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Photographer's Rant (looooong)

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  • #16
    Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
    Honestly, was I sucky at all here?
    *Hooking up Suckiness Meter to 'puter to evaluate story*


    Snap: Needle not moving at all. Staying on "zero".

    Brother: Needle climbing.......climbing......climbing.......Red Lining!! Red Lining!! (Due to the fact that he blamed Snap for the poor quality of the photos, instead of his wife. Give this guy an "I'm P-Whipped" T-Shirt.)

    SIL: Needle shoots up immed.......BOOM!! Meter explodes!

    So, now here I sit with a destroyed Suckiness Meter, and it's all your fault Snap, for having a Sucky SIL!

    Seriously, it sounds like you may have the same problem that I do with assertiveness and/or confrontation. To save your own sanity, you'll need to have the ability to let clients, whether they are family, friends, or strangers know the best setting in which to take their photos. Because sadly, this won't be the last time you will be dealing with unreasonable rectal orifices.

    Of course, explaining this to them will have to be done as diplomatically as possible, and trying not to insult their idea, but to just factually, and confidently, let them know the negatives (so to speak!) of their idea, ("No, sitting in front of your favorite living room window on a bright day does NOT a good photo make!") and why your suggestion, as a professional, will result in much better photos. If the customer refuses/declines your suggestions, it may be in your best interest to just say "I'm sorry, I just don't think this is going to work out", and just bow out. Again, diplomatically, without any hint of arrogance.

    There will always be the Super Suckies that no matter how diplomatically you handle the situation, will try to bad-mouth your business. But, your reputation for taking quality photos in the proper setting, and the kudos from your satisfied customers will outweigh the negative (so to speak!).

    I agree with the idea of having a contract written up. Perhaps even with wording in it that the customer, upon signing, agrees that you have stated any negative (so to....never mind!) aspects of their choice of location, and offered an alternative, and anything else that could result in bad photos, if the customer insists on a certain location.

    I know it's easy for me to sit at a keyboard and type all of this, when I would have difficulty implementing myself, in reality, but hey, that's part of what CS is all about, helping each other out!

    One final thing before I close this long post, you have my admiration in taking this business on. My last job was with a Company where customers would drop off their 35MM color film at our little store, and we'd send them into our Lab, and the prints would be back in a day or two. Many was the occasion that the Sucky Customer would raise holy hell when the prints came out poorly and blame it on our processing, when most likely it was due to their inability and/or crappy camera.



    • #17
      Quoth Cutenoob View Post
      Mr. Snap:

      Do you have a written contract yet for your bizness?

      Thats MS. Snap to you!!!

      One of the FIRST things I did when I started playing around with the idea to do this for real, was write up contracts and get the whole messy buisness of price figured out. And I've also made it perfectly clear that when it really comes down to it, I will be approving the location for the shoot.

      *Hooking up Suckiness Meter to 'puter to evaluate story*


      Snap: Needle not moving at all. Staying on "zero".

      Brother: Needle climbing.......climbing......climbing.......Red Lining!! Red Lining!! (Due to the fact that he blamed Snap for the poor quality of the photos, instead of his wife. Give this guy an "I'm P-Whipped" T-Shirt.)

      SIL: Needle shoots up immed.......BOOM!! Meter explodes!
      Thanks Actually, because of her, I've got little fear when it comes to what I do now. It's hard enough to try to make this work, I don't need shitty pictures and assy people in the mix.

      was the occasion that the Sucky Customer would raise holy hell when the prints came out poorly and blame it on our processing, when most likely it was due to their inability and/or crappy camera.
      YES! I've been behind people like that in line, and it makes me twinge through out my body.
      Well fiddle dee dee!!

