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How money works.

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  • How money works.

    It bothers me that a lot of extra-rich people don't quite understand how money works. It's strange, seeing as they have so much of it. A lot of them have gotten used to being treated well because they have money, so much so that they have forgotten that you don't get treated well because you have money, you get treated well because you give us money. No matter how much money you have, while you're still paying the same five bucks for that burger that everyone else is I'm giving you the same treatment. The phrase, "do you know I much I make?" does not impress me one bit until you give me some of that money. You have to pay for special treatment in this country. You can go ahead and drop seventy dollars and get your burger at the Ritz-Carlton, maybe there you'll get treated how you like, the same way everyone else gets treated at the Ritz-Carlton. Here, you get treated the same way every other one of my customers gets treated.
    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.

  • #2
    I've noticed this too, and it makes no sense to me either!

    Why would I care how much money you make? Are you gonna give me some? No? You are, in fact, angling for a discount? Why would I give a discount to someone with lots of money? I don't give discounts to those infamous "fixed income" whiners, so what do you think YOUR chances are?


    I think rich people are just used to people kissing their butts in general, on the off chance that someday, they'll get tossed a piece of the pie.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      Maybe being fantastic cheapasses is how they got so much money in the first place.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth Sofar View Post
        "do you know I much I make?"
        "Not enough to buy yourself some social skills, asshat."

        One day I'll slip and say that to a customer.
        Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

        "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


        • #5
          I always had a worse time with the "fixed income" customers. Then again, I didn't encounter a lot of rich people........there were some tourists who appeared rich who kind of stuck their noses up at my store.....

          But the relentless whining about "But I don't have ANY money!" and the never ending bitching and complaining about not having a job and having kids.......some were really open about their drug and alcohol problems...........No wonder they were all on a "fixed income". Drugs and booze used up all their money. But I guess that was always somehow MY fault that they had to scrounge up change from under the couch cushions to pay for cigarettes.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth Sofar View Post
            you don't get treated well because you have money, you get treated well because you give us money.
            Wonderful thought for of the day!


            • #7

              First three vids are really educating... See how new money is created...

              1. Where does money come from??? PART 1/3
              2. Where does money come from??? PART 2/3
              3. Where does money come from??? PART 3/3

              4. Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve, PART 1/2
              5. Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve, PART 2/2
              Last edited by kebable; 04-22-2007, 06:28 PM. Reason: removed some unncesessary text
              Want to know more about me ??
              Then feel free to contact me in the MSN messenger!! I'd be happy to chat with you!
              Or check


              • #8
                In my experiance its the nouveau riche that act that way.

                They somehow think that money makes them better and more successful than "commoners"

                A truely rich person is secure enough in their posistion to treat everyone as their equal. Its insecurity that makes newly rich act the way they do.
                I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                • #9
                  Quoth Kiwi View Post
                  In my experiance its the nouveau riche that act that way.

                  They somehow think that money makes them better and more successful than "commoners"

                  A truely rich person is secure enough in their posistion to treat everyone as their equal. Its insecurity that makes newly rich act the way they do.
                  *nods head* So so true! I hate the nouveau riche passengers, they flash their money around and have huge lugo handbags and look down on you. The true gentry are polite and nice.
                  No longer a flight atttendant!


                  • #10
                    Vaguely related to a call I got the other day.
                    Quick catch up since I've been fairly remiss in explaining my new job position: I answer phones for a particular department of loan files. I pass info to and from the banks that call in. I put files on rushes as need be. I update files as needed.

                    Anyway, part of our little area includes VIP and Multi Million Dollar loan underwriters. Keep that in mind, "MULTI-MILLION Dollars"! It's the important bit.

                    Anyway, I got a call the other day.
                    RJ: *canned greeting that haunted my dreams on the second day of training, including the caller's employee ID, and the exception reference #*
                    PJ (Phone Jackass): "Yeah, Executive VP whose name shall not be used told me to call in once this exception was placed, because it's a huge loan, and she wanted to walk it through the underwriting process directly. I need to speak to her."
                    RJ: *raspberry, as well as snorting milk through my nose* "Yeah, cause she's sure as hell going to hold your exception's hand all the way through the process. An exception which not only was JUST entered into our system, thus, it has no underwriter yet, but, here's the big part, I can NOT transfer calls to Executive VPs, no matter how loudly you complain, no matter how unintelligible your whining. Not to mention she's out to lunch."
                    PJ: "Well, this loan is $1.7 MILLION. It can't be done by any old underwriter."
                    RJ: "PSSSH! Miss PK, one of the more prolific underwriters here, has a file for $10 Million. Not to mention, we HAVE a whole farging department for MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR exceptions. Your piddly little 1.7 mill ain't impressin' nobody. And it certainly as hell isn't something that VP would hand hold through the process. She's not in charge of the Multi Mill underwriters. Hell, she's not even involved with the VIP underwriters. I have no idea where you got the idea that she was going to be impressed by your file, but she definitely did NOT tell you she would walk it through."
                    PJ: "What's her direct number?"
                    RJ: "You're waist deep in it, dumbass. We, the mighty phone desk jockeys, separate the chaff from the wheat, the dross from the gem, to keep the underwriters from having to answer stupid questions. If we're protecting the underwriters, you sure as hell aren't going to get as high as an Executive VP, particularly since there are assistant VPs whom you would be more likely to get hold of. And they'll brush you off just as quickly."

                    Sadly, no, I didn't say most of that. At least, not until I relayed the story to my trainer.
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Sofar View Post
                      The phrase, "do you know how much I make?" does not impress me one bit until you give me some of that money.
                      I find that quite funny that they would say that in a civilized country like "do I care" Lol maybe if you give me some of that money I will give a rats ass lol!
                      Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


                      • #12
                        "Do you know how much I make?"

                        My answer: "More than you're worth, obviously"


                        • #13
                          Three responses to the annoying "Do you know how much I make?" folks.
                          Said by yours truly.* Best to not imitate these things as I tend to be away from bosses.

                          "More than your IQ?"

                          "More than enough for you to know better?"

                          "No and the world doesn't care."

                          Sadly, I encounter this just about all the time.
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

