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Dragon Lady strikes again

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  • Dragon Lady strikes again

    It had already been a rough night when I saw her standing there, lurking off to the side of the courtesy desk with a shopping cart full of plastic bottles looking as evil and repulsive as ever. I am dealing with an unmotivated cashier, a customer with a legitimate gripe, two calls on hold, and the 5 o'clock rush.

    Moments like this are when the venom spewing fire breathing Dragon Lady (DL) decides to strike...

    DL: "Your recycle machine keeps rejecting these bottles and I want my money, NOW"

    CSM: "Ma'am I will be right with you...." as I fly by on my way to a problem at a register.

    DL: "NO--You will deal with this NOW!! I have been standing out there trying to get the bottle machine to accept these bottles and it keeps rejecting them. I paid the deposit, I want my money back."

    CSM: <while processing a lottery transaction> "Ma'am, let me see the bottles..."
    DL: "No...I just need your to solve this, answer my question...and give my money to me!"
    CSM:"In order for me to help I MUST see the bottles to determine IF I am required BY LAW to return a deposit to you. Work with me here....please."
    DL: <waving a plastic NON DEPOSIT water bottle in my direction> " will not take these."
    CSM: "Ah...there is the problem the Bay State doesn't collect a deposit on water bottles or juice bottles."
    DL: "YES IT DOES! Stops screwing around and give me my money"
    CSM: "Ma'am, please read the states that are included in the list on the panel over the bar code. I am willing to bet my paycheck that the Bay State is NOT listed."
    <Silence while the list is read>
    DL: "Well, what am I supposed to do with all these bottles???"
    CSM: "Ma'am I recommend finding a trash can or taking them to the Nutmeg State and seeing if you can redeem them there."
    <now comes the ultimate threat>
    DL: "I am calling the office and talking to the Jolly Green Giant because you are rude and will not give me the money for the deposit."
    CSM: "By ALL means call the office and complain that in a state that doesn't collect a bottle deposit on water and juice bottles, I will not give you money that you are not entitled to...please PLEASE make the call."

    Cell phone in hand DL stomps off wheeling her cart full of useless water and juice bottles to call and report me for not giving her money that she was not due....I wish there was a way for me to get that 15 minutes of my life back because I feel I could have handled it SO much better....

  • #2
    You could have handled it 'properly' but I think you actually handled it better lol. As in, we're supposed to bend over backwards to help customers right? Well I think that's bull shit. If they're nice, with a legitimate complaint, yes. But ones who are rude like this? Totally justifiable, in my eyes, to be blunt with them and not take their shit. So I think you handled it perfect!


    • #3
      She probably got the "HAVE to take it" from our ballot question that would make basically everything depositable (my own thought is that it's a bad idea, mainly for that we'd NEVER get rid of the crazies who jam our bottle machines).

      We get hissyfits about everything: water bottles, iced tea cans, juice bottles etc. Even beer from one guy--we don't sell beer so our machines can't take them, and the desk can't take bottles that the store doesn't sell. We have one CSM who won't let the desk take anything the machines don't, even if the product scans as ours (that's annoying--you know we sell it and you know the machine's barcode reader probably hasn't been updated since they were installed).
      Last edited by Dreamstalker; 10-30-2014, 02:54 AM.
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #4
        Quoth carryonnow View Post
        DL: "Well, what am I supposed to do with all these bottles???"
        Answers on a postcard, please.....
        Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


        • #5
          Please don't tell me she got into a car with Nutmeg State plates...


          • #6
            Quoth Shalom View Post
            Please don't tell me she got into a car with Nutmeg State plates...
            No, she is a garden variety local nut job with Bay State plates. She is the crazy one her family kept locked away.


            • #7
              Quoth Marmalady View Post
              Answers on a postcard, please.....

              Oh that she were able to tell her arse from a hole in the ground....but I don't think picture postcards would help her figure that out.


              • #8
                Quoth Evannah View Post
                You could have handled it 'properly' but I think you actually handled it better lol. As in, we're supposed to bend over backwards to help customers right? Well I think that's bull shit. If they're nice, with a legitimate complaint, yes. But ones who are rude like this? Totally justifiable, in my eyes, to be blunt with them and not take their shit. So I think you handled it perfect!
                it is my goal to get as many complaints from her as possible. Dragon Lady is a bit of a local legend. She reduces service workers to tears in a 30 mile radius. One national level fast food restaurant will not allow her shadow to darken their doorway as many have counter workers quit on the spot once dealing with her.


                • #9
                  Quoth carryonnow View Post
                  No, she is a garden variety local nut job with Bay State plates. She is the crazy one her family kept locked away.
                  Her family is failing in their duty.
                  "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                  • #10
                    Quoth carryonnow View Post

                    DL: "Well, what am I supposed to do with all these bottles???"
                    CSM: "Ma'am I recommend finding a trash can or taking them to the Nutmeg State and seeing if you can redeem them there."
                    Pretty sure that is illegal. (to return bottles for money when you never paid a deposit on them.)

                    So, I hope she does it and gets caught!


                    • #11
                      Quoth carryonnow View Post
                      No, she is a garden variety local nut job with Bay State plates. She is the crazy one her family kept locked away.

                      Yep she's a nut, Meg.

                      Wonder if there's a Silver Alert for her . . .
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Y'know, now that the OP no longer works for the company in question she can finally give Dragon Lady a good dressing down! I would pay to see that.


                        • #13
                          Quoth alogram View Post
                          Pretty sure that is illegal. (to return bottles for money when you never paid a deposit on them.)
                          Can't speak for the Bay State or the Nutmeg State, but out here in the Wolverine State it most definitely is, with penalties ranging from a $100 civil fine to a 5-year/$5000 felony depending on how many nonreturnable containers are involved and how many times you've done it before.
                          "I often look at every second idiot and think, 'He needs more power.'" --Varric Tethras, Dragon Age II

