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The roid freak who cost me a $200 sale

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  • The roid freak who cost me a $200 sale

    Ok, yesterday I had thought that I made the sale of my career. The ABSOLUTE BEST kit that we carry at GNC for muscle building (Jay Cutler's Mass Stack, by MuscleTech). I had a guy looking to get big muscles really fast. It's the absolute BEST stuff on the market, and the closest thing to steroids as you can get, but it's completely legal. I had it all rung up, with a Gold Card and everything. Enter the roid freak:

    RF = Roid Freak
    CF = Customer's Friend

    RF: "Dude, why the f*** are you wasting your money with that sh**? That's nothing but a waste of time and money"

    Customer: "What do ya mean? This lady says it's the best"

    RF: "That b**** don't know s***. That's the worst s*** on the market. What you need is *and he names all the roids he takes*"

    Customer: "How do I get those? *turns to me* I don't want this right now, I'm kinda confused as to what I should do."

    Me: "This is the best stuff that's legal. *he turns back to RF, and I turn to the customer's friend, who is pissed at RF for trying to get his friend into roids* "I can't believe this guy!! What he's naming off is illegal"

    CF: "Yeah, that guy looks so jacked on the juice. (buddy's name) doesn't need that s***, he needs legal s***, but it's his money not mine"

    Me: *sighs* "Yeah, it is his decision" *cancels sale*

    RF *still jabbering away as he makes his way to my register with his purchase of 2 energy drinks* "You shouldn't lie about that junk, it's s***. That boy needs real man's s***"

    Me: "I don't appreciate you costing me his business sir, just so you can get in your energy drinks for the night. *cashes him out* Please find the door and don't come back here tonight"

    RF leaves in a pissy huff

    Customer: "I'll be back later"

    FYI, he never came back. Damn, I can't believe the nerve of some asses!!!!!!! They just don't seem to appreciate that I'm trying to make a living LEGALLY. That sale could have been my chance at a promotion, since my manager told me if I could manage that sale, he'd talk to the RSD about making me assistant manager. UGH! If I had successfully sold that kit, I would have been the first in the region to do so!!!!! I did explain everything to the manager about it though. He agrees with me that what that RF did was wrong, and commended me on taking it in stride and moving on. He also said that for being so close to making that sale, he IS going to still talk to the RSD about promotion

  • #2
    Well RF isn't going to get by on his good looks and charm, now isn't he?

    Karma can be a bitch though. The stuff RF is taking will probably make him a glandular freak and drop him dead before he's 50. Never lose hope!
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      Well RF isn't going to get by on his good looks and charm, now isn't he?

      Karma can be a bitch though. The stuff RF is taking will probably make him a glandular freak and drop him dead before he's 50. Never lose hope!
      Not to mention that steroids are known to cause shrinkage of certain male sexual organs. See, it's not the steroids that make them angry, it's the side effects!
      Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


      • #4
        Quoth Arcade Man D View Post
        Not to mention that steroids are known to cause shrinkage of certain male sexual organs. See, it's not the steroids that make them angry, it's the side effects!
        ROFL!! That sense of humor is why you're one of my best friends But, that IS the truth about steroids. We have a joke about steroids posted in our back room. Reading that thing every time I can reminds me of why I don't do drugs, because I know that while it may be a joke, it's the truth


        • #5
          They'll shrink to the size of pistachios and it will be rendered to the point of not even being able to lure a fish let alone a woman. There is justice.
          This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


          • #6
            Steroids are bad, mkaaaaaaaay? The side effects include (amongst other things) horrible acne, testicular shrinkage, and breast development. Yes, they gets bewbies! Coz of the huge influx of testosterone in their system, the body reacts by creating more estrogen - so by trying to make themselves more "manly", they're actually making themselves more "womanly"

            That being said, that dude was a dumbass - was there no way you could've called the cops on him? After all, it seemed like he was trying to "push" an illegal drug...
            The report button - not just for decoration


            • #7
              'Roids are stupid as hell to be taking. So that sale you could of have, is the best way to get big faster. Never knew that. Cause I want to get bigger then I am now.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                I actually think it's possible to do better without steroids, without messing with your androgens.
                You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                • #9
                  "Are you going to listen to me or the man quietly growing breasts?"


                  • #10
                    Quoth iradney View Post
                    Steroids are bad, mkaaaaaaaay? The side effects include (amongst other things) horrible acne, testicular shrinkage, and breast development. Yes, they gets bewbies! Coz of the huge influx of testosterone in their system, the body reacts by creating more estrogen
                    Watch Fight Club some time. Bob's B***h Tits are a classic example.
                    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                    • #11
                      The guy had boobs bigger than mine (I'm average size). And no, unfortunately I couldn't call the cops on the guy, because #1, we have to go through security first, and for security to respond, I would have had to wait 20 minutes for them to get there, and then all they'd do is kick him out of the mall, and #2, we don't have cameras in the store to prove he did anything wrong. Security there are jerks. And we can't directly call the cops unless he was stealing something, even then we must always go through security first. If we directly call the cops, it's a violation of the mall contract, as well as all they'd say is go to security, if they call us, then we'll show up.... *groans*


                      • #12
                        Ugh. Well, he won't be around too long with that attitude. I suspect he's close to his first heart attack about now.

                        The daughter of one of my mother's friends was dating a muscle guy (she was exceedingly shallow) who used steroids. He was bragging about having had only 2 heart attacks so far.....

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          (ah, a couple people beat me to it)

                          That boy needs real man's s***"
                          I found this sentence quite ironic, since 'roids'll shrink your manly bits...and grow your womanly bits...and then what does that make you?!

                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #14
                            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

                            I found this sentence quite ironic, since 'roids'll shrink your manly bits...and grow your womanly bits...and then what does that make you?!

                            LOL I don't know... He was rather funny looking. And I don't know why he was wearing tight shorts.... I mean.... Is there much to show off? Seriously....

