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Nor'easter nastiness

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  • #16
    Quoth DGoddess View Post
    Uphill as in both ways, right?
    One way, the parking lot was built on an incline. If I remember this weekend, I'll swing by there an get a picture.

    Quoth AFpheonix View Post
    In the snow!
    Of course in the snow, it's Syracuse! 100+ inches of snow every winter.


    • #17
      I can relate

      New to the forums here. I enjoy reading these stories.

      When I worked for a movie theater, I had to change the movies on the outside marquee on a cold, blistery day. I had to get a ladder and stand on it as I was changing the letters. I am trying to stay balanced and struggling to get the letters in the correct place. Well this woman in a SUV comes up, blasts her horn, and yells "Are you showing (forgot movie)?" First I was startled at the loud horn, Second I almost lost my balance. You would think she would have better sense not to startle someone on a ladder and just drive up to ticket booth to see what was showing. Now the stupidness inside the theater...that's a whole different story.


      • #18
        Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
        her: Move your machine now, you stupid b-st-rd, or I will have you fired.
        I am soaking wet, without any guaranteed health-care, moving metallic objects in gale weather that could at any moment become lightning rods or even airborne. How exactly are you threatening me?

        Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
        I hope it got F*ing fried during a spike. Doesn't sound like the type to buy a pricey surge strip. No warranty coverage for you lady lol.

        Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
        This cart doesn't run good. They need better stockmen. We need dry carts"
        Man, I didn't realize the cart machine could run people over like that when it short circuits in the rain...
        "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."


        • #19
          Quoth Strikesfirmly View Post

          Man, I didn't realize the cart machine could run people over like that when it short circuits in the rain...
          Cart machine rampage! Heading unerringly for the SCs and can't be stopped by any human means

          Sort of like the possessed laundry wrangler in that short story by Stephen King. Sadly, that one only ate employees and policemen.


          • #20
            Aye, they're just grumpy because they can't use their brooms in that weather. ;p


            • #21
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              Aye, they're just grumpy because they can't use their brooms in that weather. ;p
              Well, that and the little melty problem if they are exposed to water.....



              • #22
                Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                One way, the parking lot was built on an incline. If I remember this weekend, I'll swing by there an get a picture.
                I finally got over there and took a picture. I'm standing at the bottom of the lot, where the "For Lease" sign is, is where the entrance was. The store moved to a different location several years ago. We had cart corrals, located about halfway down, but if a customer did not use it, there was a 95% chance the cart would roll down to the curb by the street.
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