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No wonder I'm sick

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  • No wonder I'm sick

    My system's been fighting off a constant exposure to the stupid bug yesterday. Now I feel awful. I took today off so I could go with my godchildren and their mother to the zoo tomorrow for my goddaughter's preschool field trip. Now it looks like I'll have to stay in bed all day, unless I can fight this thing off. Anyway, you're not here for that. On to the meat and potatoes (with lots of fruit):

    The usuals:

    SW = Sucky Woman
    SM = Sucky Man
    Me = CSR with the sniffles


    SW: How long will it take to ship?
    ME: I have UPS Ground delivery, which is $9.95 and comes within 7 business days, or UPS Express shipping which is $15 and comes within 2-3 business days.
    SW: So which is it?
    ME: ...Which, uh-?
    SW: Which way are you going to send it?
    ME: What would you prefer?
    SW: That's what I'm asking!

    I think you want our "Super Deluxe Awesome Shipping Go!" service. You pay me 5 bucks and I'll have the warehouse guys fire it out of a cannon. Delivery not guaranteed. Or there's our "Throw Like a Girl" option which is free and they'll throw it really hard in your general direction.

    If you keep asking, maybe the answer will change

    SM: Is the phone going to ship today?
    ME: Well, it's early enough in the day that there's a good chance UPS will have it out from our warehouse by this evening, but could be as late as tomorrow morning.
    SM: So when is is going to ship?
    ME: As soon as possible.
    SM: When is that?
    ME: As soon as the order processes and the UPS guy drops in to pick up the orders for the day.
    SM: So UPS already picked it up?
    ME: No, I haven't even submitted the order yet, since we're still discussing shipping.
    SM: But you're shipping it today?
    ME: If at all possible.
    SM: But you shipped it, right?
    ME: I will, yes.
    SM: So when will it go out?
    ME: Soon.

    Oh the pain. The pain of it all.

    Make it stop

    SW: I used to work at a call center-
    ME (Oh crud, here we go)
    SW: And I know people call in and just want stuff, but I'm not one of them. But $259.70 in overage is just too much.
    ME: I can understand. If I had a bill like that, I'd have a hard time taking care of it.
    SW: Yeah, so, I mean, I've been with you guys forever. I'm like your oldest customer. And I'm so totally loyal. I only canceled and went to another provider the 1 time, but I did come back after the contract was over!
    ME: Riiight. So, in regards to your service, we do have different plans we can look at if your needs are changing...
    SW: So, I just went over the 1 time. I should get a credit since I'm, like, such a great customer and so loyal and all.
    ME: First of all, as far as the overage is concerned I see you started going over a week before your bill cycle ended. When you checked your minutes last month and saw you were over, did you-
    SW: (laugh) Oh, I don't ever check my minutes. I don't have to. I just "know" how many minutes I'm using.
    ME: Unfortunately, the charge is going to be va-
    SW: Oh there has to be something you can do! I go around getting all my friends to come to (Company). I've brought so much service to you guys! I'm like (Company)'s bilge rat.
    ME: Please hold.
    **hold music**
    ME: Ok, I was able to get a credit approved to your account equal to 100% of your rate plan of $39.99 as a one-time courtesy.
    SW: Oh thanks so much! You are so awesome!

    Yeah, I did it. I gave her a credit. But come on, she used the words "bilge rat!" That made her credit-worthy. A last-ditch save by the customer.

    Not as good as bilge rat woman

    SM: I want a credit all the way back to December! I wanted this feature changed back then!
    ME: I see you called in about upgrading the phone at that time. But I don't see any discussion of changing that feature.
    SM: Well it's not my fault your company screwed up! I'm not paying for it!
    ME: Now, when you called in December was right at the end of your bill cycle. So when you got the next bill and saw that it hadn't changed...
    SM: I don't ever look at my bill! I just call in and pay it, and if it is around $XXX amount then I don't worry about it!

