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P@SSholes - open thread for Staples CPC

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  • P@SSholes - open thread for Staples CPC

    My store's Copy & Print Center has had the new Pay at Self-Serve (P@SS - official acronym) setup for a couple weeks now, and the SCs just keep bouncing right off of it.

    Briefly, P@SS requires you to pay at the copy machine with a credit card, or with an Express Card (which is a gift card branded for the Copy Center) that you preload with cash (minimum $1). Remaining balances on Express Cards are NOT refundable, but since they are the same as Gift Cards, they can be redeemed at any register for anything in the store.

    The old system was an honor system. The machines were unlocked and you would go to a register and tell the cashier how many copies you made. I'm sure that a lot of people had been getting free copies for years under that system, but no more.

    As a "last resort" option, should we receive a strong pushback from a customer, we can give them a "Courtesy Card" which can be used to make 25, 50, or 100 copies (as set by an employee), then the customer can go to the Copy Center register and pay afterwards.

    I'm not even a CPC associate, and this is already driving me nuts. I'm sure that other Staples Slaves who may be here and have this system at their stores feel the same way, so I invite any and all P@SS horror stories.

    I've even got a name (uninspired and obvious though it may be) for P@SS SCs: P@SSholes.

    Had a guy today who I was helping with P@Ss because the only CPC associate was busy with another customer. He informed me that it was "ridiculous" to use a credit card for such a small amount (ten copies) and that he did not want to put $1 int eh machine for it.

    P@SShole: What is the urpose of this system except to aggravate people?

    Me: The purpose isfor your convenience. This way, you don't have to wait in line to pay for 10 copies, nor do you have to keep precise track of how much you've done. You walk in, make your copies, and you can leave.

    P@SShole: Fine; I'll go somewhere else.

    Yeah, that really fazes me. I promise you that you will not find a lower price on copies ($0.06 each) anywhere around here, and even if you somehow do, you'll have wasted a lot of gas to find it. Joke's on you, pal.

    Yesterday, a woman flipped out at one of the full-time CPC associates over P@SS, partly because she thought it was ridiculous, and partly because the associate was unable to help her (because she was up to her elbows in a job that prevented her from leaving the machine) any way but verbally.

    P@SShole (who had been rude and condescending from the word go): YOu are very rude!

    CPCA: Well you know something? You're very rude alos. Have a nice day.

    *P@SShole waddles over to MOD to complain; MOD listens, then does nothing after she leaves.*

    Aside formthat, I can't tell you how many people have come up to my register with an Express card looking for change (as in, cashing out their card) and to break bills, neither of which I can do (which, in regards to breaking bills, is retarded. For some unknown reason, only a manager can perform a No Sale, so I am powerless to help them unless they happen to come over when the drawer is already open).

    And just what is the problem with making a small credit card purchase? It's not OUR fault that you have some hangup over charging small amounts to it. Its not like it costs you more to do that, nor do we have a minimum charge amount. Just freaking do it and quit wasting my time with your pointless complaints (pointless because P@SS isn't going to go anywhere).

    EDIT: I do realize that it does suck to have a minimum $1 to add to an Express Card (at the machine; I can manually add less than that at the register) when B&W copies are only $0.06 each. But that does not make this a "scam." ou canm pay the exact amount with a Credit Card or get a Courtesyt Card OR just come see me and I will make it work for you. But of course, a true P@SShole, like all SCs, does nto use logic and will resort directly to flipping out.
    Last edited by Dave1982; 04-13-2007, 08:56 PM.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Don't we as associates get a card we can use so if we need to make copies of something store related and all the copiers behind the counter are in use?


    • #3
      Yes, but (at more store anyway) only managers and CPC associates get them. You can however, ask to borrow one. I've done that a couple times to make store use copies.
      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        **Warning: Language**

        Had another one today. Moron walks over to register 1 and says to the cashier

        "I don't know what the deal is with teh self-serve copiers, but it's A FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS!!!!!!!"

        While my co-worker and I stood there dumbfounded, he just stormed out. Then the other cashier just burst out laughing.

        If you don't understandit, just ask, idiot. Don't scream at us. Oh, and don't come back, either.
        "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

        RIP Plaidman.


        • #5
          About time they finally DID something about the Self-Serve copiers ....

          (I worked in the CPC at Office Depot for two and a half years, so I am WELL AWARE of the troubles you're facing!)

          The new system will weed out the jackasses and those who truly need copies will figure out the cards and keep coming back.

          Course, that might take a year or more.


          But in the end, it WILL work.
          Teach a SC to fish... and they will whine about you not catching, filleting, frying, and serving it up on a silver platter for them. - EvilEmpryss


          • #6
            They have those at the Staples near me, I don't mind. 1.42 on my credit card means little to me.


            • #7
              How the hell can you get upset if it $1.00 on a CC?
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                Quoth powerboy View Post
                How the hell can you get upset if it $1.00 on a CC?
                Remember what site you are currently reading. There are stories in here where someone worked themselves into a freak-out-frenzy over 3 freaking cents.

                I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                • #9
                  Yea, both my fiance and I work down at the old Staples in town and lucky her, CPC. I get all sorts of stories from the copy center.

                  When p@ss was set up, it was a nightmare for the copy center. There were so many people getting copies for free for years and questioned why we were making them pay for the copies all of a sudden. The answer was always the same. We have always charged for copies, but you haven't been paying obviously. Those people were the easy ones to placate. Wrongs, as it were, were commited on both sides. If you weren't stealing copies, we wouldn't have had to put this system in.

                  There have been some freakouts, we put detailed instructions in big letters in the top of the copies, on the tables next to the copiers, on the doors coming in, on the counter @ copy and posters all over the store. And SC with the same stuff, why doesn't the copier work, that's dumb and the best, I wanna talk to you manager. Like the lowly copy center associate put p@ss there.

                  It's been awhile, and I think the copy thieves have been weeded out. There are still one or two people who haven't made copies in a year or two who come in, but they r good about it.

                  I'm telling my fiance about this thread. She'll like this.
                  90% of the people complain because of the 10% that ruined your day........

