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Was there an unscheduled full moon?

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  • Was there an unscheduled full moon?

    Honestly, the past couple of days, people have been more bizarre than usual. There were many WTF moments, but these were the creme de la creme!

    Needs many answers

    I'm on Express. Our Express tills are doubled. Only my side is open, so there's only one lineup, and the other Express has a closed sign on it.

    Old lady behind the customer I'm serving asks: Should I be here?
    *Now that's a question I can't answer for you, dearie!*
    Me: What did you need ma'am?
    OL: The till, is this the right line? The light is off, are you closed? Should I go on the other side?
    *Holy sheepshit batman, so many questions.*
    Me: Yes, this till is open, the light is on, I'm cashing right here, ma'am.
    She goes around the other side and starts putting her groceries on the closed till.
    Me: Ma'am, that till is closed, I'm open on this one right here.
    She comes back around with her stuff. When I ring her through, she starts telling me her troubles: Her car is in the shop so she had to rent a car and they asked to see two credit cards, and they should only need one, not two. She and her friend managed to unroll the window and can't figure how to get it back up again. And on and on. . .

    Given her level of confusion at the till, should she even be driving???

    Must be a New Game

    Guy comes up to me: There isn't a Starbucks in this store, is there?
    Me: Actually, there is - we're standing right beside it.
    *With two huge lighted signs right in your face, how could you not see it, you fool???*
    He goes over to the Starbucks counter and I ring through my next customer. I never heard any drink being made, so asked the barrista about him. She said all he asked her was if there was a public washroom in our store.
    WTF??? Nothing better to do than go around the store asking random questions?

    Not so Lucky

    We're giving away those lucky break game cards again, sigh. The way it works is a customer gets one game card for using the club card, and one extra game card for every three participating products they buy.
    Woman has her 2 grandkids with her, so wants me to give her a handful of extra lucky break cards so the grandkids can each open some, 'because they like to open them'. She only qualified for one game card, yet expected me to give her a whole freakin' handful! I explained to her why I couldn't. She wanted to talk to the manager, so I called him over and he told her the same thing.
    *Too bad for you, greedy witch!*

    It's not worth my job, especially the way my store is cracking down on everything - we've had 8 people fired for theft and/or fraud in the last 2 months, and I don't want to be next. I'm following the rules and keeping my job!

    Constipated, part 1

    Old guy goes right past my open till, where I have one customer, to the closed till, plunks his 2 6-packs of bran muffins down and waits. . . perhaps because he really needs those bran muffins and can't wait in line. . .
    I tell him that till is closed and I can help him over here on my till.

    Constipated, part 2

    Old lady comes up to my till, puts her stuff on, starts looking in her purse, and out of nowhere, comments: I got gas...
    P, on the other till, looks at me and we almost lose it.
    Old lady finally continues: I must've left my air miles card there.
    Geez lady, don't scare us with potential bodily-functions stuff like that!

    Thank the gods I'm off today!
    It's like I'm wearing Eau de Moron and all of the idiots and assholes are attracted to me... -JuniorMintz

  • #2
    Nope, not an unscheduled full moon but a fully scheduled Friday the 13th.
    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.

