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Gross. Just plain gross.

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  • #16
    Just keep reading, Jade. When you think people have reached rock bottom, they grab the dynamite and try and blast their way down.



    • #17
      Just a thought: the kid may not have been ill, just car-sick. (Not sure if it's called this everywhere... motion sickness maybe?) I STILL get carsick sometimes and occasionally there is no way in hell the driver can make it to the side of the road in time.

      That said, even if it was only a bit of car-sickness that caused the puking, FOR THE LOVE OF PETE GO WASH THAT PUKE OFF! Ewwwwwwwww. And then telling your kid to put their vomit-covered hands all over your own food?
      Re: Quiche.
      Pie is manly.
      Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
      Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
      So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!


      • #18
        Quoth BusyBee View Post
        Just a thought: the kid may not have been ill, just car-sick. (Not sure if it's called this everywhere... motion sickness maybe?)
        Motion Sickness is the generic catchphrase describing it.

        Good point there. This might not be a neglect case here. I know my sister lived on Drammamine until she turned 15 otherwise we were pulling off to the side of the road every 30 minutes to let her hurl.

        Irregardless of whether or not the kid was sick to the extent that he needed medical attention, the mother was still violating regulations regarding biohazardous waste being near food intended for human consumption.

        Hell in this day and age, even if the blood is tested and is 1,000% clean of any and all pathogens it still has to be treated like it was the blood of someone infected with a Hemorrhagic Fever when it's disposed of and that goes for all bodily fluids.

        Plus the kicker...I'd wager a pack of Double Stuff Oreo cookies that this woman would scream bloody murder if the person in line sneezed and left a tiny booger on the conveyor belt.

        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #19

          I put of reading this because of the title, I knew it would make me sick.
          Patrick, I am up for that offer of a drink too...
          ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
          Quoth Gravekeeper


          • #20
            Well, I guess I do have an iron stomach, lol. Not a whole lot can make me gag... (well, last night some guy coughed and a bit of spit got on the belt, THAT did make me gag a bit, although it isn't nearly as bad. I don't know why.) The smell didn't bother me as much as the fact that a little bit got on the groceries and I almost had to touch it. I hate getting my hands dirty. Eew!

            And whether she was sick from an illness or just got uneasy after the car ride... I don't care what happened, dont bring the kid in the store! There had to have been someone she could have left her with.

            Maybe the woman had a psychological disorder? My Psych class is talking about mental disorders, and how some people can't distinguish reality from imagination... or don't care about reality, or something like that. IF that was the case, that might be the only excuse for her not cleaning her kid off. Who knows. It was still grody.


            • #21
              Quoth GayleShy View Post

              IPF, I'll have a double, and keep 'em coming, would you please?
              Coming right up!
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #22
                Quoth iradney View Post
                Shoulda called Child Protection Services. If she refuses to clean the kid up after she's vomited all over herself, who knows what other basic needs she ignores?
                I concur. Having a child go around in her own vomit is criminal. What a piece of work! How bad of a parent do you have to be? I mean, really? I can understand that maybe the child isn't old enough to go to school and maybe she doesn't have a dad or the dad works or whatever. I understand it may be impossible for the mom to do the shopping without the child. I get that, but CLEAN THE CHILD OFF!!


                • #23
                  Unless you're AT the hospital... there is NO reason for your child to be covered in Vomit in a public area!!!! Yes you could have left the child in the car while you ran in and got medicines..... or maybe you should have used the drive-thru pharmacy to get the kid something?? Even if it was just motion sickness... get the poor kid something!!!

