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Is the full moon over yet?

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  • Is the full moon over yet?

    This happened last night. The cast:

    C: cashier
    J: shift lead
    ASM: nice guy, but tends to encourage the SCs and gives away the store (then stresses about why the store is losing sales)

    It's about 9:45 at night. C is off at 10, by the time this drama completed it was 10:20.

    By the time SC showed up, we had pulled the shelf tags for this week. The prices are still in the system until midnight, so the tags are irrelevant. All of SC's items were coming off sale (so there were no shelf tags, but everything still rang up with the sale prices).

    We had a soup deal where it was 5/$5, but you must buy 5 to get that price and the additional discount does not show until you hit Subtotal (reasonable, the system needs to see that 5 have been scanned to apply it). Most people know this, and the ones who don't accept the first explanation and pressing of Subtotal to show them. The discount line item is obvious "<BRAND> 5/$5 DISC"

    Where do I start...first she questioned the soup prices (she was buying 10, so the additional discount doubled) even after myself and C showing her on the screen where it was subtracted. I say nothing at all to SC past explaining the quantity sale; I know if I do open my mouth I might get both myself and C in trouble.

    After each item SC would leave the checkout and go to the shelf to check the price. Since the tags had been taken down, there was no sale price visible--although it is still ringing up as on sale. Not good enough. "You changed the price! There was a tag!" She managed to con a couple price reductions that should not have been made (items that had been on sale 2 weeks ago). Conveniently she was wielding both this week's circular and one from 2 weeks ago--that should have been a red flag.

    I was unlucky enough to show up to bag for C when the soup-sale hissyfit happened. SC wanted all the 'heavy stuff' double-bagged, but she didn't want me to unpack what had already been bagged nor just slide the bag into a second one (which can be done, but it's a pain in the ass) how am I supposed to do this? If you wanted double bags you should have told the cashier before starting. SC then proceeds to berate me for not knowing how to bag; at that point J puts me on register to handle the line before I throttle SC.

    There is a growing, pissed-off line, and two people just leave their carts before I can maneuver past SC to open up on the next register. The customers I'm helping make no secret of giving SC death glares and commenting loudly about her.

    I could see steam coming out of poor C's ears by the time this was all over.

    Later, J is telling ASM about this and how two customers abandoned their orders because of her (he's also pissed off about the 'discounts' as I know some of them drove an item price lower than what it would be if on clearance). We're not supposed to use past sale prices unless the customer has a physical raincheck.

    ASM declares that you should always keep the customer happy, and waxes poetic about the state pricing laws...which do not apply to SC. The items she was buying were on sale and were ringing up correctly, but she was pulling sale prices out of her ass (probably thinking that since there were no shelf tags nobody would know).

    Maybe it's just me, but if a customer is always haggling sale prices down further past the price floor by quoting imagined sales, causing other customers to abandon their shopping (this costing real sales) and costing payroll hours by forcing people to stay late--she used to show up at 10:55 and pull the same crap-- to either deal with her or deal with items the other customers left then overall that 'customer' is not making the store money.

    Later that night another lady pulled the "false advertising" card because she picked up the wrong kind of frozen veg and expected it to be $1 (J did a return-refund rather than make the adjustment that he knew was wrong, so we got the item back), and a customer came up with a raincheck for frozen pizza that was currently on sale for that price. Our register would not let the raincheck be entered because the sale was still on.

    She also had one of our coupons that knocks the price of ONE down to 99 cents with a $25 purchase. ASM gave her the coupon price for both of them even though she was only buying the two pizzas (so she scored two for less than the sale price of one).
    Last edited by Dreamstalker; 01-17-2014, 07:32 PM.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    Ugh. You have my sympathies. I have my own SCs, and knowing it was a full moon last night explains a LOT. We currently have our winter sale going on. 50% off MARKDOWNS. meaning anything with a lower price MARKED IN RED PEN (yes we are still in the dinosaur era), is 50% off that price. Plus, since its a holiday weekend, for FOUR days only, we also have an additional 15% on top of that.

    It's not combined, so they don't get a flat 65% off. its 50 off, then 15 off the lowered total. But since its sooo much off, everyone seems to think a. we don't know what we're doing and question everything. I want to say to some of them, hey, the register calculates the discounts, and I am a math idiot, so you really don't want me doing it manually! And just because we are offering fabulous discounts, doens't mean its FREE!

    The other was this nasty customer. As happens quite frequently, a full price sweater had been put down on the sale table. We try our best to keep them separated, but....shit happens. Esp when we're busy. So nasty customer was giving the manager a hard time, about how it was on the table, and why isn't it marked down like the rest? Manager tried to explain that it is in fact new, so not on sale, but customer seemed to think that just because it was THERE, it was on sale, and she should get all the discounts. Nope, sorry, doesn't work that way


    • #3
      Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
      two people just leave their carts ....
      ASM declares that you should always keep the customer happy,
      Why do so many managers only apply the 'keep the customer happy' bs to the crappy customers? Heck, I've BEEN one of those who left a store in disgust/impatience while a manager tries to keep some EW. The inmates are running the asylum.


      • #4
        ASM has some really screwed-up views when it comes to what constitutes a customer. A lot of our 'customers' would be banned from any other store (and probably have been). I think he thinks that if he bends/breaks the rules for them once, they will return...which may well be, but I'd bet a paycheck that they won't be buying anything at anywhere near full price.

        I've left items and walked out as well...hell, my mom even did it at my store once because of some EW who was causing a scene and making mom late for work. I always try to put everything back though.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          I've seen similar stuff at work, where customers get whole or partial refunds when THEY are the ones at fault. Managers consider it good for business, but I'd like to know how giving money away to the same people time after time is good for business?
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
            I think he thinks that if he bends/breaks the rules for them once, they will return
            And, therein lies the problem
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #7
              When I voiced my confusion at his logic, I was reminded that he was in retail since he was 10. And your point is...? (I think he was just trying to say that I couldn't possibly know how customer service works being that I've only been there for two years )
              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


              • #8
                Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                he was in retail since he was 10. And your point is...?
                Depending on his age, that would explain a lot. There've always been scammers, but the last 10, 15 years or so have seen a REAL rise in EWs - people so convinced of their special snowflakiness that they don't even consider it scamming, they just think that stores should give them everything. And the barrier of personal shame has essentially been eradicated in that time, so the lengths they'll go to get what they want are extended as well.
                So if he started out even just twenty years ago, there was a good five years where placating may have been cost effective, and he got trapped in that mindset.


                • #9
                  I don't think ASM is much older than me, so that's possible.
                  "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                  "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

