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Man...I don't want to be an SC, but c'mon

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  • Man...I don't want to be an SC, but c'mon

    Okay. So, I moved over the weekend, right? To show my appreciation to the friends who helped me, I took them out to dinner. We went to Carrabba's. Love that place, I used to work for the one in Dallas for almost 2 1/2 years...anyway, I digress...

    I let them order whatever they wished. My one friend ordered the filet marsala...a tasty filet mignon with marsala wine sauce. YUMMERIFIC, right? Well, we had an appetizer to start with, our salads and lots of tasty bread, so by the time the meals arrived, we were stuffed. I took most of my dinner home and my friend wanted to box up his too - he had at least 3/4 of his steak left and his sides. We were full.

    Well, at Carrabba's, the server removes the plates and takes them to the kitchen and boxes the food up for you and brings it back in a bag. We didn't realize until the next day that the steak never made it into the bag. Maybe it was my fault for not checking, but oh, well, it wasn't there.

    So, I called and spoke to the manager who said he'd send something out to make up for it. Today, I open my mail and find something from them and it was a letter of apology and two cards for two free appetizers. Now, I'm not one to usually complain about free stuff, however, the steak set me back at least 22 bucks and my friend took, maybe, three bites. They have some expensive appetizers, but I was hoping that they'd send me a thing they used to have called a "pronto" or something like that for at least 20 bucks because that's comparable to the cost of the steak.

    I don't want to call them back and maybe it's my fault for setting my expectations too high or something, but it would be one thing if I boxed the food up and forgot the steak, then I wouldn't have called at all because I'd be the dumbass who forgot the steak. However, it's the server who boxed up our food and forgot the steak and all I get in return now is two free apps.

    Of course, I'll go and use those cards and I won't say anything at all...I guess I just wanted to bitch. Sometimes, when people go out to eat to nice places only every so often and spend that kind of money (when normally I pinch the hell out of pennies over smaller meals at lesser places) I guess I just expected a bit more.

    Sorry for venting.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

  • #2
    being a dissatisfied customer is not same as being a SC.

    call the manager and tell him what you posted here. ask to swap the GC for another steak the next time to eat there.


    • #3
      Just my personal take on it, but if you're concerned about being an SC, then you're probably not one.

      "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


      • #4
        That's a pretty good rule of thumb!
        No harm in expressing your opinion if you're conscientious about how you're expressing it.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          That's what I've noticed around here. Not only the whole "if you're worried about being an SC, you're probably not," but also that we sometimes are so afraid of being an SC that we put legit complaints aside.

          I noticed this the other day--I went through KFC and placed a huge order, and not only was I not surprised that they forgot something, but I didn't even care enough to go back/call in to complain, because I didn't want to be a pain.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #6
            I agree with Auto. Ask to have the steak replaced since that was the problem.

            Now and SC would expect not only the steak be replaced, but to beable to keep the free apps too. And possibly something else free because they had to make another call.

            I could have helped you move. For Carraba's I could have any how.
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              Being too careful about not being a SC can also lead to less desirable qualities, I've found. There were a few times I went out with my friends where we got horrible service, if any at all. My friends wanted to voice a polite complaint, but I begged them not to, offering up many reasons such as the staff being shorthanded. My friends weren't too pleased with me afterwards, since I'd essentially prevented them from getting their money's worth.


              • #8
                I'm so paranoid about being a sucky customer that I have actually voice a complaint maybe twice in my 21 years of life. The first time was someone short changing me from a twenty (they gave me change as if it was a ten). The second was when I ordered something online and it hadn't arrived after three months (with a posted two week delivery time). And with food I don't bother, if I request specific toppings on a burger and they're not there I just shrug and go on with my life. My friends all think I'm spineless for it but I dunno I just don't want to make someone's day suck because of me.


                • #9
                  I tend to have a threshold for suck. If they forget one thing in my order and I'm out $2, I don't care. If they bring me the wrong food, they're going to hear about it. I don't ever pitch a fit, and only once in my 23 years have a truly been an SC (I cussed at a rep on the phone when he wore out my patience by repeating the same thing over and over again, instead of answering my question).

                  I think the key is knowing what's worth putting up a fuss for (a $22 steak? Yes, by all means!) and how to be polite while you explain the issue.
                  "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                  “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                  • #10
                    I find being an ex retail employee and working in customer service means I'm very impatient with bad service. If it is a case of lack of staff or another managment caused issue I'm sympathise with the employee and try to make their life easier by being the best customer I can. But if they are the problem, I get cranky and will be the first to complain. Maybe I just have my standards too high?


                    • #11
                      I agree with everyone else. It especially sucks because I don't think you were being nit-picky at all. Carabba's isn't the kind of place you go to every day, you know? And that's a lot of money you spent on their food. This is steak we're talking about, not the McDonald's Dollar Menu. They definitely should have comped you more, IMO.
                      "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                      • #12
                        Thank you all for your support. You're all right. If I call back, which I will now, I was not intending to keep the appetizer coupons. I will express my dissatisfaction again and do so politely and ask them to give me something that will be comparable to the steak. I mean, it was over 20 bucks for that steak and I was more than insulted to get the coupons for the apps in place of a 20 freakin' dollar steak. If I do this politely and with the best intentions, I think I can come off not being an SC. Thanks for your input.
                        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                        • #13
                          The last time I can remember voicing a complaint was when buying candy bars from a display who's sign read 3 for a dollar, but was on sale for 2 for a dollar; I know the sign said 3, but after working in retail since them I'm going to assume that they might've forgotten to take the sign down. I just grumbled, though, and went with defeat... of course in hindsight it wasn't really worth complaining about, anyway!

                          Quoth InverseHellion View Post
                          The second was when I ordered something online and it hadn't arrived after three months (with a posted two week delivery time).
                          I'm still waiting for my Happy Noodle Boy shirt...
                          "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                          • #14
                            I don't like ice in my soda. So when I order, I say, "I would like a medium Pepsi with no ice, please"
                            9 times out of 10 they'll give it to me with out the ice.
                            There's always that one time though, where they give me ice, and I feel bad for asking for it with no ice. That's the only time that I feel like an SC, but hey, I asked ahead of time.

                            Once, at McDonalds, it took me three trys to get them to take out the ice. That was annoying.
                            "I am the me I choose to be"
                            -Sydney Poitier
                            I (love) "The Office"
                            "This month we're having a special on cardstock."
                            -Jim Halpert


                            • #15
                              Are their appetizers not very expensive? There are alot of places where two free appetizers are worth $22 if not more.

