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Our computers are omniscient

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  • Our computers are omniscient

    It's been a long time since I had anything to post because these days I'm locked in an office far away from the public. No not for their protection or mine, I just scored a better job. But every so often the phone system directs a call to my office as a last resort if most other lines are busy. 99.9% of the time it will be a straightforward case of switching them to the correct department, or taking a message because the department is busy (which is why I got the call in the first place). Not dealing with customers very often is bliss, and sucky customers hardly ever arise. Except for today's scenario.

    I answered the phone and it's a a man who was very angry, gruff and rude. He wanted the manager (who was on another call) so when I offered to take a message or let him hold, he decided to unload on me his complaint.

    He had called a little while ago, trying to found out where his delivery of furniture was and had found out that our delivery driver had tried to deliver his goods to his old address. But this made him most upset because his old address was where he used to live before his wife died, and then he looked at his invoice and noticed it had his wife's name on there too which upset him even more because she had died etc. At this point I was feeling very sympathetic for this man and wanted to help him despite his rude aggressive tone, so I was quite apologetic, and I asked if I could get his current details so I could update our computer system. He then got even angrier, and told me it was all in our computer. So I managed to get enough details to look him up in the computer. I pulled up his customer record, and there was no hint of an address change being entered, no notes or anything. I confirmed that the address we did have was the wrong one, so I apologised and said it looks like the salesperson who took his latest order didn't update the address. Then it went weird.
    Sc: "don't you dare bad mouth [salesperson] he did nothing wrong, he was most helpful, the problem is your computer system is faulty"
    Me "well I'm glad to hear he was most helpful, maybe the computer system didn't save your new address properly. If you give me the details I can update them and double check they are in the computer properly"
    Sc: "I'm not giving you those details, it's in the computer"
    Ok so I thought maybe he had another customer record in our database, so I did a quick search but couldn't find anything.
    Me: "Sir, I can't find any other records here for you, but if you give me your new address I can update it for you."
    Sc "why should I have to give you my address, it's in the computer"
    Me "sir, I can't find any other address details in here for you. Did you let [salesperson] know the new address, or did you let someone else know?"
    Sc "no, I haven't told anyone there my new address, that's what you have computers for"

    I finally worked out where he was coming from. He seemed to think the computer should just automatically know he had moved.
    Me "sir, I'm sorry but the only way our computer gets customer information is when customers tell our staff, who enter it into the computer. It doesn't update from government agencies or anything. If you give me the new address I can update it for you"
    Sc "well you tell your manager he needs to get a better computer. Your company is useless. Everyone is just useless these days, I had the same problem with Centrelink [government agency that handles social security payments] and Telstra [biggest phone company in the country]. Don't expect me to come back to your store again" *click*

    So as it stands, we have his goods because the driver returned them to the store, we have his money, and we have absolutely no idea where he is or any way to get in contact with him because the phone number we have has been disconnected. I tried the online whitepages and couldn't find him, probably because he "had the same problem with Telstra". I imagine he'll contact us again looking for his refund at some time in the future. Hopefully that call will be picked up by someone else, because he was extremely rude - I'd hate to think what he'll be like for that call.

  • #2
    So, everyone is useless because computers don't work the way he thinks they do? Lovely. Dontcha just love dealing with morons who refuse to be educated about how things actually work?
    Don't wanna; not gonna.


    • #3
      Makes you wonder about his mail.


      • #4
        .... and he could have easily given you the new information in far less time than he'd spent ranting, and his furniture would have been delivered by now. People stun me.


        • #5
          Maybe he should call the NSA and let them update his contact info


          • #6
            Must be the opposite of the people who think if they gave you their zip code, you'd be able to figure out where they live and come and burglarize their house.
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Kinda reminds me of the usually older people who would write a check and tell me they were "in our system". Uh, yeah I have no idea what system you're talking about, especially since this was on our old registers with technology from the stone ages. I would just smile and nod and ask for their ID anyway.
              I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


              • #8
                Anytime anyone says that "they're in the system" all I can think of is:

                Welcome, to the machine!
                - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                • #9
                  Quoth Argabarga View Post
                  Welcome, to the machine!
                  *rocks out*
                  This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
                  I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


                  • #10
                    Quoth Argabarga View Post
                    Anytime anyone says that "they're in the system" all I can think of is:

                    Welcome, to the machine!
                    Top of the class to you sir for the Floyd reference!


                    • #11
                      Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
                      So, everyone is useless because computers don't work the way he thinks they do? Lovely. Dontcha just love dealing with morons who refuse to be educated about how things actually work?
                      Yes. If he was just ignorant about how computers work it would be no big deal. Just explain it, move on, and everyone's happy. There are many elderly who don't understand technology, that's no big deal. The sucky part is that he was so belligerent and couldn't be told. And we were at least the third organisation he has had this argument with.


                      • #12
                        Hey, you have the money _and_ the furniture. You're ahead of the game right now, and wonderkin probably thinks _something_ will give you his new address so he doesn't have to bother. So nothing ever happens and you win!

                        Yeah, that's gonna happen...


                        • #13
                          Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
                          So, everyone is useless because computers don't work the way he thinks they do? Lovely. Dontcha just love dealing with morons who refuse to be educated about how things actually work?
                          Oh, there has yet to be a day where I don't get this on self-check...basically I'm a drooling idiot because the machines are old (although in most cases it's "PEBFAS"--Problem Exists between Floor And Scanner)

                          I bet the same SCs who complain that the computer doesn't update from DMV records or the like would have radioactive kittens if that did happen
                          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                          • #14
                            Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                            I bet the same SCs who complain that the computer doesn't update from DMV records or the like would have radioactive kittens if that did happen
                            Hell, that SC sounds like the type who would complain to the DMV that his address wasn't automatically in the computer.

                            And to tell him otherwise would be equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on his head.
                            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                            • #15
                              Quoth ADeMartino View Post
                              .... and he could have easily given you the new information in far less time than he'd spent ranting, and his furniture would have been delivered by now. People stun me.
                              I know, right? What was the point of his little temper tantrum? What did he gain from it? He still doesn't have his furniture or money, and now his blood pressure is through the roof. Yep, that's the way to win.

                              Rivulatus, I hope you made lots of notes on his file, about how he refused to update his address and expected the computer to magically know that he'd moved. Idiots like him desperately need a clue-by-four, but unfortunately, they will not learn.
                              Last edited by XCashier; 01-12-2014, 06:42 PM.
                              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                              My LiveJournal
                              A page we can all agree with!