    Sorry, Charlie. Maybe we dropped the ball. Maybe we didn't do something you asked us to. But you've had 4 bills before you realized the feature still hadn't been changed. There's a reason we send bills. To be fair, I did credit him for the last bill only.

    Oh for the love of Shiva

    SW: Why my service not canceled? I move to India! Service was supposed to cancel in February! I still getting billed!
    ME: Your service is canceled. It canceled on 03/26. This is your last bill.
    SW: But I wanted to cancel in February!
    ME: I see you called on 01/30, saying you were moving out of the country. We discussed suspending your service, but-
    SW: There was no suspend! I tell them to cancel! But now I am still getting the bill!
    ME: No, I don't see we canceled until you called on 03/26.
    SW: I am in India! Why I use phone if I not in United States?
    ME: You're in India right now?
    SW: Yes.
    ME: Hmm, well, like I said, this is your final bill. You won't receive another.
    SW: Okay, fine! But if I get another bill I call back!

    I didn't watch the news at all this weekend. Did India annex Wisconsin? Was there an invasion I missed? I'm a flipping phone service! Did it not cross your mind that I have caller ID?

    Stirke One

    ME: If I could just have your mobile number please?
    SM: Uh...

    Strike Two

    ME: May I please have your mobile number?
    SW: I don't know it.

    Strike Three

    ME: I'd be happy to look at your account. Could I have your mobile number please?
    SM: Oh. You need that?

    Okay, okay. I know we don't call ourselves and it's sometimes hard to remember our own numbers. I even fumble mine once in awhile. But when you are calling your phone provider, it's probably safe to assume that we're going to need your number for some reason or another.


    SW: Yeah, what time do your store close?

    I dunno. Maybe you should call the store and ask them. We're a nationwide multi-billion dollar corporation with thousands of stores and authorized dealers. Do you really think I have any clue when "the store" closes?


    SW: What was the question I was going to ask you?

    Beats me. Maybe it was "Why do I smell something burning every time I try to think?" But you should probably see a doctor for that. Or play in traffic. Here, have an animal cracker. It's a camel!
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Kara_CS View Post
    I think you want our "Super Deluxe Awesome Shipping Go!" service. You pay me 5 bucks and I'll have the warehouse guys fire it out of a cannon. Delivery not guaranteed. Or there's our "Throw Like a Girl" option which is free and they'll throw it really hard in your general direction.
    I'm imagining a pile of phone boxes about 50 feet from the warehouse right now. Rather surreal if you ask me.

    Oh, when will then be now?
    ME: Soon.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      Holy cow...
      Now I have to wonder...
      what would happen if Kara_CS's customers and Gravekeeper's customers got together and bred...



      *runs away screaming*
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #4
        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
        SW: Which way are you going to send it?
        ME: What would you prefer?
        SW: That's what I'm asking!
        SM: Is the phone going to ship today?
        ME: Well, it's early enough in the day that there's a good chance UPS will have it out from our warehouse by this evening, but could be as late as tomorrow morning.
        SM: So when is is going to ship?
        ME: As soon as possible.
        SM: When is that?
        ME: As soon as the order processes and the UPS guy drops in to pick up the orders for the day.
        SM: So UPS already picked it up?
        ME: No, I haven't even submitted the order yet, since we're still discussing shipping.
        SM: But you're shipping it today?
        ME: If at all possible.
        SM: But you shipped it, right?
        ME: I will, yes.
        SM: So when will it go out?
        ME: Soon.
        Are you, by any chance, familiar with Abbott and Costello "Who's on first"?
        Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


        • #5
          Quoth Kara_CS View Post
          If you keep asking, maybe the answer will change

