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The current bane of my existance

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  • The current bane of my existance

    My store already has a rewards program where customers can earn points and get certificates for free gifts, but someone decided we needed ANOTHER rewards program now. So in addition to all the sales and promotions we started this past Sunday for Mother's Day (I work at a salon/cosmetics store), we also started the new rewards program. It's a pretty simple program, lots of other stores have something similar. During the promotional period, customers get a cash rewards coupon for every $20 spent in the store. Each coupon is good for $5 off a purchase of $20 or more, and the coupons can be redeemed later on specified dates. For example, we're giving them out this week (not sure exactly when the promo ends), and they can be redeemed May 14-19. Not too hard to understand, right? Unfortunately, I have some variation of this conversation with customers all day:

    Me: "With your purchase today, you've earned x number of coupons, which are each good for $5 off a purchase of $20 or more, redeemable May 14-19."
    Customer: "Oh, can I redeem them on my purchase today?"
    Me: "No, you earned them by making your purchase today, they have to be redeemed on the specified dates, May 14-19."
    Customer: "Can I use more than one at a time?"
    Me: "Yes, you can use one coupon for every $20 spent." (limited to how many coupons they earned, of course)
    Customer (in a very disappointed tone of voice):"Oh, I thought that as long as I spent at least $20, I could use as many as I wanted, so I could get something that costs $20 and use both my coupons to get it for $10."
    Me: "No, I'm sorry, you can redeem one coupon per $20 spent, so if you spend $40 you can use two, spend $60 and use three, and so on."

    Maybe I have too much faith in people, but is this really THAT difficult of a concept to understand? You EARN your coupons now. You can REDEEM them later, which I TOLD you in the first place. We are not going to just give you coupons at the register that essentially give you 25% off your purchase. The whole point of the promotion is to encourage you to come back in later and spend MORE money. Coincidentally, right after Mother's Day, because business naturally slows down then. Of course, you can't expect customers to understand that businesses want to make money, so they don't just give discounts out of the goodness of their hearts...there's ALWAYS an ulterior motive to any sale or promotion, ALWAYS.
    Last edited by captainvegetable02; 04-24-2007, 08:39 AM.

  • #2
    The silly people who dream up these promotions should have to deal with putting them into effect. They vastly overestimate the general intelligence level of the customer base.

    Hell, sometimes even WE have trouble figuring out the promotions.

    Although there are some hardware coupons that couldn't be more simple;

    'Purchase $15 worth of items and this coupon is worth $5 off.' Or words to that effect.

    Obviously they just don't get it.

    Sad, so sad.

    Better yet;
    What do you mean I can't use my coupons back here in (electronics)?
    "This is an entirely separate store sir/ma'am."
    So? You work for the same people and your store is inside the other store.
    "Can't do it."
    Can I use the coupon if I pay for the items up front?
    "Uh, no."
    "There are times in your life when you'll have to eat crow. Actually, you don't have to eat it-just hold it in your mouth long enough until nobody's watching, and then spit it out."


    • #3
      Quoth Strikesfirmly View Post
      Can I use the coupon if I pay for the items up front?
      "Uh, no."
      Of course some cashiers don't care to the point that they'll just do it anyway.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        We had something like that when I worked at Aero. Spend $50, get a $10 off a $25 purchase coupon that was good for certain dates. I think the most frequent line I got was "I didn't know I had to spend another $25 to get $10 off." Uh yes you did, we had to explain the cards as we gave them out, along with highlighting the dates and the $10 off part. Plus I'd get the people who would come up with one item for $24.99 and expect to get $10 off, then they'd freak out when I told them it had to be for $25 before tax... it says that on the card also. One of our regulars would do this every single time we had the promotion going on.

        I hated those things.


        • #5
          Whenever I think 'coupons' I see this:

          With any purchase of the most expensive item we have.
          Re: Quiche.
          Pie is manly.
          Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
          Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
          So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!

