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Our computers are omniscient

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  • #16
    Quoth Rivulatus View Post
    Sc "no, I haven't told anyone there my new address, that's what you have computers for"

    Just when you think people cannot surprise you anymore...
    Smile, or I'll smack you silly!
    At what age does a vampire become a crazy old bat? :[


    • #17
      That is almost as bad as something that a kid said to me way back when.

      30 or so years ago (PRE_PRE_PRE-internet and way before widely available interconnected and publicly accessible networks) I attended a 3 campus community college. During that time I worked in the computer lab tending the college's HP-3000 machine and the various terminals (CRTs to teletype typewriters) that connected to it.

      The lab had a tour of grade school kids come through one day. One kids was fascinated that one could be in another room and communicate with the "big" machine in the other room. HE then asked if we could access the City's Police and criminal files.

      Sorry but no we could not I told him.
      I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
      -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

      "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


      • #18
        I pray for the poor souls who work for his credit card companies and banks who are trying to collect his payment for his overdue bills that are sent to some black hole.
        Fiancee: We're going to need to do laundry. I'm out of clean pants.
        Me: Sounds like a job for Gravekeeper!
        Fiancee: What?!
        Me: Nevermind.


        • #19
          I tell people that computers only do what a human tells them to do, so if a human hasn't told a computer to change your information, then it won't be changed. Best way to explain to the elderly who don't understand how computers work.
          The customer is not always right. Most of the time, the customer is a clueless moron. If this offends you, you are this moron.


          • #20
            I seem to remember Australia Post did offer (years ago) a service where they notified all the utility companies and government departments of a change of address as part of the mail redirection (it did cost extra). This is possibly where the idea of omniscient computers came from, but even then it wouldn't have covered anything like the OPs store.

            Even if the computers were able to access some central data store for the customers address, I'm sure he would have been complaining about invasion of privacy etc...


            • #21
              Honestly, sounds like he's depressed over his late wife. He wasn't angry that you didn't automagically update his contact info, he was angry that the account reminded him of his loss. I don't think he was even expecting you to know the changes, he had just put all of the changes since her passing out of his mind and having to go over it again reopened the wounds, so he lashed out in the only way he could think to.

              His actions were irrational, but I think he deserves pity, not ridicule or anger.
              Last edited by Grendus; 01-15-2014, 05:32 PM.


              • #22
                Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                That is almost as bad as something that a kid said to me way back when.

                30 or so years ago (PRE_PRE_PRE-internet and way before widely available interconnected and publicly accessible networks) I attended a 3 campus community college. During that time I worked in the computer lab tending the college's HP-3000 machine and the various terminals (CRTs to teletype typewriters) that connected to it.

                The lab had a tour of grade school kids come through one day. One kids was fascinated that one could be in another room and communicate with the "big" machine in the other room. HE then asked if we could access the City's Police and criminal files.

                Sorry but no we could not I told him.
                It never ceases to amaze me that the science fiction of 30 years ago is the reality today. I enjoy conversations with my father about how transistors and the like were just theories when he was an electrician in the US Navy (late 1950s)
                I might be crazy, but I'm not Insane.

                What? You don't play with flamethrowers on the weekends? You are strange.


                • #23
                  Quoth Hitokiri Akins View Post
                  I tell people that computers only do what a human tells them to do, so if a human hasn't told a computer to change your information, then it won't be changed. Best way to explain to the elderly who don't understand how computers work.
                  The trouble with computers is they're very sophisticated idiots.
                  Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                  • #24
                    Quoth otakuneko View Post
                    The trouble with computers is they're very sophisticated idiots.
                    Dealing with extremely unsophisticated idiots...
                    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.