          SM: So when will it go out?
          ME: Soon.
          So, yeah, oddly enough I get situations like that, too, where I work now. I'll get a call from the loan processor or someone near to them in their company. And, well... this is how it goes, usually.
          RJ: "I see you made comments in the system, today at 8:30 AM, PST."
          LP: "Yeah, when will I get a response to them?"
          RJ: "All comments have a 24-hour turn-around window (Or: our Underwriters have 24 hours from the time the comment was placed to review the comments, and respond)..."
          LP: "Even for a VIP file?"
          RJ: *sigh* "I'm sorry sir, this file isn't flagged as a VIP file, first off. Second off, yes, even for VIP files. All the underwriters get new files constantly. They can't just sit around waiting for your response to their request for additional info."
          LP: "Can we rush it? It's closing next Friday."
          RJ: "Ha! Hell no we can't rush it. Unless it's closing within that 24-hour window, there's no reason to rush it. However, if it hasn't been responded to by 8:30 AM, PST, tomorrow, call us and we'll poke the underwriter, make sure she's not dead. (Oddly enough, most of our VIP underwriters are female.) Okay?"
          LP:" *dejected* Okay..."
          RJ: *click*
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            Quoth iradney View Post
            Holy cow...
            Now I have to wonder...
            what would happen if Kara_CS's customers and Gravekeeper's customers got together and bred...

            At this point I'm not entirely sure they aren't already. ><


            • #7
              Quoth Kara_CS View Post
              SW: What was the question I was going to ask you?
              "I'm not sure, but I'd bet good money that it was something that killed off everyone's brain cells in a 50 mile radius!!!!!"
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth Foxglove8778 View Post
                Are you, by any chance, familiar with Abbott and Costello "Who's on first"?
                Yes, I heard it ages ago and still love it! Got a tape of it somewhere. Just no cassette player to play it on...

                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                At this point I'm not entirely sure they aren't already. ><
                Nah, I doubt it. Though Chaos Theory dictates that it's inevitable. Remember how the Nazis tried to make a perfect race of people with superior genetics? This would be like the same thing only the polar opposite. I'm thinking more along the lines of the inbred cannibals from The Hills Have Eyes (old one, never seen the remake).
                "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                • #9
                  Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                  I'm thinking more along the lines of the inbred cannibals from The Hills Have Eyes (old one, never seen the remake).
                  Offsprings of these SC would consider the inbreds from THHE as their intelectual superiors for being able to handle a wifebeater and drinking beer without having to smash the bottle on their skulls to open it.
                  Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                  "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
                    Offsprings of these SC would consider the inbreds from THHE as their intelectual superiors for being able to handle a wifebeater and drinking beer without having to smash the bottle on their skulls to open it.
                    But you're assuming these theoretical progeny have the ability to work a DVD player.


                    • #11
                      Quoth draggar View Post

                      Oh, when will then be now?
                      Keep firing, a**holes!
                      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Reyneth View Post
                        But you're assuming these theoretical progeny have the ability to work a DVD player.
                        "It's my sex-box, and her name is 'Sony'!"

                        "I call murder on that!"


                        • #13
                          Peter: You mean the presents that were from the family?
                          Brian: You gave those away? Peter, those were the presents for the family!
                          Peter: Oh, jeez. When did they change the meaning of "from" to "for?"
                          Brian: There was a meeting.
                          Peter: And why wasn't I notified?
                          Brian: Well, they sent you a memo. But it said it was for you so you probably thought it was from you, so you... You know what? It's just easier to call you retarded.

                          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                            Peter: You mean the presents that were from the family?
                            Brian: You gave those away? Peter, those were the presents for the family!
                            Peter: Oh, jeez. When did they change the meaning of "from" to "for?"
                            Brian: There was a meeting.
                            Peter: And why wasn't I notified?
                            Brian: Well, they sent you a memo. But it said it was for you so you probably thought it was from you, so you... You know what? It's just easier to call you retarded.

                            Hooray for Family guy.

                            Kara I do cell phone support too and I hear everything like you have in your thread. I've gotten colds TWICE since I started there after getting one only ONE in a year and a half at my old job. Not to mention the headaches.


                            • #15
                              I suffer from migraines. Amazingly enough, I don't get as many anymore as I used to. Go figure.

                              The real cause of my sickness was taking care of sick family last week. Add the fact that I haven't gotten sick yet this past winter (I always get it at the end of the season, never early on or during).
                              "You are loved" - Plaidman.

