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Get this filthy filth off my table

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  • Get this filthy filth off my table

    This was a while back but I still have a tiff about it. There's this table at the back of the restaurant we don't really use often except on busy days. Problem is because of that, none of the staff back then gave the lazy susan on it a scrub. Back then it had caked in stains of soy sauce and the sauces the yum cha food came in.

    I got one complaint before from this mother of like five kids when I sat them down and gave it a quick wipe, alls well. Another time, my patience nearly snapped.

    A mother, a father and five kids walk in. I give them the table and ask for their drinks. Then the father gets a bit nippy and saw how dirty the lazy susan was. He then went on in very condescending tone 'This is filthy, get another one'. By this time, the restaurant was piling in and I had to get their drinks as well. After my manager made me assign another table, I got the table with the whiny father's drinks and got it to their table. The lazy susan was still on the table, and the father kept going on how filthy it was. Straight after this, after they've been sat down for five minutes, I got the dirty susan off the table and had to get a turning base and a glass susan on the table.

    After that, I made it so that every day when I come in I give the susan I scrub to make sure people don't bitch about it during the lunch rush.

    THis was definitely my fault for not checking the susan beforehand, but this guy was getting on my nerves so much, I was seriously about to throw his glass of water into his face.

    The thing I wanted to say most was 'If you would wait one cotton picking second I'll get you another you freaking moron.'

    If I wasn't so polite I would have seriously said it.

  • #2
    Impatience is a huge issue for people these days, which leads to one of my biggest pet peeves of being interrupted. When I'm not done helping the customer in front of you, just STFU and when I look at you and say hello then you'll know I'm ready to give you my full attention. Or there's the people who have like 50 different things to mention to you so they rattle them off all at once and you're running around like a crazy person. RELAX people and chill for one second!
    Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter.


    • #3
      Yeah, there's good and bad ways to handle bad circumstances as a customer, and this definitely wasn't a good way. Kudos to you for keeping the temper reined in.

