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There is a slice missing!

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  • There is a slice missing!

    The scene: Pizza Place
    The Actors: AM, GM, SC

    SC has a carry out order. AM get the pizza out of the oven, puts pizza in box, cuts pizza, closes box, walks all of three to four steps to the customer counter and hands customer the pizza.

    (Please note in FULL view of the customer, myself and the GM)

    All this is normal in the Pizza Place. I was gathering pans to wash since it was getting close to closing time. On my way up with some clean pans, AM informs me that the SC called to say there was a slice missing from his pizza. I can hear GM on the phone with the customer trying not to laugh saying:
    'Well, I dont know what happened to it. But I was standing right here watching the entire thing. I saw him cut an entire pizza then immediately close the box and walk it around and hand it to you."

    SC: derp derp derp (I couldnt hear him since I wasnt on the phone, but this sounds about right)

    GM: Maybe you ate it on the way home and forgot?

    SC: Herpity derp derp herp

    GM: Okay, bring the pizza back and Ill either give you a refund or make a new one. But you cant get both.

    SC: Derpity herp herp.

    GM: No, I'm not saying you are lying. But I saw that pizza in the box. All the slices were there.

    SC: herp herp derpty wharrgle eleventy!!!!

    GM: Thats fine, Ill give you the money back but you have to bring the pizza back as well.

    So time passes. Customer returns the pizza with half the damn thing gone. Now.. I would have told them to get out and ban them for life. But Im not the GM. He went ahead and gave them the refund, but noted the account that the customer must verify the pizza before they can have it.

    Bonus stupid: There was a topping on the pizza that the AM simply will not eat as he loathes that topping.

  • #2
    I'd have told him that I'd replace the pizza, period - and ONLY if it was returned with ONE piece missing. Absolutely no refund. I loathe scammers.


    • #3
      THIS must be why my local Pizza H opens every pizza box and shows me the pizza, telling me twice what's on it before they'll let me have my carry out!
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        I totally see the SC's side of this. SURELY the ONLY way the manager of a pizza place can satisfy his insatiable urge for pizza is to steal it from a customer. There is simply NO other way for him to get it.

        (And EE, I'm sorry to hear that. Better safe than sorry I guess, but it means the scammers are winning when we have to jump through such hoops for the simple things in life. )


        • #5
          What a dumbass. Maybe next time he'll skip puffing on herbal supplements before picking up the pizza - no munchies, no mysterious missing slice.

          Also, "herp herp derpty wharrgle eleventy!!!!" is absolutely going to be what I hear from now on every time I get a customer complaining on the phone at work
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            If I was the manager, I'd have told him straight out that he'd be getting no refund and nothing for free.


            • #7
              You'd think the second trip back cost more than the pizza...


              • #8
                Quoth Evannah View Post
                If I was the manager, I'd have told him straight out that he'd be getting no refund and nothing for free.
                That's what my boss at the pizza place where I worked would have done, and did. We once had a customer who complained that the pizzas she'd bought were burnt, but when she brought them back there was nothing left in the boxes but two chewed crusts. Despite her protests that her children were hungry, my boss told her that since the pizzas had been eaten, she wasn't getting either a refund or a replacement, as they couldn't have been that bad. She was a scammer; with the conveyor belt oven we had, it was impossible to burn the pizzas anyway. Rewarding scammers just makes them try the same tricks again.
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.


                • #9
                  Quoth eltf177 View Post
                  You'd think the second trip back cost more than the pizza...
                  Assuming the SC lives within ten miles of the pizzeria, that's not even a gallon of gas round trip for even a gas guzzler. A pizza for less than $3.50 isn't a bad deal.

                  But regardless, SC's are bad with math. All they know is that they got a "free" pizza (or half a free pizza) and that's enough for them.
                  Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                  • #10
                    Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                    But regardless, SC's are bad with math. All they know is that they got a "free" pizza (or half a free pizza) and that's enough for them.
                    At the risk of high jacking, this reminds me of a Genius Customer I had who had a coupon. She had to buy $40 worth of stuff listed to use the coupon & was short by $10 so she bought $10 worth of candles. The value of the coupon? $10. Meh...
                    Here Mr Customer, let me pull that out of my arse for you!


                    • #11
                      ^^ That proves my point exactly.
                      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                      • #12
                        Quoth JustShootMe View Post
                        At the risk of high jacking, this reminds me of a Genius Customer I had who had a coupon. She had to buy $40 worth of stuff listed to use the coupon & was short by $10 so she bought $10 worth of candles. The value of the coupon? $10. Meh...
                        I'm not sure what the problem is with that? She added to her order so she could use the coupon, so she got $40 worth of stuff for $30 instead of getting $30 worth of stuff for $30?


                        • #13
                          Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                          Assuming the SC lives within ten miles of the pizzeria, that's not even a gallon of gas round trip for even a gas guzzler. A pizza for less than $3.50 isn't a bad deal.

                          But regardless, SC's are bad with math. All they know is that they got a "free" pizza (or half a free pizza) and that's enough for them.
                          I was also including wear/tear on the vehicle, not to mention the wasted time...


                          • #14
                            Quoth JustShootMe View Post
                            At the risk of high jacking, this reminds me of a Genius Customer I had who had a coupon. She had to buy $40 worth of stuff listed to use the coupon & was short by $10 so she bought $10 worth of candles. The value of the coupon? $10. Meh...
                            But that just means the candles were essentially free.


                            • #15
                              Quoth amylouky View Post
                              I'm not sure what the problem is with that? She added to her order so she could use the coupon, so she got $40 worth of stuff for $30 instead of getting $30 worth of stuff for $30?
                              Quoth Monterey Jack View Post
                              But that just means the candles were essentially free.
                              I believe the point is that the candles were JUST so she could use the coupon and not something she actually needed. Thus she would've been better off saving the coupon since it was otherwise a zero-sum game.
                              "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                              RIP Plaidman.

