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A Few Pizza Place Blues. (3 stories, one doosie/long)

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  • A Few Pizza Place Blues. (3 stories, one doosie/long)

    Long time reader, first time poster.

    I work in a pizza place that has a large buffet from 11-2/5-C, and we deliver the entire day and have a menu with millions of non-pizza things. I work the cutting/salad/hoagie/box area and take care of the front and any other area that needs me.

    A few history parts, which may help if I explain I live in a small town where "everybody knows your name."

    1.) A lady who lives in income-based housing, has three unwedlocked kids, and her dad is a local drug lord. Obvious where she gets her cash.

    I made the mistake of answering the line no one else wanted. L for Lady.

    Me: Thank you for calling * , this is UnholyPet, how can I help you?
    L: Yeah.. I want the club hoagie for a delivery..
    I take her address with little discomfort.
    Me: Okay, what kind do you want?
    L: The club.. and I want some lettuce and onions and jalapenos on it.
    Me: Okay, and no sauce on that?
    L: I'll have the italian on the side.. and would you make sure they put more than four slices of onion on it? I can't even taste it.
    Me: Okay, so extra onions on that?
    L: I don't want extra onions.. I want the #*$king amount I pay for.
    Me: Well, since this is a hoagie which doesn't come with veggies, it's gonna be free either way, but I'm not allowed to put more than what the ticket says. So if I post it as extra onions, they'll be there.
    L: Are you some d4mn moron? I don't want extra onions I want more on it!!!

    She tirades me about how she wants more, and she isn't paying for her extra onions (which I explained are free)... this goes on until she seems to suddenly understand.

    Me: Okay, now you only have $4.99.. we need an $8 order for it to be considered delivery.
    L: What.. that's never been like that.. HUFF.. Fine, add some cheesesticks and put extra cheese on everything.
    Me: Okay.. and your marinara sauce comes FREE with the sticks.. That'll be $13 (or so) in total.
    L: ......
    Me: Ma'am?
    Me: Well, your hoagie is $4.99.. the sticks are $2.99.. your tax is (whatever it was) and the delivery charge is $1.50.
    L:When did delivery go up? I order every week and its always 20 cents!!
    Me: I've worked here two years and its always been $1.50.
    L: Okay.. well I want my food in ten minutes.

    =_= So we ended up getting the manager involved, and she hasn't called back in a month!

    2.) Three women walk in with six kids.. all under ten. They order the buffet, and are calm and quiet in their seats and no trouble. We ask them around 2:30 if they're done, yeah they are, we take it down. Turns out the food kept the kids docile.

    They get up and start running into the glass walls (literally), ran into the bathrooms and trashed them (tp everywhere and the boys peed in the sink and corners), and run around in the lobby -- nearly tripping a co-worker as they take a dine-in pizza to a table

    I get a little miffed, and ask our manager if we can tell the women to handle their kids. We have to get permission from the owner (who is doing work in his sound-proof office)... he says no, let the mothers handle it.

    So, after another hour of this, I have to make some tea, which is right by the drink machine. I get a pitcher, clear out the old tea and pour in some scalding water. One of the little snots threw a ball behind me, and ran headlong into me as I carried the old tea (still hot) in my hands to offer to customers to save some $. It pours all over my pants and into my shoes, all over my apron, soaking me. The kid gets a few drops on his head.

    The mom FREAKS out, and screams at me for damaging her baby. Manager yells at her and her possee to leave =)

    3.) (the doosie)

    It was night, I was told to clean the bathrooms. No big. I work the women's first, since its closer and I'm a girl, and made sure the customers were gone, and started on the men's.

    Cleaned the sinks first, got the urinal, and go to the stall. I get knocked back by the smell first, and then notice the potty brush is covered in brown and on the floor.. I step up to the potty, and brown water and tp is piled.. luckily I see no chunks.

    Being illiterate, and thinking it common sense, I flush it. Water starts over-flowing, and I run to grab the machine-smart manager. He grabs some picker-uppers and a plunger and I grab a shop-vac. We get the tp out, and shop-vac some water after seeing it's clear brown. Then we flush again, to be rewarded with poo-water overflowing fast into the floor.

    We pull the little dtopper thing in the back, and commense the plunging while I clean the splattered walls. The plunging and flushing goes okay for another half hour, (it was that bad) and we get excited for being almost clear.

    The manager flushes what appears to be the last time, and (I swear on my name) a three foot long t*rd flies out of the potty and splashes into chunks and bits all over the potty/bowl/walls/us. /puke.

    So.. we clean it out into a garbage can (and straight to the dumpster), and plunge/flush until its clean water and fine. We start re-cleaning walls, and shop-vac some water on the floor... not knowing a poo-chunk was in the tube. It backs up the machine, and apparently flew into the air-thing, and poo was shot all over the walls anew.

    To finish, we finally got the bathroom cleaned, and manager graciously offers to clean the shop-vac while I sanitize myself and change.

    Poor guy forgot about the poo-chunk, and dumped it in his shoes


  • #2
    Wow that woman reaming you for hurting HER baby is a piece of work. Watch your damned kids lady!


    • #3
      Unholy Pet-- your poo story made me all at the same time!!!


      • #4

        Thanks? XD


        • #5
          they should have been gone after the urinating spree; it's unsanitary, for god's sake, what's so damned hard to understand that? (guess those women have no clue, period)

          aww, poor baby gets a few drops, while you could have gotten 2nd degree burns? she should be thankful YOU weren't seriously hurt, otherwise, she could be facing a lawsuit for being stupid and irresponsible.

          gahh, we all feel your pain on this; disgusting and lowering our faith in humanity yet another notch.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            jeez! I would have thrown up all over the place IF I had encountered what you did. Strong smells make me sick so that would have made me toss my cookies left & right.