                  There is NO way I would touch that stuff. I work in a residential facility for abused kids and even though I'm in admin and am not around the kids at all, we had to take a class on Bloodborne Pathogens.... and a CPR/ First Aid class - scared me enough not to want to TOUCH anyone that's bleeding or throwing up or anything w/out gloves on - you could've gotten a lot worse than just "a little sick"

                  Speaking of this -did anyone watch HOUSE last night? These two kids were very very ill - a 6 year old was going through puberty and was full of estrogen, her 8 year old brother was full of testosterone - and it all turned out to be from "daddy's penis cream" that he used so he could get it on with his much younger girlfriend.... he was secreting the stuff from his pores and it was hurting his kids when he just held their hands or hugged them.... now granted, I wouldn't think of that connection - penis cream = hurting children but man..... it just goes to show you that the whole thought "I'm not hurting anyone else" or "It's my body, I'll do what I want" - just b/c you think you aren't hurting anyone else it doesn't mean you aren't actually hurting others w/ your actions....... people need to think more about how their actions can affect others... and people need to take better care of their kids..... anyway just a little extra thing thrown into the thread here I love HOUSE


                  • #24
                    Quoth air914 View Post
                    I love HOUSE
                    Dumbass guy: So is it diabetes?
                    House: You're pregnant.

                    But hey, I wouldn't think about the whole skin secretion thing either.... Dad should not have been doing the teacher.... But hey, whodathunk? That and the first line when he entered the daycare, any body but a doctor asked that and the cops would;ve been involved.


                    • #25
                      I would have said 'no, I'm not serving you when you're putting my health and that of you child at risk.' Called a higher-up, surreptitiously considered calling the services on her arse too.

                      IPF, that offer still on? Got any strawberry liqueur to go with?
                      Last edited by SongsOfDragons; 04-18-2007, 05:03 PM. Reason: booze
                      "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                      • #26
                        Quoth BusyBee View Post
                        Just a thought: the kid may not have been ill, just car-sick. (Not sure if it's called this everywhere... motion sickness maybe?) ...
                        That said, even if it was only a bit of car-sickness that caused the puking, FOR THE LOVE OF PETE GO WASH THAT PUKE OFF!
                        Precisely. And if the kid is prone to carsickness, it might be a good idea to carry Dramamine in Mom's purse, moist towlettes in the car and maybe have a container (like a small bucket) in the car to hurl into (perhaps a change of clothes as well?)*. And if everything fails and the child chunders everywhere, you wash the puke off, you don't make the kid walk around covered in vomit and stinking. It's not only unsanitary, it's humiliating to the poor child.

                        *I've been a mom for five years, was a Girl Scout when I was young, believe me, I'm prepared!
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #27
                          I would like to say I'm shocked.

                          But I would not expect any better from an SC.

                          P.S. There is no way in hell anyone could have convinced me to ring her up.
                          "several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."


                          • #28
                            Disgusting and reprehensible!

                            I wouldn't have let that woman put her groceries on the belt. No way, no how, and nothing would have made me.

                            I'm not a real neat-freak, and I don't go in for a lot of antiseptic stuff, but vomit-tainted anything will not be something I will deal with.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #29
                              Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                              Good point there. This might not be a neglect case here...

                              Er... it seems to me that even if it was motion sickness, the mother is still neglecting her child by not cleaning her up as soon as possible... Dont most stores have at least restrooms where she could TRY to wash up the little girl?

                              That being said.... Ew. Just Ew. My condolances to Buzzy for having to deal with that grossness.


                              • #30
                                Hell, she was in a grocery store. Even if there wasn't a restroom, she could have gotten a roll of paper towels and a bottle of water.

                                I get carsick, always have. If I'm going to be riding in a car for more than an hour I will take Dramamine (though if I'm driving I'm fine). Shorter rides don't always bother me, though they're not always nausea-free. I try to sit in the front seat, too, if I can. When I was a kid I was always prepared with Dramamine and mints.

                                For some reason, my one friend's car seems to make me sick no matter how long I'm in it. My last birthday sucked, because he picked me up so I'd be able to drink and not worry about driving home, and we went to a friend's house about 40 minutes away, and I had to have him pull over on the highway so I could get out and get some air cuz I was so close to hurling. Then I walked up to the gas station 2 buildings away so I could get a soda from the machine to settle my stomach. I did NOT want to get back in that car. I managed to have maybe half a drink that night, and we ordered pizza and I couldn't eat much either. Happy birthday, my foot!

                                IPF, I'll take one of those martinis...
                                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

