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Crazy semi-famous celeb customer!

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  • #46
    Quoth RogueThinker View Post
    Well, this is actually two or more stories, but here's the short version:

    Two of these men came into my shop and were very non-SC
    Two of them I have seen naked.
    Oh come ON. You KNOW you have to tell us the long version now. And you also know that I am not merely talking about the two who were very non-SC, either!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #47
      25 years ago, when I was a secretary at a local college, I met Jerry Ford. He was a very sweet person, with a warm handshake.


      • #48
        Quoth Jester View Post
        Oh come ON. You KNOW you have to tell us the long version now. And you also know that I am not merely talking about the two who were very non-SC, either!
        I'm guessing Allan Cumming was one of the nekkid ones.


        • #49
          This isnt a customer related greeting, just a celebrity meeting.

          An old friend of mine's uncle is the guitar tech for a famous rocker from the 60's. Out of respect for her family I wont mention his name cause you'd know her family with a simple google search. ANYWAY.. when he came to town on a tour we were offered a chance to see the show free Great! so we got there and my friends uncle got us in before the show while they were still setting up the stage. On the side of the stage was a little rest area with a couch and some tables. My girlfriend and I were sitting on the couch when some people showeup. This one nasty old looking guy comes and sits down next to my GF on the couch.. At first i thought he was a roady. This guy starts hitting on and flirting with my girlfriend. Im look at this guy giving him the evil glare and he still doesnt get it!.

          After the guy left, my friend comes over and ask's if I knew who that was, When I said no she just laughed and said it was JAY GILES!

          Thats right..Jay giles hit on my girlfriend


          • #50
            I was 16 when I played a few hands of poker with a drunk and stoned Willie Nelson after he was done signing autographs after his concert at our County Fair (won 50 bucks off him and had never played poker before). I've jammed with 3 Dog Night, and seen Sammy Kershaw in his black silk boxers. Oh yeah, and I've called Leann Rimes a foul-mouthed cunt, to her face (she was AWFUL while in her dressing room, think of the worst SC you've ever had, multiply it to infinity and you've got her!)

            I was in 4-H at this time, and the stars' dressing room was attached to our small animal barn and you could hear everything they said in there. I and a few others were invited over to visit more than once, and to help finish off the catering.

            Troy Palumalu (the Samoan Headhunter, Steelers) grew up around here, my bf was in the same class as him, his father lives down the road and is an absolute sweetheart (actually, the whole family is nothing but wonderful people) and I remember when Troy was a scrawny teenager who gave big hugs. (Can't remember if he was in 4-H, or just hung around at fair, but I remember that he helped me pack feed sacks more than once, I had a secret crush on him).

            And when my hubby was a teen he watched Bill Murray buy toilet paper.
   do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

            Chickens are Asexual!


            • #51
              My only store related meeting was with one of our local news anchors. She came in right at closing with her kids, they were going on a school trip the next day and needed Twinkies. We didn't have any so I told her try the other store across the street.

              I said hi to Chuck Mangione and didn't realize it was him till he was a good 200' away. He had said hi to my friend and I first before a Buffalo Bills home game.

              Saw Quadry Ismael (Syracuse University, Baltimore Ravens) at the mall going to see the movies while he was still at SU. You could hear everyone in line whispering "there's Quadry" but no one approached him for pictures/autographs.

              Met many former Bills players through my volunteer work with the Bills Community Relations dept several years ago. Leif Larson asked me for some pizza at an event because he was starving. He called me sir, and even said please/thankyou.
              Rob Johnson was interesting, at any event that was mostly adults, he would get out as soon as he could. But if it was a kids based event, he would be there till the very end.
              Doug Flutie was an ass. He would be polite to peoples faces, but you could tell from his mannerisms that he never wanted to be at any event. He was just doing it because of his job.


              • #52
                Several years ago I was getting ready to move to Washington DC to start a new job. My dad and I were in DC looking at apartments when we stopped in a Starbucks for a break. At the counter there was a well dressed and polite man placing an order, and rather noticably, two Secret Service type guys hanging around. They had the shades and earpieces and everything. My dad started chatting the Secret Service guys up and it turns out the man at the counter was the mayor of DC, Anthony Williams.

                Who woulda thunk?
                I question my sanity every day. Sometimes it answers.


                • #53
                  Quoth trunks2k View Post
                  I'm guessing Allan Cumming was one of the nekkid ones.
                  I'm crossing my fingers for Ian McKellen.
                  Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


                  • #54
                    I learned last time my aunt came to visit from Texas that my cousin went to high school with Dr. Bailey from Gray's Anatomy
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #55
                      Quoth RogueThinker View Post
                      Well, this is actually two or more stories, but here's the short version:

                      Stuart Townsend (actor, BF of Charlize Theron)
                      Ian McKellan (Gandalf and Magneto)
                      Alan Cumming (Nightcrawler and a billion others)
                      Pierce Brosnan (Bond, James Bond)

                      Two of these men came into my shop and were very non-SC
                      Two of them I have seen naked.

                      Ah, memories.
                      LONG VERSION WANTED!

                      And I'm hoping its Stuart and Pierce... but I can deal with Ian and Alan as well.

                      damn you.

                      Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                      I was 16 when I played a few hands of poker with a drunk and stoned Willie Nelson after he was done signing autographs after his concert at our County Fair (won 50 bucks off him and had never played poker before). I've jammed with 3 Dog Night, and seen Sammy Kershaw in his black silk boxers. Oh yeah, and I've called Leann Rimes a foul-mouthed cunt, to her face (she was AWFUL while in her dressing room, think of the worst SC you've ever had, multiply it to infinity and you've got her!)
                      DAYUM... I was hoping Leann would be nice... the worst SC? WOW... she looks so... sweet. I guess those are the ones you need to worry about.


