's going to have a hard time in life.
              But they do, though! I get catalogs I have never even heard of, who I never ever ordered from, sending me stuff with the warning printed right on the cover. Some of these I have been getting for years.

              I see that and I'm like Didn't realize I was under some kind of threat! Wow!

              I'm on a lot of mailing lists, I guess.


              • #8
                That happened to me. It was so humiliating I had to move to a different city! I feel so embarrassed that you all know now! *runs off crying*

                It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                -Helen Keller

                I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                • #9
                  Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
                  That happened to me. It was so humiliating I had to move to a different city! I feel so embarrassed that you all know now! *runs off crying*

                  That's brutal, but we'll find you there too.


                  • #10
                    I kinda wanna know what she's degreed in...

                    I can see the headlines now:

                    Degreed Woman Degraded by Catalog!

                    The Newest Terror Threat: This Might Be Your Last Catalog!

                    Yeah, read all about it

                    Ya know, when I get catalogs with that (dire) warning, I usually think, "Dog, I hope so!" Ya think there might be a reason I haven't ordered lately. Besides, if I want to order something I can just go online.

                    BTW, We still get needlework catalogs for my grandmother. She died 5+ years ago.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      RK and I must be on the same mailing lists.

                      I've started calling the companies to tell them to quit sending the catalogs. We'll see if it works.
                      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                      HR believes the first person in the door
                      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                      Document everything
                      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                      • #12
                        Quoth Slamer View Post
                        Cust: I'll go to the BBB and I'll go to the news.

                        I wonder what the people at the news say when they get this kind of complaint from their wild eyed, nutty-as-a-fruitcake viewers. I'm sure by now they must have some kind of standard response drawn up for them like:

                        "I'm sorry but I can only add you to the list of hundreds of other complaints that came in before yours. It's first come, first serve here, sorry" or something like that.

                        Personally I'd like to hear them say:

                        "Maam/Sir, I strongly encourage you not to watch me on the news anymore. The type of story you're looking to get covered is already weekly 'news' in the Globe and National Enquirer. I do journalism here at WABC got it?! And yeah, I Really Couldn't CARE Less about your pie! Go fight in Iraq or something."

                        Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                        • #13
                          I replaced "degreed" with "pedigreed" and it got a whole lot funnier.
                 do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                          Chickens are Asexual!


                          • #14
                            Ohhhhhh DEGREE'd! I thought she thought degreed was degraded and was trying to say how much you were degrading her and her entire extended family by threatening to stop supplying for her cataloguing habit
                            Degreed makes much more sense, and subsequently makes it much more hilarious
                            Re: Quiche.
                            Pie is manly.
                            Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
                            Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
                            So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!


                            • #15
                              Has this lady ordered anything else from your catalog? After all, in the time it took for her to rant and rave about this, she could have ordered something else.

                              And, what is the BBB? Is it the BEST BUSINESS BUREAU, like the thread I posted earlier?

