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SC's must have missed me.

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  • SC's must have missed me.

    So, last night was my first shift in two weeks. And the only words I can say are All the SC's must have missed me, because I had about two weeks worth of SC's rolled into one eight hour shift.

    Get to work!

    Walked into the bar, but I was twenty minutes early. So I had a little chat with the manager, asking what I had missed, any gossip, yadda yadda yadda. I wasn't wearing my uniform yet, and an SC comes up to me.

    SC: If you're not going to work then don't stand behind the bar!

    SC walks off, manager and me laugh.

    Co-Workers Last Day

    To be honest, being back at work was a bit of a shock to my system, after spending two weeks doing nothing, being thrown into a busy Thursday night was a bit of a shock. So I was a bit tired and a little rusty.

    It was a co-workers last day, she's got a new job, she was never unprofessional, but seeing as it was her last shift, she was a little more daring than usual.

    SC comes up to the bar and yells at me.

    SC: I had to wait twenty minutes for my food! I want to complain!
    Me: Well sir, I did inform your wife that it was a half hour wait, so you actually got your food early...
    SC: Don't give me that! YOU ARE WORTHLESS! YOU ARE RUBBISH!
    Me: Do NOT speak to me like that (I'm usually calm, but if someone starts insulting me personally like that, I will not take it)
    SC: Every time I come here it is terrible! I come here all the time and it is terrible!

    My co worker jumped in.

    CW: Sir, we are very busy, it was a miracle you got your food in twenty minutes.

    He must have been blind, every table was full.

    CW: Yes we are! Look around!
    SC: You know, if I was at <rival bar> they would give me free drinks!
    CW: Well you're not at <rival bar>!
    SC: It's terrible here! Next time I come here I want better service!
    CW: If it is SO TERRIBLE, then why do you keep coming back?
    SC: Well...
    CW: It's because we are the cheapest bar in town, THAT'S WHY! You're cheap!

    The SC walked away. I was surprised, I thought he was going to scream bloody murder.

    Doorstaff woes

    We had doorstaff as a one off last night. There was a large group of gypsies wandering around town, so we wanted to be prepared. We had six door staff on the door. They were fantastic, but the customers didn't agree. Here are some examples:

    SC: I don't appreciate being greeted by half the army at the door!

    SC: Me and my family came for a nice meal, but we feel too uncomfortable with THEM around!

    SC: Your doorstaff asked my friend for I.D! Now he's had to go home!

    SC: I don't ever want to see a "welcoming comittee" here ever again!

    Amazing. They all knew what was going on in town, yet they didn't realise that the doorstaff were there for THEIR protection!

    Disappearing Act

    Customer comes up to the bar and orders a meal and a drink.

    SC: Oh! I've forgotten what my wife wants! Make the drink while I'm away, I'll be right back!

    He was gone for more than TEN minutes! Customers were waiting to be served, and this guy had just disappeared. I put his drink in a fridge, deleted his order, and carried on serving. The customer returned, but I was in the middle of serving someone.

    SC: Hey! You were serving me! Oh forget it! Cancel that! We don't want to eat here anymore!

    Yes, we want to hire you

    Very drunk old man came up to the bar. He could barely walk.

    DOM: Application form please.
    Me: Oh we're out at the minute, but if you come in tomorrow I'm sure we'll have some then.
    DOM: OK then, but just be prepared. I'm going to get a job here, and I am going to TAKE OVER.

    He walked away. Manager witnessed it, and said his application was going straight in the bin.

    Employee Defends Himself

    This would have been the highlight of the night, but I was in the kitchen and missed it.

    A drunk SC was acting up, so a member of staff went up to him and asked him to leave. The SC responded by picking up a chair, and attempting to hit the member of staff with the chair!

    My co-worker is very quick on his feet, so he instantly defended himself, and kicked the SC just below the knee. The SC fell straight to the floor. The SC responded by calling the police

    The problem was, none of the door staff witnessed it, no other members of staff witnessed it, just the SC and his friends, who quickly turned it around onto my co-worker. Thankfully, it was all caught on camera, so the SC was taken away by the police, and the friends were barred.

    Screaming Banshee

    I noticed a customer that used to be barred at the end of the bar.

    Backstory The reason this customer was barred was because of his wife. She CANNOT handle alcohol, yet he keeps buying it for her, and she gets very drunk and abusive to staff. She even gets to the point where she is so drunk, she can't even hold her glass, and people have to carry her out of the bar, so he was barred.

    Now, I saw the old man, and I was the only member of staff who recognised him. I hadn't seen him in about a year, and all of the other staff on had been there for less than a year. I thought I would give him a chance, because although he is very stupid, getting his wife in that situation, he is never horrible to staff, and is always quite friendly.

    I walked up to him.

    Me: Hey, just to let you know, I know you used to be barred from here. Now, I'm going to serve you, but please, don't let me down.
    Old Man: Ok then, I understand, don't worry.

    Yeah, he let me down.

    The wife got drunk, but it was a new low of drunkeness (if thats even a word). We were beginning to close down, and we were greeted by the most blood curdling scream ever. We all ran to see what was going on, but it was just the wife. She was sat there, next to her husband, screaming randomly about nothing. I had had enough.

    Me: Right, get out, you're barred AGAIN.
    Husband: She's OK, shes just a little drunk.
    Me: GET OUT! NOW!

    Thankfully, the police came in. They wanted the security camera footage from earlier, and as soon as they walked in, the old man basically picked up his wife and dragged her out the door.

    Me: Don't you EVER come in here again!


    Ahhhhhhhhhhh its good to be back at work.

  • #2
    Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
    SC: It's terrible here! Next time I come here I want better service!
    CW: If it is SO TERRIBLE, then why do you keep coming back?
    SC: Well...
    It's terrible to because he doesn't get his order at his table before he even places it.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
      SC: If you're not going to work then don't stand behind the bar
      If you're not gonna get a drink, stay away from the bar!
      This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


      • #4
        I'm a bit confused by this line...

        "Amazing. They all knew what was going on in town, yet they didn't realise that the doorstaff were there for THEIR protection!"

        Are gypsies really that much of a problem?
        I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


        • #5
          Some groups can be. Is it necessary to take such steps? Let's just say that most businesses don't spend money unless they absolutely have to.

          We're not talking the friendly Romany in their painted caravans.



          • #6
            Gypsies are a HUGE problem in our town, they are unbelieveably violent. Last time there was a mass gathering, we got closed down, bar stools were thrown and the staff were locked in the office until riot police showed up. I wasn't there when this happened, thank God, but people were taken to hospital and everything.

            Some of them are OK, they will come and drink and get on with it, but they often clash with the locals, and you never know when it is going to happen. We had one mass brawl on a Monday morning once.

            Half the bars in my town didnt even open yesterday they were that terrified, and town was deserted and police were everywhere. A member of staff said he was followed all the way to work, and it wasn't until a police van drove past that the group went away.

            So yeah, they are a bit of a problem, the ultamate SC's. I actually expected to come on here today and tell a tale of a riot in my bar or something, but thankfully, they never made it to our place.