                      • #56
                        Leann made Jerry Springer guests look like well-bred girls that had been to finishing school......oh, it was bad. Shoulda heard her badmouthing the town and everyone in it backstage....then going out and telling the audience how wonderful they were and what a beautiful town it was. One of the crew was actually thinking of putting a mic backstage so that everything she was saying would be broadcast over the speakers for the audience to hear. I almost wish he would have.

                        And hell, I can cuss up a storm, I can get vile, corrupt and vulgar, I can make bikers and sailors do double-takes and blush....but this And not the impressed kind of wow....the sad, pity for her kind of wow.
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #57
                          Quoth Jester View Post
                          If I was able to speak coherently to My Personal Goddess (Nancy Wilson of my favorite band of all time, Heart) :

                          I met her a few times when she was visiting her husband here in Louisville when he was shooting Elizabethtown. She was really nice. One time she was buying about 5 copies of the (at that time) new Heart CD, Jupiters Darling (?), to give to some friends.
                          A really cool moment was at the Elizabethtown movie premier party about a year later when I'm talking to some girl I had just met, Nancy walked up and asked me if I'd seen somebody that we knew in common and if they were still at the party. I told here that he was and she went to look for him. The girl I was talking to was like "that was Nancy Wilson, wasn't it?" Me: "uh, yeah, she was just looking for Jim James" Her: "Jim James from My Morning Jacket?!!" Me: "Yeah" I think I may have scored extra bonus cool points then.
                          Customers: from 0 to stupid in 2.5 sentences.


                          • #58
                            I've met a few rockstars and hung out with a variety of local musicians. One of my neighbors (in my old neighborhood) is a fairly successful and well known local singer. I saw his band perform while I was in high school, thought they were amazing, and then a year later he moved in two doors down. I never got to know him very well, but he did take out an ad for my drama club's playbill my senior year. Very nice guy.

                            Closest I've come to serving a celeb at work was at my mall job. I was helping a woman and her son. The whole time I'm thinking... "this woman seems so familiar..." but I couldn't put my finger on it. I watch the store manager BSing with her, and the more she talked the more familiar her voice sounded. When she walked out, the Store Manager asked me if I realized who she was... turns out, she is the radio show host for one of our local radio stations. It was no wonder I recognized her voice seeing as I had listened to her every morning! She was a great customer, too. I had a blast dealing with her, and it made it so much cooler after I found out who she was!
                            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                            • #59
                              Demand, meet supply

                              Okay, I feel kinda band 'cause this is totally thread-jacking and OT, but here goes:

                              There is no way to tell this story without anyone who lives in Vancouver figuring out the specifics, but anyway...

                              In the magical kingdom of Soviet Canuckistan there is a beautiful place known as Vancouver. On the far West coast of Vancouver there is a university campus. Below the campus is a nude beach.

                              On my first day on campus, a friend and I decided to take advantage of the warm September and check out the beach. We had fun, and on the way back up to campus, we passed two men. One got up to go into the water, the other was sitting quietly, wearing a straw hat and a smile. I whispered to my friend, "Hey, that's Ian McKellen!" She didn't believe me, so I walked up to him and very politely (after all, I am Canadian) asked him if he was, in fact, Sir McKellen.

                              Now, most celebrities, upon being confronted with public nudity by a young girl, would be understandably concerned that said girl might cause a scene, so Sir Ian looked rather chagrined when he said that yes, he was Ian McKellen. My friend and I, not wanting to be intrusive, thanked him politely and went about our business. (Our business was, at that time, to run at full speed back to our dorm and tell everyone we knew that we had seen Ian McKellen nekkid on the beach. Our Mormon roommate didn't speak to us the rest of the year.) And the second gentleman? Alan Cumming, of course. They were in town filming X2. And the best part? This story has now become not only a part of the campus tour, but Sir Ian has given interviews about how much he likes filming in Vancouver, because everyone is so cool about celebrities that even when he has run into fans at the nude beach, they don't intrude on his holiday! I love that man. I also feel it is my duty to inform people that, in comparison to other men of his age at the nude beach, Sir Ian is both built and hung.

                              As for Pierce Brosnan and Stuart Townsend, they both dropped by my old museum job. They both enjoy buying art, and were really polite. I actually think Mr. Townsend was very surprised I recognized him. A coworker of mine actually saved a copy of Mr. Brosnan's visa slip, so she wouldn't have to "impose" on him and ask for an autograph.

                              So, those are the stories. Sufficiently lurid?
                              "Clothes make the man. Naked people have very little influence in society." - Mark Twain


                              • #60
                                Quoth karl hungus View Post
                                She was really nice. One time she was buying about 5 copies of the (at that time) new Heart CD, Jupiters Darling (?)
                                Yes, that was the name of that CD. Pretty good, too.

                                Quoth karl hungus View Post
                                Nancy walked up and asked me...
                                You've mentioned this story before. And I repeat what I said then....

                                I REALLY REALLY hate you!

                                Quoth RogueThinker View Post
                                So, those are the stories. Sufficiently lurid?
                                Not nearly lurid enough!

                                (Myself, I have seen one famous movie actress naked, but out of respect for her, I shall not name her here or elsewhere. It DOES pay to be nice to us peons.)

                                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                                Still A Customer."

