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  • "Snotty"

    I came in to work at my candy store anything less than bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I had played my first live gig at a medieval dinner (I sing) and had driven three hours that morning to make it in to my day job on time. I had an allergy attack overnight (therefore nothing contagious) and wasn't feeling good. In walks a family, no big deal, I greet them and tell them how things are done. One of their little midgets (who must've been at least twelve) decides to put his dirty fingers all over our candy in the nice, clean bins. BIG no-no.

    Me: Exhausted and sick feeling
    SD: Sucky dad
    SM: Sucky mom

    Me: I'm sorry, but you have to pay for the candy if you touch it. *and because I was tired, I plucked the candy he touched, put it in his own little bag and handed it to him*
    SD: Excuse me, while I admit what he did was wrong--you hear me, wrong! *to his kid* --you didn't have to be so snotty about it.
    Me: I'm sorry you felt I was being snotty sir, but store policy is store policy.
    SM: I agree, you were being very snotty and rude. *had come up behind me to surround and corner me, this is NOT a big store*
    Me: Again, I'm sorry you feel that way. *not going to admit fault, I didn't think I was being snotty*
    SD: You know, I don't think we're going to pay for this! *throws the bag I'd handed his son on the floor* I don't think we're going to buy anything and I don't think we're ever coming back either!!
    SM: *shoves her bag of candy into a bin and they all start to stomp out indignantly* What's your name?
    Me: Adarhysenthe.
    SM: Say that again?
    Me: No. *really tired and I wanted them out*
    SM: I'm gonna call and complain on you! *stomps out after her midgets and husband*
    Me: Good riddance? *shaky by now (I HATE getting shouted at), then sighing and pulling the bag out and putting it all away properly, as well as tossing the contaminated candy from their son's inate need to touch everything*

    Of course my break wasn't for three more hours.
    Last edited by adarhysenthe; 04-15-2007, 05:07 AM.

  • #2
    how dare you call their kid on his bad behavior and their lack of parenting; shame on you!

    sounds like they were pissed because you pointed out their lack of parenting skills (teaching him how to behave in a store) and wanted a reason not to pay for his mistake.

    i love the threat of 'we're never coming back.' i'm betting you'll see them soon; real soon.

    *is applauding you boisterously for your adhering to policy and booing their inability to accept consequences, sc's that they are*
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      I also love how SC's truly think if they "never come back" the place will be boarded up within the week!

      News flash people, losing your business won't even feel like a misquito bite. Won't even notice.


      • #4
        This reminds me of a story during my bookstore days. I worked in a used bookstore when I was a teen. Well one day a gentlemen comes up to me with a book in hand apparently he found the original store's receipt tucked in it.

        Now we do flip through the books and remove anything left in them but sometimes we miss something. This guy was convinced that this was a new book accidentally left behind and wanted us to return it to the owner. Even though I was helping a customer he shoves the book right in front of my face. I jerked away and said "Sir I assure you it's used book I put it up myself. Please don't shove things in my face" The guy proceeds to drop the book on the floor and stare at me. His wife promptly sets down her stuff and primly says "I don't think I want to shop in a store with such rude clerks."

        As they were leaving I fought the urge to scream good riddance.
        My Horror Blog



        • #5
          "well ma'am, i don't think i want to work at a store with such rude customers. so either you go or i go."
          Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

