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Why always on the bad days?

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  • Why always on the bad days?

    I'll start by giving you an idea of my state right now. I had a very roller coaster-ish weekend. There were moments where I was completely elated (like winning Best in Show at the Costume Contest), and moments where I was at the lowest point I have ever been at (like having good friends holding my hair back and forcing me to purge). On top of that, a good friend of mine started a fight with me this morning over aspects of my personal life that are none of his business.

    So today it seems like every customer I get is incredibly rude in one way or another. I can let most of that go, except there are two that just really made me angry. To the point of tears, actually.

    A regular, hospital staff, comes in and purchases snacks with the employee debit system. As of last Friday, any employee who uses this system has the option to be submitted in a drawing for the rock fountain in our window display. So I asked him, knowing he's been coveting that water fountain, if he wanted to enter. He did, so I put his receipt in the jug. He comes back an hour later to buy more stuff, which makes him elligible to enter the drawing another time (they can enter as many times as they want). I forgot for a moment about the drawing and started to hand him his receipt. Instead of just asking me to put it in the drawing, he said "You better put that in the damn jug!" I just looked at him, offered a half hearted apology and walked away.

    Second was a nurse who was taking a break from training a class. She came in with a few of her students and bought a few smallish items. Typically when the nurses do this, they decline a bag to put the candy in their scrubs pockets. Since she's always done this in the past, I didn't ask if she wanted a bag. So of course this is the one time she wants one. "Gimme a bag! I need a bag." I gave her a bag and then walked away once more.

    I'm trying hard not to be overly sensitive right now, but I'm just not feeling like myself.

  • #2
    somedays you just want to rip your hair out of your head when dealing with the buying public.


    • #3
      Try this;

      Take a deep calming breath,
      Begin the mantra,

      "I don't work at Walmart, I don't work at Walmart."
      "I won't work at Walmart, I won't work at Walmart."

      Repeat until you become calm or psychotic. Either way problem solved.

      Seriously though, I don't think you were upset for no reason.
      "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."


      • #4
        Just got off the phone with woman running the show I'm doing costumes for. She's mad that I don't have a car and can't get to campus the moment I'm out of work. It'll take just under an hour to take the bus to campus where it's a 15 minute drive. I have two of the costumes with me, so I can see why she's mad. Tough. I've had the same work schedule since February.


        • #5
          Quoth FenigDurak View Post
          Just got off the phone with woman running the show I'm doing costumes for. She's mad that I don't have a car and can't get to campus the moment I'm out of work. It'll take just under an hour to take the bus to campus where it's a 15 minute drive. I have two of the costumes with me, so I can see why she's mad. Tough. I've had the same work schedule since February.
          The proper reply is, "Thank you for volunteering to arrange for transportation for me. I'll need to be picked up at [X] o'clock and I'm sure that whoever you arrange this with--or you, if you just decide to drive me yourself--will be able to get me there in no time."


          • #6
            Lol. I work for an independent theatre group, and an indie film company in my "spare" time. They often get on my nerves when they don't understand that I have to work my real job (you know, the one that pays my rent and bills?) before I can help them out with anything.
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #7
              Quoth Freemage View Post
              The proper reply is, "Thank you for volunteering to arrange for transportation for me. I'll need to be picked up at [X] o'clock and I'm sure that whoever you arrange this with--or you, if you just decide to drive me yourself--will be able to get me there in no time."
              VERY good answer Freemage!
              It's like people at meetings who whine about how things are done. "Oh, thanks for volunteering to run that program" is always my answer!
              I no longer fear HELL.
              I work in RETAIL.


              • #8
                Yeah, just like at my work. When the owner complains about the floor being messy. I always tell him, thanks for sweeping it. I always clean it on Friday nights. I am the only one to clean it, except that one time, when one of my old coworkers done it.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  Quoth Strikesfirmly View Post
                  Try this;

                  Take a deep calming breath,
                  Begin the mantra,

                  "I don't work at Walmart, I don't work at Walmart."
                  "I won't work at Walmart, I won't work at Walmart."

                  Repeat until you become calm or psychotic. Either way problem solved.
                  That doesn't work for me. I close my eyes and say that a few times. Then guess where I am when I open my eyes again? o_O


                  • #10

                    something I've found that helps me iron out my moods is a B-complex vitamin.

                    due to the anti-sz drugs I take i'm kind of on the "downish" side of life..and my brain's programmed that way too.

                    I take B vitamins and they help stabilize my mood and up my energy/ metabolism a bit. Make me more efficient I believe.

                    Try them, cheap @ drugstores...B6 and B12 emphasis.
                    Always on full stomach.

                    Do this for a week, and tell me what you feel.


                    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                    • #11
                      Quoth booger View Post
                      That doesn't work for me. I close my eyes and say that a few times. Then guess where I am when I open my eyes again? o_O
                      You should keep your eyes closed and continue repeating the mantra until the problem goes away.

                      That'll be $6.50 and all your worldly possessions please.
                      Icy mountaintop retreat provided free of charge.
                      "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                        you just want to rip your hair out when dealing with the public.

                        Not out of my head, theirs. Always theirs.
                        Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Cutenoob View Post

                          I'm working on that. There is an event in Los Angeles that I want to go to next month, and I'm still trying to get shift coverage. So far, I have a few maybes and a "Can you make it a two day thing instead of a week?" I still need to pick up my plane tickets.


                          • #14
                            Whatever happened to "please" and "thank you?"
                            "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                            • #15
                              My mantra has always been along these lines:
                              "Imagine yourself by a river. The woods surrounding you are tall and green. The sky is clear and blue. The sunshine is warm, dappled through the leaves. You are far away from that place called "the world". No one knows you are here. Listen to the water in the river gurgle and splash. The water is so clear and sparkling clean that you can easily see the fish, as well as the panicked expression on the face of the weaseling twit whose head you are holding under."
                              Sadly, not an original.
                              Haikus are easy
                              But sometimes they don't make sense

