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annoying customers

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  • annoying customers

    So, right now Florida is having a tax free holiday on clothing under $50 and school supplies under $10. And it's driving me crazy. The store was very busy yesterday and it actually felt good to be putting in a hard's day of work, but I could do without the stupid people. Today things were a bit slower, but still very busy for a Sunday. I had many encounters with sucky customers, but thank goodness, none were too terrible.

    Many people decided to tell me as soon as I started ringing up items, "remember, that's tax free!" How could I forget? What, do you think I live under a rock?

    And the signs...dear, god, the signs. I don't think people can read. We have clearance signs that say "Save up to 75% off." Save UP TO 75% off. (I've complained about this before in another thread, but I have to again.) Okay, sometimes, those signs are a problem. Maybe once a day I have someone try to argue with me about the sign. "Oh, it's supposed to be 75% off. That's what the sign says!" Today, however, it seemed like it was every other person. I couldn't believe the number of people that swore up and down with me that the sign said 75% off. Some would get quite irate with me when I would say otherwise. I had a SC go back to check the sign after she told me bluntly, "No, you are WRONG. Hold on." She comes back a few moments later and says, "No, never mind, I don't want this shirt anymore."

    I also had someone get snippy after I told them that Penney's doesn't open until later on Sunday's. She was acting like it was somehow my fault, asking me why Penney's opened later, because she had something she had to return and needed to do it now..."Why aren't they open?" she kept asking me. I DON'T KNOW, nor do I care! (JC Penney is open 12-5, versus our 10-6. Customer came in at 11 ish.)

    Anyway, later I had to go upstairs and I stopped by the upstairs cashwrap to check in with my friend, who was still new. This lady comes up with a cart with some kids in it. "Do you have another bathroom since that one is closed?" she asked in a nasty tone. (I hate it when people come up to me already angry.) The bathroom had to be closed a couple of minutes ago because someone had made a bit of a mess. We told the lady no and then she asked, "Where's your employee bathroom?"

    Me: "Ma'am, you can't use that bathroom, I'm sorry. There's one downstairs in the food court." (We can't let customers use our bathroom since it's supposedly not up to standards or something. Heh.)
    SC: "Well, by law you have to have a bathroom in the store opened for customer use!"
    Fellow cashier: "Ours had to be closed temporary for clean up."
    SC just roles her eyes, mutters, and pushes her cart off angrily. Don't know what was wrong with her either. I think she was upset that she had to go downstairs, but if she had wanted to use the employee bathroom, she would have had to gone downstairs anyway.

    I also went a little crazy because we had a lot of Alabamians come down to shop in FL for tax free and, well, I spent a good deal of time giving out directions to the other mall nearby. (Or directions to the nearest Wal-mart or Target.) I don't mind this normally, but when I have a long line forming and somebody must have a written, detailed map to the next kinda irks me. I nearly tore out the little map of the area outta the phone book for this one couple. They needed a hand drawn map and wanted all the traffic lights noted and all the roads noted. I'm not a damn atlas people!

    I'm glad I have tomorrow off. So happy.